Trilogy on trilogy

Bajansky, Osip Maksimovich (1808-1877).Trilogy on the trilogy: East.Essay of contemporaryLife Rus.Un-T / Oh.K. Mucition Solesol [pseud.].- Moscow: ed.Imp.About the history and antiquities grew.With mosk.Un-Te, 1873. - [2], 73 p.;28 cm. -At the end presented.Auth.: OB;Installed by Ed.: Masanov I.F.Dictionary of pseudonyms ... 1957. T. 2. P. text and substrate.Notes .. - From: "Reading in the O-ve history and antiquities of Ros. With Mosk. Un-Te 1873, KN. 1".- Ex.: No oblast..I. Sutsevola, K. Muition (1808-1877).II.ABOUT.(1808-1877).III.Moscow University.1.People (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSU
Publisher Изд. Имп. О-ва истории и древностей рос. при Моск. ун-те

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