Cases of the main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance in Mogilev province

Identifier ebe9354a-72e4-4108-8b04-90114e618367
Title Cases of the main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance in Mogilev province
Dates 1862
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 577 / 19
Cataloguing source РГИА
Extent 1765 единиц хранения
Fonds The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 10. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Brzhostovsky village of Khochinki Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 100. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI, SA, AA, MA and N.A. Vlasyevy villages Terepich Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1000. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Romanoviche village of Medvedniki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1001. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Rostkovsky estate of the Elepek Orshansky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1002. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Rostkovsky estate Borodino Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1003. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Rostkovsky estate of Gleb, Zarechye, etc. Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1004. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Rostkovsky villages of Lubartovo and Kartovshchina of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1005. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Rudnitskogo-Sipaylo Manor Chernoruchye Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1006. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Rudnitskogo-Sipaylo villages Brantseva and Zemtsy Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1007. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants MA, Anton, Joseph, Constantine and Caesar Rudnitski-Sipaylo settlement Beleva Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1008. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MO, AO, IO Savitsky Estate Tushkovo Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1009. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.M.and S.M.Savitsky villages of Bel and backing the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 101. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. and E.A. Volkovitsky settlements of Girov and Kopani Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1010. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Sadkovsky estate of Dribino of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1011. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Sangailo villages of Rechki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1012. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Yu.F. Sankovo ​​village Nogovki Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1013. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Ф. Санковской деревни Высокой Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1014. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Svidzinsky villages Lemechin, Ryzhikov, Kovani and others Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1015. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MD Svatsky estate Provalioni Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1016. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Svyatskoy village Valevki Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1017. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Slavinsky village Plešivec Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1018. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Slavinsky village Bigarovka of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1019. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. and E.O. Slezhanovsky villages of the Yakubov district of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 102. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Voynich-Syanozhenskoy village of Osobim Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1020. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.K. Slezhanovsky villages of Staia and Samonovoi of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1021. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.В. Семенова селений Дарьиной Слободы, Ганыжева, Кучина и др. Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1022. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Semenov town of Smolyani, Orsha county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1023. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Stanislav Serdelevich of Osiotkov village of the Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1024. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Snark estate Malkovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1025. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Sokul Estate Borbachevo Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1026. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Л. Стаховского имения Щетинки Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1027. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Stakhiv estate of Guri of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1028. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Stopin village of Vasilenok, Orsha district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1029. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ю.Ф. Струтинского имения Каролин Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 103. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами П.М. Войнич-Сяноженцкаго сел Кунторовки, Даниловичей с поселками Золостья, Новоселок и др. Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1030. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.D. and E.I. Sulima-Samuillo of the village Kovrizhnik of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1031. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Zenon Sushinsky village Povstokhovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1032. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.P. Titov estate of Racevo of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1033. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами барона К.С. Унгерн-Штернберга имений Калинки и Подберезья Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1034. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Fleisher of the estate of Vypolzovo of the Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1035. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Khlyudzin village of Horobrovo of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1036. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RF. Khlyudzin village of Vaskovshchyna of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1037. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF and K.L. Khlyudzin villages of Dubova of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1038. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Khlyudzin village Andreevshchina of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1039. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.F. Khomentovsky villages Porechye and Prudki Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 104. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Garting of the village of Serovka of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1040. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Horochno Settlements of the Propheviks of Orsha County, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1041. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Antonina Horoscio of the village of Zdolzo of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1042. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Zekert village of Ptushek, Orsha county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1043. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tsyndzevichsky villages of Zorino and Bolshoi Golotovo of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1044. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.E. Zekert of the village of Karesno of the Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1045. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Н.И. и А.И. Шебеко имения Рудня Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1046. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NI, AI. and N.I. Shebeko of the Rudny estate of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1047. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Н.И., А.И. Шебеков селения Малые Сутоки Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1048. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF and M.M. Shchodro village Zhvaninka Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1049. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants OF. Elsner of the village of Utivni of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 105. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.П., А.Н., И.Н., Н.Н., В.Н. Герард селения Березок Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1050. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Ivan Erdman villages Karnilovich and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1051. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Yaganova estate Gorozli Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1052. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Yaganovo village Zazerye Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1053. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of the landowner F.F. Yanishevsky village of Malyugovka of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1054. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Artsishevskaya, S.D. Moshchinskaya and M.D. Vankovich village of Zaseki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1055. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable by the peasants of Sofia Zabelskaya and Rosalia Zalenskoye village Zapolye Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1056. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Komarovskaya and A.I. Shchyt village Borodino Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1057. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Porchinsky and AI. Evnevich village Dymovoi Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1058. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Abakumov village of the Church of the Rogachev Uyezd in the Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1059. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Antushevich settlements Middle Malinin Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 106. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Domov-Saburova village of Zakruga Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1060. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Bykovsky villages of Novaya and Staraya Zenkowina and Kurakivshchyna of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1061. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Bykovsky village of Korma Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1062. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.P. Bykovsky village Rudnya-Gulyaeva Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1063. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.P. Bykovsky villages of Rechka and Nova Ivanovka of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1064. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. and V.V. Bykovsky settlements of Krivsk of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1065. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Bogdanovich township Gorodok Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1066. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ludovigi Bogdanovskaya village Dionizova Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1067. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Bogush village of Kamenka and Kuchino Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1068. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Bogush village of Krivsk, Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1069. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Bogusha villages Lebedevki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 107. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Dunin-Barkovsky village of the Black Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1070. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FM, MF and Yu.F. Boltsevichi village Mazolov Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1071. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants VD. Borisevich village Malaskovic, Kusochek and Osovo Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1072. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Borisovich village Zvontsevo Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1073. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Borsukova settlement of Alexandrovka with the villages of Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1074. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Bulgakov of the village of Dobospi in the Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1075. