Realism and naturalism in the literature and in art

David-Sovazho, A.Realism and naturalism in literature and art: the work of Hisen.Paris Acad.moral and polit.Sciences / A. David Sovazho;Per.A. Serebryakova.- Moscow: ed.K.T.Soldatenkova, 1891. -XII, 350, [1] p.;22 cm - -S. V-VI: "Extract from the report of [S.] Martha".- a substrateNote .. - Ex.: no oblast, with a manus.litter..I. Serebryakova, a .. ii.Sovazho, a..1.Russian language (collection).Electronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: SPbSU
Publisher Изд. К.Т. Солдатенкова

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