Letters gr.E. Saliasa de Tustemir D.I. Ilovaisky

Identifier aad17cac-42ab-43d2-90f5-d35986f45cdb
Title Letters gr.E. Saliasa de Tustemir D.I. Ilovaisky
Dates 1880
Notes The title of the case is also: letters of Count Evgeny Andreyevich Saliasa de Tutemir, writer, D. I. Ilovaysky with the adoption of the article about de mitra and his comments for publication in the newspaper KremlinHandwritten text.Ink
Text language Russian
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 1636 / 1 / 146
Cataloguing source RGIA
Series Опись архива Дмитрия Ивановича Иловайского
Extent 4 sheets
Creator "Kremlin", newspaper
Fonds Ilovaisky Dmitry Ivanovich (1832-1920), professor of history at Moscow University, editor-publisher of the newspaper "Kremlin"
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