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Bulachel village Babich Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1076. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Bulgak settlement of Cherbomirki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1077. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants K.Kh. Vasilevskaya village Gorbachevskaya Slobodka of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1078. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants DA. Verevkina-Shemot of the villages of Berbizh and Middle Malyshcham of Rogachev Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1079. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants DA. Verevkina-Shemota of the estate of Hlukhovka-Svetylovichsky Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 108. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FN. Dunin-Barkovo village of Eremino of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1080. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.S. Verevkina-Shemota of Svetlovichi village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1081. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Ventslavovich of Olkhovka village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1082. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LP. Veselovskaya village Shcherkovya Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1083. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LP. Veselovskaya village Golovachi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1084. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vykovskogo village Kodosovichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1085. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vybovsky village of Zbrov Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1086. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Volk-Lanevsky villages Kisteni, Vishchin, Ozerische and Valakhovki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1087. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Leonard Voynich-Syanozhentsky village Okolits Syanozhatkam Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1088. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants M.E. Voynich- Syazhentsy village Negovka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1089. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Voynich-Syanozhentsy villages Fundominki and Vydritzi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 109. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Dunin-Barkovsky estate of Ivolsk Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1090. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Voynich-Syanozhentsy villages Bartalanevka and Vorobyevka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1091. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Voynich-Syazhentsy village Quarters and other Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1092. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами П.И. Войнич-Сяноженцкого селений Гордиловичей, Турск, Семеновки и Вишеники Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1093. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Wojciechowski village Red Shore of Rogachev Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1094. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.D. Geisler village Petrovichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1095. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FN. Gizycki villages Derbichi and Selts (Slobodka) Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1096. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Gizycki village Derbitskaya Rudenka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1097. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Golyn village of Bolotnoy Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1098. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants PD. Gorbatov village of Berdynsk and the Middle Malinichi of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1099. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Polikarp Gorbatov village of Berdynsk and the Middle Malinichi of the Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 11. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Г. Булгака местечка Нового Быхова и селения Красного Берега Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 110. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Zhabko-Potapovich village Ochesa-Rudki Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1100. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Grabovo village Antipovka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1101. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Grinevich village of the Upper Toschytsia Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1102. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VV, MV, IV. and A.V. Grinevskoe village Osova Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1103. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. and Theresia Gromyko of the village of Glukhovki-Svetilovskaya Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1104. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Ya. Gromykov village Hvatovka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1105. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. Gulpovskoy- Shultz of the village of Yurkovichi of Rogachev Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1106. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Gursky village of Lushevskaya Sloboda Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1107. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Gursky village of Lushevskaya Sloboda Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1108. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Yulia Dismush of the village of Barsuki of Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1109. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Dobrovolskaya settlement Malynicham and Mokrena Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 111. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.D. Zharny estate Tikhinichi Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1110. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. and Yu.V. Doman settlements Molnich and Mokren Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1111. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Doria-Dernalovich village of Rovkovic
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1112. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Doria-Dernalovich of the settlements of Brounitsi Struki and Lipenicheskaya Rudnya of Rogachev Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1113. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Doria-Dernalovich of the villages of Sharibovka and Lipinichi of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1114. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF. Doria-Dernalovich of Zabolotya village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1115. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants TS.S. Doria-Dernalovich village of Rochin of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1116. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Caesarius Doria-Dernalovich of the village of Holocia of the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1117. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MR. and A.R. Drobysh-Drobyshev settlements Gorodets and Vetochki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1118. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. and M.Ya. Drobysh-Drobyshevsky villages Svetilovich Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1119. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MI, MR, AR. Drobysh-Drobyshevsky settlements of Bolshoy Malkov Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 112. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Zavitevicha of the Khoyaly estate of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1120. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Drobyshevskoy village Uhova Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1121. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MD Dunin village of Gutishche Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1122. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MD Duninoy village Yamnom Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1123. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Anton, II. and I.I. Evnevichi village of Reut Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1124. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Ezersky village Katerinopolya Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1125. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AF, MF and F.F. Yezerskie village Svetilovichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1126. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants AS, MF and F.F. Yezerskih settlements Zabrovka, Svetilovsky Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1127. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.M. and Sofia Ezersky part of the village Zheleznikov Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1128. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. and F.K. Yezersky manors Zalavya Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1129. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Zhukovsky village Merkulovich of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 113. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Ф. и Л.Ф. Ивицких селения Телешей Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1130. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Zhukovsky village Shapchits Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1131. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Zhukovsky village Nauhovich of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1132. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Zhukovsky Saints Saints and Selivanovka Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1133. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.A.and I.A.Zhukovsky villages of Malevichs and villages of food, Zagradier, Noviki, Tigolovki, Bogdanovka, Old and New Rudni and manevim of the Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1134. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Zhuravsky village Zabudya Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1135. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.P. Zhuravskaya village of the Palace of the Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1136. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.Ya. Zavadsky village Zhabino Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1137. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.Ya. Zavadsky village Lozki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1138. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Zavadskaya village Malinnik Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1139. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Leon, Vikenty and Gertrude Zavadsky villages Dvoretskaya Slobodka Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 114. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.С. Ильяшевича селений Грановки и Борщовки Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1140. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Zborimir village of Bobovka of Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1141. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.M. Zborimir village of Kolybivky Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1142. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Zborobirsky village of Chernoy Virni of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1143. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AA, AA, EA and A.I. Zborobirsky villages of Chernaya Virni Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1144. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GM, LG, VG, EG and A.G. Zbororimskie villages Bobovki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1145. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.K. and I.K. Zborimir villages of Lugovoy Virni and Zamoscie village of Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1146. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.Ya. Ignatyevo of Streszino and Kornilovka and other towns of Rogachev Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1147. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Walshina village Nasny Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1148. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. and VA. Walshins of Gubich village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1149. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. and VA. Welsh villages of Gavli Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 115. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Klechkov village Antovki Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1150. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ю.З. Казариновой селения Высокого Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1151. