Megalithic monuments of the Holy Land

Olesnitsky, A.A.Megalithic monuments of the Holy Land: Acad.A.A.Olesnitsky.- St. Petersburg: ed.Imp.Orthodox Palestinian O-BA, 1895. - [6], XI, 69, 209-413, [1] p.: Il .. - (Orthodox Palestinian collection; T. 14. Vol. 3).-In the bookAlso: the story and the tale of the pregnancy in Jerusalem and Troitsky Sergiyev Monastery of the Black Diakyon Jones on the Rank Little 1649-1652./ Ed.S.O.Dolgova.- text and substrate.Note .. - Ex.: no oblast.1. Russian language (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSU
Publisher Изд. Имп. Православного Палестинского о-ва

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