Red novel.1933. № 4. April

Red New: Lit.-Art.scientific-button.journal/ RSFSR.GlavdrifitProsvet.- Moscow: State.Publishing house, 1921-1942.-In the overshag.: 1921-1923 GlavpolitProsvet;1924 - without overall.PZEG.: 1921-1931 № 2 lit.-art.and scientific-button.journals;1931 No. 3 - 1932 No. 10 lit.-art.scientific-button.journalfederations of owls.writers;1932 № 11 - lit.-art.and scientific-button.journalOrganizing Committee of the Union of Sov.writers.Publishing house: 1921 - 1931 No. 1 state.Publishing1931 № 2 - state.Publishing house art.lit.Place ed.: 1921 - 1922 № 5 (9) Moscow;1922 No. 6 (10) - 1923 M.-Petrograd;1924 - M.-L.6 times a year.[Books content 1-14, 1921-1923] - in ed.... 1923, kN.5 (15), p.[414-418].Monthly.Irregularly..I. RSFSR.The main political and educational com.1.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen1933. No. 4. April: Zhurn.Art.lit., critics and parubs.: Organization of the Organizing Committee of the Union of Soviet Writers of the RSFSR.- 1933. - [228] with .. - -For oblast: a substrateNote..1. People (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGPU them.A.I.Herzen
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