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. and E.I. King of the village of Kurganya, Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1152. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Klimontovich village of the Palace (Manor) Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1153. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Kovzanova village Shalomei Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1154. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Ivan and Paulina Kozlovskih village Rudnya Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1155. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.K. Korvolsky-Grinevsky villages Podosovye and Gordovka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1156. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Korotkevich village of Krivsk Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1157. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FF, F.A. and AA. Korotkevichi village Okolitsa-Korotok Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1158. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.O.And M.F.Kostrizo village of Derbich Rogachevsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1159. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.N. Kuchinsky village Old Malynicham Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 116. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Klechkovsky on the estate Zaprudovka Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1160. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Lashkevich villages Novaya and Old Gromyki and Khizov Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1161. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Levan village of Bykovets Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1162. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. and F.K. Levalt-Yezersky villages Actinka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1163. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA, A.S. and P.I. Levalt-Yezersky villages Svetilovich Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1164. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. and F.K. Levalt-Yezersky villages of the Red Onions of the Rogachevsky Uyezd of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1165. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NL Levkovtsa village Osinovka Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1166. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Z.V. Leshchinsky villages Hvatovka and Barsuki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1167. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Lyskovsky village of the Middle Malynichi of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1168. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ю.В., Я.Я., И.Я., Н.Я., М.Я. и Э.Я. Малафеевых селения Больших Стрелков Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1169. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Malinovskoye estate of Entsi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 117. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Kablukova on the estate New Yurkovichi Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1170. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Malinovsky village Voronovshchina Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1171. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants of Dementia and Evdokia Malinovsky villages of Old Malynichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1172. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Markianovich of the village of Derbichi in the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1173. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Mashkin village Sichman Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1174. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Mertens village of Krivsk, Rogachevsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1175. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Maximilian Mickiewicz of the villages of the Middle Malynich and Berdizh of the Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1176. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Monkevich of the village of Berestovitsa in the Rogachev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1177. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants MP, MM. and I.M. Moracov villages of Old Malynich and Slobodka Malynicha of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1178. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants TL. Nolken village Nedeykovichi Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1179. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Okinchits locality Gorodets Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 118. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.B. Korvin-Krasinsky village of Eromin Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1180. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Р. Оскерко селения Фалевки Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1181. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Iosif Parchevsky village of Khizova Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1182. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. and M.A. Parchevskih village of Sherikhova Buda Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1183. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.А. и М.А. Парчевских селений Солтановки и Солтановской Слободы Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1184. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Peresvet-Soltana village Budy Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1185. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants S.I.Peresvet-Soltan of the village of Elentsa Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1186. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.И. Пересвет-Солтана селения Кленовици Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1187. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IS, K.I. Peresvet-Soltan villages of Rudenko, Pereveschi and others Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1188. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.Ya. Pechkovo village of Lower Toshchitsa Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1189. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Ya. Pechkovo village Gemini of Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 119. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants LB Corvin-Krasino village of Gereminy Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1190. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Pechkovo village of Stankova Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1191. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Pechkovo settlements Konopelchits and Soltsa Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1192. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Pleskoy village Dvoretskaya Slobodka Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1193. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Poznyak village Krivsk Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1194. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants and F.S. Poznyak village Krivsk Rogachevsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1195. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and E.I. Poznyak village Sherstin Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1196. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Pora-Leonovich village of Krivsk, Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1197. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.А. Потулицкого-Войзбуна селений Жлобин и Лебедевки Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1198. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Catherine Potulitska-Voizbun of the village of Kozlovichi of the Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1199. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Puzyno of the village of Krivsk, Rogachev district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 12. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Bulgak village Chigrinka and villages Nemok, Kolbova, Borok and Stask Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 120. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants Ts. Kretkovsky village of Zarechye, Gomel county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1200. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Puzyno of Staroselia village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1201. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.Р. Радченко селения Кристинополье (Шейки) Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1202. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FR Radziwillovich of the village of Hutki, Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1203. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NM. and S.D. Rodzeviches of the village of Denisovka in the Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1204. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Semkovsky Estate Palace of the Rogachevsky Uyezd of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1205. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BI. Serafimovich village Shaprudovka Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1206. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Sidorenko village Petrovich Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1207. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.P.Sixstel of the villages of Zapolyl and Fomichi of the Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1208. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Z.V. Sluchanovsky village of Barsukov and Novoselok village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1209. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Z.V. Sluchanovski settlements Barsuki and Novoselki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 121. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Krushevsky village of Nizhny Brileva Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1210. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Sluchanovo village of the Lushevskaya Slobodka of the Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1211. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.И. Случановского селений Хизовской-Буды и Пасечной Слободы Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1212. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. and Yu.I. Sluchanovski villages Mlynok and Lozovitsy Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1213. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Strakovskaya village Barsuki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1214. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Sulistrovskaya settlements of Lipa and Mikhailovka of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1215. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Sianozhenskaya village of Syanozhatki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1216. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Turchaninov village of Zabolotya and other Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1217. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Tolpyvoy village Gorodtsa Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1218. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Turchaninov village of Luchiny of Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1219. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Turchaninovo villages Kolosam, Housewarming and other Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 122. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants and K.V. Krushevsky villages of Dyshnovka of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1220. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Turchaninovoy village Kozlovichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1221. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Turchaninovoy village Tsuper Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1222. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.Н., Н.Н., Ю.Н. и М.Н. Фащей селений Дурович, Поповки и Пытковки Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1223. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Fitingof villages of Oleshni and Makhova Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1224. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.Yu.I. Freund estate Rossoshi Rogachevsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1225. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PP. From the village of Greater Nemki, Rogachevsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1226. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.T. Khilin village Bogdanovichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1227. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. and N.N. Khilin villages Okolice and Bogdanovichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1228. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Khilin village Bogdanovichi Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1229. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ye.G. Khlusovichy village of Bogdanovichi of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 123. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Krushevskaya village of Zadorivka of Gomel county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1230. The case of the redemption of land for temporary liable peasants EL, LL and V.L. Hodkiewicz villages Stolpni Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1231. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Khomentovsky village of Selitskaya Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1232. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tsikhinskoye settlements Mazolova and Khvatovka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1233. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PL, V.E. Tchaikovsky villages Sichman Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1234. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.И. Чернышева-Кругликова селений Глыбочицы, Мотневичи, Отор и других
