Letter P. Mrokek-Drozdovsky D.I. Ilovaisky

Identifier 7b6b3d77-4e63-41e5-a65d-19083e85dfc2
Title Letter P. Mrokek-Drozdovsky D.I. Ilovaisky
Dates 1876
Notes The title of the case is also: the letter of Peter Nikolayevich Mrokek-Drozdovsky, associate professor of Moscow University, D. I. Ilovaisky with gratitude for the copy of the History of Russia sentHandwritten text.Ink
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 126
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series Опись архива Дмитрия Ивановича Иловайского
Extent 2 sheets
Fonds Ilovaisky Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920), professor of history at Moscow University, editor-publisher of the newspaper "Kremlin"
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