The People's Teacher. G. 12. 1917. № 23-24. September

People's teacher: Monthly. journal. Ed. AND I. Vigalok, N.N. Iordanskogo, F.V. Kiparisova [and others]. - Moscow; Leningrad: Worker of Education, 1924-1935. -
Publishing House: 1924-1930 "Worker of Education"; 1931 Uchpedgiz.
In the overhead: 1924 - 1925 № 7/8 Ed. AND I. Vigalok, N.N. Iordansky, F.V. Kiparisov [and others]; 1928 - 1929 № 6 The ans. Ed. F.V. Kiparisov.
Subzag: 1924 - 1925 № 7/8 Monthly. magazine; 1925 № 9 - 1934 Monthly. journal. Centre. com. Union of educators of the USSR; 1935 Society-political, lit.-artist. and nauch.-pedagogic. journal. Organ of the Central Committee of Trade Unions of workers in the primary and secondary schools of the RSFSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Byelorussian SSR [and others].
I. Kiparisov, F.V. II. Jordan, N.N. .. III. Vigalok, A.Ya..1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
G. 12. 1917. № 23-24. September: Weekly. journal. prof. and soc.-ped. - A type. "Public benefit", 1917. - [16] with .. -
On the region: Prof. and soc.-ped. weekly. Journal:
Contents: 1. G. Committee on the reform of public education. 2. The Council Vser. Teaches. Union on Reform. 3. Reform of spelling. 4. On the unification of schools in one department. On the introduction of compulsory education, [and others].
1. The people (the collection).
Source of electronic copy: PB
Location of original: РГПУ им. A.I. Herzen
Publisher тип. "Общественная польза"

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