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1235. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.И. Чернышева-Кругликова селений Рискова и Каменки Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1236. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ипполита Чернышева-Кругликова имения Чечерское Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1237. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NM. and I.P. Shatsillov village of Barsuki Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1238. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants MP, EP Shatsillov and M.P. Tsikhanovo village Mazalovo Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1239. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. Sherepo-Lapitsky Estate of Khiza, Rogachevsky Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 124. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.А. Крушевской по имению Борхов Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1240. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants U.F. Shklyarevich village of Svetilovichi and other Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1241. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Shklyarevich village Nesterovka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1242. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.И. Эрдмана деревни Серебрянки Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1243. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.Ya. Yavshytsia estate Yavshitsy Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1244. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Yanushkevich village of ZadubyaRogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1245. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NM. Yanushkevich outskirts of Sopogov Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1246. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LO. Yasenetsky-Voino of the outskirts of Bogdanovichi of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1247. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Albert Bykovsky and Karl, Adelia and Eva Bialiatski village Novoselki Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1248. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Bulatsel and E.S. Shirai village Novilovka Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1249. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Godenius and A.G. Andrzejkovic of Gorodtsa town of Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 125. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Krushevskaya village Futoranka Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1250. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants AR, MR Drobysh-Drobyshevsky villages Shapotovichi Rogachevsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1251. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Т.И. Езерской и М.Н. и Ю.Н. Зенькович селения Церковье Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1252. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.И., А.И. Загорянских-Киселей и Б.А., А.А., В.А. и Л.А. Прушановских селения Денисовичи Рогачевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1253. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Maria Kostsya, Ekaterina Nevinsky and Barbara of the Zboromir village of Staro-Sele and the village of Stanokova Rogachevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1254. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Lyskovsky and PA, IA, VA and B.A. Shebeko of Berdyzh village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1255. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Melina and E.I. Poznyak village of Prisna, Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1256. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Maria-Marta, Anna-Emilia Nedzvedski and Maria Tizhkoy of the village of Sredny-Malynichi in the Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1257. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, LI, SI. and K.I. Puzino and S.I. Karpovich of Staroselia village of Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1258. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anibala Radzevich and Victoria and Clementine Parhanovich of the village of Krivsk of the Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1259. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.N. Roop and AN, K.N. and V.N. Gromyko village Myshevo Rogachev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 126. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Mellin Village, Novaya Gusevitsy, Gomel County, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1260. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, LI, II, MI Shatsillo and LI Kontovt of the villages of Mazolovka and Khvatovka of Rogachev Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1261. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Shumovich and E.A. Shadur village of Rudny-Shchlyashny, Rogachevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1262. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Victor Avgustinovich village Ryndev Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1263. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.U. Adutskevich of the village of Kotsevichi of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1264. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PE. Bagna settlement Monasteries of Sennin district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1265. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Bartoshevichi villages of the Great and Lesser Kozok Senninsk district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1266. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Baranovo village of Shipam of Sennin district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1267. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Bartalomeya of the villages of Plischy and Dvorishche of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1268. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.О. Баротоломея местечка Бобр Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1269. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Biberstein-Byalkovsky villages Sand and Sainting County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 127. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами О.М., Л.Л. и Л.А. Миклашевских селения Рудни- Телишевской Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1270. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Bitny-Shlyakhty villages of Buya, Razhodka, Porech'ya and Opecheny Senninskogo Uezd Mogilevskaya gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1271. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants SM, LM. and T.O. Bogdanovichy of the estate of Ridom Sanninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1272. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Bogushevsky village of Ploskech in Sennin district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1273. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Bogushevsky estate of Levkovo Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1274. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.L. Bogushevsky village of Vasnev Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1275. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Bogushevskoy village of the Red Sloboda Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1276. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Brzhostovo village of Zhabino and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1277. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Břestovo villages of Tukhinka and Gershik Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1278. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Brzhostovo village of Small Lipovichi and Zubrovschyna Senni County of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1279. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами П.Е. Бураго имений Оболь и Подгай Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 128. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Mussman sat Popovki and the cheats of the Gomel district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1280. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and F.V. Vasilevsky villages of Alekhnov and Shimkov of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1281. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. and K.I. Vasilevsky village Budovki Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1282. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.К. Ваньковича имений Поженки и Красна Гора Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1283. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Vankovich of the estate of Jérino Sannin district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1284. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Joseph Vankovich village Dailidovka Senninsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1285. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Vilchinsky villages Sharnev and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1286. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants Vilchinsky village Tsarevsk Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1287. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Vincino villages of Badgers of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1288. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.K. Venslavsky village of Kholopkovichi of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1289. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Г. Вейсенгоф имения Вейно Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 129. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Nolkin village Kostinovki Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1290. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Ropping the villages of Zotov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1291. The case of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily liable peasants of Norbert Hazdzitsky of the village of Khovovets of the Senninsk district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1292. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.V. Gayevsky village of Stetsov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1293. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Gayevsky village of Tesishche Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1294. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Gayevsky villages Mostyachin and Podsadoy Senninskogo Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1295. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Т.Т., Т.Т., Н.Т. и Ю.Т. Глушановских деревень Телени, Замони, Беретевцы и др. Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1296. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Н.К. Гоздзицкого селения Ламска Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1297. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Golubitsky villages Kushnevka and Andreyanovo Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1298. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Goniprovsky villages Pavlovichi and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1299. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Goniprovsky estate Korobovo Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 13. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Byshevsky village of Sutok Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 130. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Nolkina of Morozovic village of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1300. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И. Гонипровской имения Клопот Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1301. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants ND and I.D. Goniprovsky manors Bestvino Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1302. