Description |
Kulish, Panteleimon Alexandrovich (1819-1897).
Notes on Southern Russia / Ed. P. Kulish. T. 1-2. - St. Petersburg: type. A. Jakobson, 1856-1857. -2 tons; 22 cm. -
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1. Territory (collection). |
Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original: SPbSU |
T. 2: [Fairy tales and storytellers; The story of a contemporary Pole about the campaigns against the Haidamaks; Naymichka: The poem; Orisia: The Idyll / [Soch.] P.A. Kulisha. Note by a member of the Little Russian Collegium G.N. Teplova. Little Russian songs, put on notes for singing and piano А.N. Markevich. On the antiquity and originality of the South-Russian language: Article by John Mogilevsky. The funeral, written off from the words of the villager, in the Kharkov province, Lisovik. On the causes of enmity between the Poles and Ukrainians in the XVII century: (Two items of MA Grabovsky and PA Kulish on the occasion of the recently discovered universal of Ostnitsa Hetman). - 1857.-XIII, 354 p. : il .. - Bibliograf. in a substring. Notes .. - Ex .: without region
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1. Territory (collection). |
Source of electronic copy: PB Location of original: SPbSU |