The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily obliged by the peasants of E. K. Vorontsova of the villages of Derenkovts, ...

Foundation F. 577. Main Treasury of the Ministry of Finance
Inventory Op. 14. 1862-1895
Case RGIA. F. 577 Op. 14 D. 2243
The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily bound peasants of EK Vorontsova to the villages of Derenkovts, Sekirna, Lozovka, and other Cherkassy district of the Kiev province. March 29, 1863 - January 25, 1872
Identifier afa987f9-f4ed-4af4-8666-a31ce28c1d6a
Text language rtustag
Name The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily bound peasants of EK Vorontsova, villages of Derenkovtsa, Sekirnoy, Lozovka and other Cherkassy district of the Kiev province. March 29, 1863 - January 25, 1872
Dates March 29, 1863 - January 25, 1872
Volume 731 sheets
Level Case
Record creator RGIA
Storage cipher RGIA. 577/14/2243

Original case title: The Case of Princess Vorontsova EK of the Kiev Province of Cherkassy County Derenkovts, Sekirnoy, Lozovka and other settlements. March 29, 1863 - January 25, 1872

Handwritten text. Ink

Catalogue object