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Andrei Gordzyalkovsky villages Shirnevichi and Gaponovichi Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1303. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants L.G. Gordzyolkovsky village of Sokolianka of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1304. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MG. Gordzyolkovsky village Trostyanka of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1305. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants L.U. Gornovskoye settlements of Turitsa, Kostrytsya and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1306. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants L.U. Gornovsky village Korepevki Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1307. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Gusakovo villages of Mikhnov and Zubov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1308. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants DF Dashkevich villages of Olshaniki Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1309. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Dzerzhinsky village Shilki Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 131. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.И. Паскевича-Эриванскаго деревень Маркович, Гадичев и других Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1310. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Dyshlevskoye settlements Buda and Ratyn Senninskogo county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1311. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Dyshlevsky settlements of Grigorovich and Zagmitikov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1312. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Dlujnevsky villages Rudnitsa, Pernevschina and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1313. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Dombrovskaya village of Panskoe of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1314. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Dabrowa village of the Maslik of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1315. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Михаила и жены его Анны Донбровых селения Пустошки Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1316. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Антона Дрелинга селений Застодолья, Ходоровки и др. Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1317. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Drozdovsky village Katzevichi Senninsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1318. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Duninovo villages of Golanova, Petroshi, Volosova and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1319. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Dukhovets village of Lyakhovichi, Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 132. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.И. Паскевича-Эриванскаго селений Карлы и прочих Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1320. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MS, IA. Evnevichi of the estate of Kelino Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1321. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Zholtok of the estate of the Klyagopol Sannin district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1322. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Zhudra of the village of Alexandrov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1323. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. and I.A. Zhukovsky villages of Nemojta, Golovachi, Mezhnikov, Zabori and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1324. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Zaveleyska village of Andreenka, Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1325. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants Elizaveta Zagasheva of the villages of Dubrovka and other Senninsk district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1326. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.Ф., А.Ф. и К.Ф. Зан имения Коковчик Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1327. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants TS. Zbitnevskaya villages Kruglyak, Teplyakova and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1328. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GP. Zdrojevskogo of the village of the Sarynsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1329. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LP. Zdrojevskogo estate Zaborye Senninskogo county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 133. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FI. Paskevich-Erivansky villages of Sharpilovka, the Stone of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1330. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Julian Zdroevsky village Gili Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1331. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.A. Zdroevsky settlement of Kobnoram of Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1332. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.A. Zdrojevskiy villages Toropam and Kislami of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1333. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Ivashevsky village of Tumanov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1334. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Kamionko of the villages of Kashchino and Gogolevka of the Senninsk district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1335. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Kisterovo village of Simonovichi of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1336. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Kisterovo village Zaborye Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1337. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Klassovicha of the village of Lithuanian Bor of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1338. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Kozli village of Podguskov and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1339. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.О. Комаровского селения Вал Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 134. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.И. Паскевича-Эриванскаго селения Дубового Лога и других Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1340. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Komarovo village of the Potarica of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1341. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MM, RM, VM Komarovsky villages Bolshie Trukhanovichi, Trukhanovichi and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1342. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Korzhenevo seleny Osovtsy, Islands and Shalomov of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1343. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Korolko villages Zemkovich and Aleksinich Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1344. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN, VN. and P.N. Korsakov of the Manor Party of the Senninsk district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1345. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Korsak villages Kilinovichi and Lyakhovichi Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1346. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.O. Korsak of Sorgino and Turovshchyna villages of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1347. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KS Kotovichi village Blagy Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1348. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Z.A. Krasovskoy estate Belikov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1349. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Krushevsky settlements Bolshie Holnevichi and Podberezie Senninskogo Uezd Mogilevskaya gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 135. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Paskevich-Erivanska settlement of Usokhskaya Buda of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1350. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Lappo village Uhle Senninskogo county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1351. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Lipsky village Katzevichi Senninsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1352. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.О. и А.О. Лисовских селений Станьков и Кожемяки Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1353. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Lychkov estate of Lyakh of the Senninsk district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1354. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Lomi village of Slavich Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1355. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. and L.V. Lominsky manor of Gavrilkovo Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1356. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Я.С., А.С. и Б.С. Лукашевичей имения Кичина Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1357. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.S., A.S. and B.S. Lukashevichi manor of Yudzevich Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1358. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. and B.S. Lukashevichi settlement of Chepelina Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1359. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Антонины, Марии и Анны Лукьяновых селения Лесников Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 136. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Paskevich-Erivansky villages of Terekhovka, Nikolaevka, Osovets, Bobovichi village and other Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1360. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NN. Luskino villages Logovy Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1361. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GP. and E.L. Luskino villages Cherepets, Leonovo and Glushaki Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1362. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Lyasotovich settlements in Smolkam and Kings of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1363. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Constantine Mayevsky village Ozeryets Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1364. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Catherine Mayevskaya manor Suvernichi of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1365. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Mayevskaya settlement Gorelkovschin Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1366. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of the Markovski settlement Vyatyrevka Senninsk district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1367. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Marcinovo village Zastarina, Pankratovo and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1368. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. and I.I. Milevsky villages of Little Slobodka Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1369. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Milevsky villages of Gaponovichi and Greater Slobodka of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 137. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. and Karolina Pashkovsky on the estate Lukyanovka Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1370. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Milosha settlements Belyan, Novozemova and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1371. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.F.and B.F.Ministry of Labor Selion Goriv Seinsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1372. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Yu.T.Road village Victolite Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1373. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.I.and V.I.Road settlements of the Senninsky County County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1374. The case of the redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants E.K.Mikhailovskaya village Seltsinsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1375. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.I., L.M.And P.M.Morozhevichy villages Hotel and Krasilov Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1376. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.A.Moschenian villages Voronino and others. Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1377. The case on the redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants A.M.Nitoslav Sellius Obgush, Lukey, Ulcers, and others. Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1378. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants G.M.Nitoslav settlement Koloditsa Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1379. The case on the repurchase of land plots by temporal peasants M.M., A.M.and G.M.Nitoslavian estates of Skridlova Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 138. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.P. Peresvet-Soltana of the village of Rodziv, Gomel county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1380. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.A.Nesterovich village Ovchinnikov and Shelimovichi Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1381. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.I.NOVACKAGO Village Zaberier Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1382. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants ABand V.M.Ossetian villages of Prusitich, Yakova, the blood pressure, and others. Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1383. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.A.Pavlovich village Lozova Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1384. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.V.Plavinsky village of Pazkov and Rosno Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1385. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K.V.Plate of Island, villages Viederovo, Hands, Tovstyukov and others. Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1386. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.S.and D.S.Popova estates Alexandrovo Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1387. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.F.Pretty villagers of Yakovshchina and Shipulino Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1388. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants R.M.Petrizhtsky Sellius Walking and Groove Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1389. The case of the redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Stanislav and Anton's preloading villages of Smorodinka and others. Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 139. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Peresvet-Soltana of the village of Krivska, Gomel county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1390. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.S.Persian Personia Zarechno-Soviet Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1391. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants S.M.Perret of the seams of fist and Barschino Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1392. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Matthew of the Rogovsky village Popovichs Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1393. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.E.Recoverer's goals of the Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1394. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.F.Of the Ridge Selenia Butfilova Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1395. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants I.L.Rosen village Timsy Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1396. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants E.I.Rosen estates of Bykovo Sellius Lotygova, Abukhovo and Kutina Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1397. The case of redemption of land put on temporary-shaped peasants E.O.Romanovich Sellius Covevain and Lithuanian Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1398. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.I.Rostolovsky estate anelia village of Kutskovo Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1399. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Ivan Rostolovsky villages Hamionki, Chertovshchina and others. Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 14. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Vartman village Kunina Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 140. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Peresvet-Soltana settlement of Galeevka and other Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1400. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants D.V.Roshkovskaya village Mikhnovo Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1401. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily obligated peasants A.O., F.Ya., F.Ya.and S.Ya.Rostov villages Babedovo Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1402. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.F.Sanko Sankling Zhvikovo and Chechenevo Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1403. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.F.Sanko LeeMnitsa Senninsky County of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1404. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants M.I.Sargera village of Tomoshenas Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1405. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants T.M., E.M.Svetorzhetsky villages of Dubovitsa and other Senninsky county of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1406. The case on the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants I.M.Svyatsky estate Uritz Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1407. The case on the redemption of land plots by the temporal peasants I.M.Svyatsky estate Belitz Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1408. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants MDSvyatsky village of Ktichinka and Zamnaya Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1409. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants MDSvosty village Zarla, Lebedev, flocks, cervix and other Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 141. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Peresvet-Soltana village of Prokopovka, Gomel county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1410. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants MDSvyatsky estate of the Mountain of the Senninsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1411. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Sipailo village of the draft Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1412. The case on the redemption of land plots of temporary-based peasants R.A., V.A., I.A., R.A.and A.A.Soleanko village Dziageleva Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1413. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants F.F., K.F.and A.F.Selllytsky villages of Parnevka and Dublovka Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1414. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.F.Serdakovsky villages Gorivtsi and resets of the Senninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1415. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants S.F.Serdakovsky village Kruzhichi Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1416. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.V.Skorotal village Damboy Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1417. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.and I.I.Skarbek-Viennese village Lavrenovichi Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1418. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.V.Slavinian villages of the Greater and Small Lyakh Senninsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1419. The case of redemption of land put on temporary-shaped peasants E.O.Slezhanovsky villages Sladynevich and other Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 142. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF. Perfilovoy village Zavidovka Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1420. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal lesmen F.A.and Sofia Slezhanovsky villages Beetles of the Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1421. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Sprinkle's Senninsky County of Mogilev
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1422. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants N.S.Sayskigago village Konevo Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1423. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants L.L.Starakov Straples, Toys, Islands, Borovoye (Yablanka) Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1424. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Stanishevsky village Cheybeans, Boyars and other Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1425. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Stanishevsky village Slidchain Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1426. The case of the redemption of land plots of the temporal peasants of Joseph Stanishevsky villages of cospaps, reds, flying, White Dubrov and other Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1427. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants S.O.Stanishevsky estate is a big drawing of the Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1428. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F. F.Sulzhinsky villages of the Great and Budy and Budy Sedelkov Yurkova, Mishukova and O Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1429. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants ABSushin village Mountains of the Senninsky County of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 143. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Peresvet-Soltan village of Staraya Buda of Gomel county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1430. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.O.Tyshkevich village of Sokovichy and other Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1431. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.O.Tyshkevich village Roseski Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1432. The case on the redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants M.P., S.B.And A.B.Tomkovich Sellia Columns of the Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1433. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.A.and A.K.Tomashevichy Sellius Kuliki, Khorechchina and the Town of the Senninsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1434. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Tomashevskaya village of the high town of Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1435. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.G.Khmar Sellia Adam-Lyado Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1436. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.G.and I.G.Hmars of the estates Meleskovich Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1437. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.Ya.Hominsky village Lisuina Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1438. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-based peasants K.M.Khoroman village Beetles of the Senninsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1439. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily obligated peasants A.Z., I.Z., Vz, E.Z.and Vz.Harosho Slenio Castling of the Senninsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 144. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Pishchevich village of Azdelin and other Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1440. The case of redemption of land put on temporary-shaped peasants E.O.Katherapovitsky village of Kalinovka, Popovki and Growzchina Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1441. The case of redemption of land put on temporary-shaped peasants E.O.Kathetovitsky village of Drozda, Porkovshchina and the town of Lucolich Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1442. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants M.I.Japitovich village Pocheevichi, Helegad and other Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1443. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.A.Chaplica of the village of Rezashya Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1444. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Yu.M.Creamy village of Omonyok Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1445. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.V.Creamy village Rotomka Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1446. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.I.Chernotsky Iznnevichi and Shemets Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1447. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Chudovsky settlements Bogdanovo, Komarovo and Vasilkov Senninskogo county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1448. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Shebeko of the village of Fins of Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1449. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants R.F.and A.I.SHEKOKO estates of the Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 145. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Plesky village of Verkhny Brilev and Okonets Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1450. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RF. and A.I. Shebeko of the estate of Senno Sanninsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1451. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.M. and M.I. Shelepino villages Ogrizkovo and Baranka Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1452. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants She-Shalevicheva RI. the villages of Mlyni, Koltki, Virki and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1453. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Shidlovsky village of Adamovo Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1454. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Sholkov village of Lyada, Skoroditsy and other Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1455. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.V. Shelkovsky village of Malyavy in Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1456. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Shimanskoy village Ovchinniki Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1457. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Shostak settlement of Bereshov Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1458. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SM. Shchytta village Lazy Senninsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1459. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.А. Яновского селений Дубровки и других Сеннинского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 146. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.O. Pleskoy village of Upper Brilev and other Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1460. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Yanchevsky village Pasynka Senninsk district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1461. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Bogumila Yasinskaya village Romanovschiny Senninsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1462. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.A.Klossovich and Selyanka of the estates of Mityukovo and the Izifpol of the Senninsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1463. The case on the repurchase of land plots by temporary peasants G.F.and V.F.Lamine and I.F.Novitskaya Sellius Potkovich and Kozlovka Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1464. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily obligated peasants Agraphenes Minina and I.P., A.P., N.P.and Yu.P.Charming Vidos of the Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1465. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants KKMartynova and F.F.Shalevicheva Holopkovich Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1466. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants D.I., K.I.and I.I.Otmar-Stein, E.I.Bram, M.I.Coplevskaya and V.I.Maksimovich Sellijah Melikov and Slobodki Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1467. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants K. B.Sulinskaya and E.B.Lashkevich's estate Poznyaki Senninsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1468. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.A.Afosasoy village of Preobrazhensky and other Chaussian County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1469. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporarily obligated peasants A.P.White village Volozhinka Chaussian County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 147. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Radchenko of Novy Dyatlovich village of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1470. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.E.Byshevsky village Stalks of the Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1471. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants Ya.M.Byshevsky village Stalks of the Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1472. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Bordzilovsky settlements Bordzille and Macrings of the Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1473. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.N.Bordzilovsky villages of Mackets, Popovtsy and Bordsca Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1474. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Vergeary village of Krysvataki Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1475. The case on the repurchase of land plots by temporary peasants N.P.Waikova Sellius Vasilevich and Plates of the Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1476. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants F.N.Volkovitsky villages of new settlers, lump and Buda Chauzovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1477. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Voynich-Syanozhentsy settlements Gorbavichy, Goleni, Antonovka Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1478. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.S.Gatovsky villages of the 1st and 2nd Hoantkovichi Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1479. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Franz Gedroyz village of the folder of the Chausovsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 148. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Radchenko of the village of Old Dyatlovichi of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1480. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.S.Gizbert Sellia Panovov Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1481. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.A.Goli village Slobodki Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1482. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.A.Goli settlement Staroseli Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1483. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Z.F.Greenstsevich Popovtsev villages, Girovtsev and Rabin-Slobodki Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1484. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Demjanovichi villages Ekhanakh and Pudovne Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1485. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants I.F.and F.F.Dzivan village: Karabs, Paint and Willow of the Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1486. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Ekaterina of the Blygan village of Rutzvi Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1487. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Joseph's Primunorovich village Timukhovsky Chausovsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1488. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.N.Durbas village of Caints Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1489. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary-bound peasants P.F.And M.F.Eliashevichy villages of small pads, big pads, Marterpovshchina, Novoselok and other Chaussian County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 149. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants K.A.Rakevich Okolitsy Lapichi Gomel district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1490. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants N.N.Epifanova estates of the Krasnitsa Custoid County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1491. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.V.Zharina village corners of the Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1492. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-based peasants K.M.Zhukovsky village Gorlova Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1493. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.E.Zhuravsky village Vileyka Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1494. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants E.V.The slack of the Hozetov Chausovsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1495. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Zambri village Novoselki Chauvoy County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1496. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Stepan Zenkovich village Willow of the Chausovsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1497. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.F.Kamensky village Kirkor Chayovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1498. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.F.Kamensky villages of small and large buttes of Chauzovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1499. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Andrei Klimovich village of Rustovka Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 15. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF, KF, VF Vilchinsky villages Poimonov Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 150. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.Ya. Rymvid-Mitskevich village of the Green Onions of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1500. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Klimovich village of Zhuusovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1501. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Klimovich of the village of Galuza in the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1502. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Kozlinsky village of Kordeev Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1503. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.И. и К.В. Казлинских селений Гировцев и Рябиновой Слободки Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1504. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Kozubovsky village Prilepovka Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1505. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IO, AP, AP, TP, LM and D.M. Kolianskih settlements Potapki Chausovskogo Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1506. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E. Komarnitskaya village Dutnovki Chausovskogo Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1507. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Krasovskogo village of Belog Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1508. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Krzysevichy village of Potukhov Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1509. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Kublitsky-Piotuch settlement of Samoluk Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 151. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants L.Ya. Rynvid-Mickiewicz estates of the Green Onions and Lapich Gomel County of the Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1510. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants and N.A. Kublitskikh-Piotukhov settlements Zahod Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1511. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Anton Leonovich of the village of Rustovka of the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1512. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.И. Леоновича селения Пырцев Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1513. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Leonovich of the village of Skvarsk of the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1514. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants PB. Lesnevsky village Luzhka Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1515. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PB, EB and V.B. Lesnevsky villages of Hotetov and Kirkorovka of Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1516. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ivan, PB, EB and V.B. Lesnevsky villages Studenki Chausovskogo county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1517. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Yu., V.Yu. If you. Lesnevsky villages Khotenova Chausovskogo county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1518. The case of redemption of land plots by the temporary peasants of Maria Last Selioni Sodnevo, Sugari, Great and Ivanovichi Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1519. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.F.Last Selion Peaks of the Chausovsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 152. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Savitskoy village Krugovets Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1520. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants V.E.Lubamirsky village Ryabki Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1521. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.К. Лякстутовича селений Сельц, Белевич и Буглаева Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1522. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Makovets village of Gladkov villages of Helni, Valkovichi, etc. Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1523. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. and N.I. Masevichi of the village of Viskkin, Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1524. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Franz Matushevich of the Panich estate of the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1525. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by peasants Ludwig Matskevich of the villages of Verbi and Chigrinovshchina of the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1526. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Stanislav Matskevich of the merging of the Chausovsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1527. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Mackiewicz villages of Chernivka and Zaborya Chausovskoy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1528. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Д. Менжинского селений Яськовщины и Шатиева Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1529. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Menzhinskaya village of Bobrov Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 153. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PS. Savitsky Estate Popovki Gomel County Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1530. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Morelovsky village of Khotetov Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1531. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Д.И. Нарышкина селений Петуховска, Шаперовка, Високаго, Головичева и др. Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1532. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Nelkovo village Kiseliki Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1533. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily leased by peasants Leon Ostankovich in the village of Chizh Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1534. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Piotrovsky villages Boshar and Rakovshchina Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1535. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.Yu. Petkunovo villages Zagodi and Hololubovka Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1536. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Yu.K. Pora-Leonovich of the village of Goloburi of the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1537. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PV, L.V. and Yu.D. Rabtsevichi settlements of the Akulitsa and the Chausov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1538. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.L. Radkevich's villages Kolesyanka, Lobkov and Perevoz Chausovskogo Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1539. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Rakuso-Suschevsky villages of Voynil, Udovsk and Ostrogs of the Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 154. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Francis Sarosec along the village Krasnopolye of the Gomel district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1540. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.D. Rakuso-Suschevsky village of Gololobovki, Karatyzhki, Essence and Recruitment of Chausovsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1541. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Ekaterina Rakuso-Suschevskaya village Blagovich Chausovskoy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1542. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.N. and RA. Rimsky-Korsakov of the village of Zaton of the Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1543. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Николая Савицкого селений Ждановичи и Миловичи Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1544. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Senchilo of the village of Verbovka of the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1545. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KD. St. Laurent of the village of Chigrinovka of the Chausovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1546. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.A.Stankevich Evidence Chigrinovka Chausovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1547. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Suschevsky village of Slobodka Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1548. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами П.И. Сяноженского селений Алеховая и др. Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1549. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Н.Д. Толстого селений Городец, Цибульщина, Бердзиничи и др. Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 155. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Saltan of the village of Ponchin, Gomel district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1550. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants LK Khodkevich villages Zapozhye, Raduchi, Queen and Makridi, the village Suslovki Chausovskogo Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1551. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Hodkiewiche villages of Degi, Pukhnov, House, Tyszchi Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1552. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Khlodzin villages Novosely, Slasteny, Biri, Borodenky, Lord, Dungeons and villages of Golovici Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1553. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.S. Ciechanowiec village Khominki, Lyadeniki, Pichevki, Old-Drovin, Bistargi, Strips, Pokuttya and Potoshni Chausovskoy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1554. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.S. Ciechanowiec town of Dribin Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1555. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.S. Ciechanowiec Manor Kartozhyn Chausovskogo Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1556. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Chekhov's village of Alexandrovka, Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1557. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Yachevskaya villages Kadina and Romanovich Chausovskogo county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1558. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.И. Белевской и Е.И. Дзичканец селений Полуев и прочих Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1559. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Д. Дыммана, А.О. Леоновича и М.М. Козубовского селения Бариновка Чаусовского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 156. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.B. Stanevich small town Branches of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1560. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Melsenor Petrovsky and Ye.O. Shepelevichovoy village of Rakinino Chausovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1561. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NI, MI, AI, II, SS. and A.I. Abakanovichi settlement of Kiselevka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1562. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Artsimovich of the village of Kozelia in the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1563. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Baranovo village Vydrinka of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1564. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Belyatsky village of Sosnovitsy, Cherikov district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1565. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants of Yulia and Mary Belyatski of the villages of Sosnovitsy and Bludiml of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1566. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Benevskogo village Vaskovki Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1567. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, E.A. Benckendorf of the village of Milykh Hutorov in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1568. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Л., Е.А. Бенкендорф деревень Сидоровки, Кремянки и селения Ноити Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1569. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Alexander and Genzayets Benkendorf villages Normovka, Prince, Lipnya, Buki, and others. Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 157. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.B. Stanevich village Kupreevka Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1570. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.and E.A.Benkendorf village of Yelny Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1571. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.and E.A.Benkendorf villages Treureisk and Olders Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1572. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants D.O.Bogushevsky selection of the Kherikovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1573. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Jovita Bogushevskaya village Shcherbachi and the malyating of the Cheryikovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1574. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.A., I.A.and MABogushevsky villages Lykinki Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1575. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.N.Boresso village of large and small radius of the Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1576. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants of Yakima Boreyshio of the village of Petrich and the blackways of the Cheryikovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1577. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.B.and A.S.Boreishov of the village of Ldodovichi of the Cherykovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1578. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants ABAnd A.S.Boreshov estates of the village of Checherikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1579. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants M.N.and I.N.Boreshov village of Grabolovo Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 158. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.B. Stanevich estate Tarasovka Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1580. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.N.and F.N.Boreshov estate of risks of the Cheryikovsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1581. The case of redemption of land plots of temporary-based peasants V.I., D.I., V.I.and S.I.Boreshov village of Grabolovo Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1582. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.S.and I.S.Borodzichi Sellius Sapalov Corner of the Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1583. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants of Sigismund and Petkayi Brodovsky villages dear and Luineenki Cherikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1584. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.T.Value Village Village Village Cherikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1585. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.Vasilevsky village Veprino and Hronovo Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1586. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.I.Vasile village Rural Plant of Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1587. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.I.Vasilesky village Dubrovka Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1588. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.I.Vasile village Kokoisk Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1589. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Antonina Vergeary village Volimor Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 159. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.B. Stanevich village of Pure Luzh, Slobodka Kositskaya and Rudny Sponitskoy Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1590. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Vichro estates of the Locatik Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1591. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants E.N.Viskovskaya village Toally, Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1592. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.and KAViskovsky villages flying, tangle, Zaboloth, etc. Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1593. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.A.and KAViskovskiy village Elovka Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1594. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Mikhail and Elyonoria Gaidamovich Sellia of the Middle Solikovsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1595. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F.I.Galtalsky villages of grass and Fedorovka Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1596. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants I.O.Glinka village of Selici Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1597. The case on the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants L.O.Glinka Village Gippers Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1598. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants D.G.Goli village Zelenkovich, Kleivichi, Poroshnyt, Pulley, Selfness and Khotimsk Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1599. The case on the repurchase of land plots by temporary peasants M.G.Goli Villages Kurbak, White Dubrov and Nikis Kherikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 16. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Volkovitsa village of the mouth of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 160. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BF. Stanevich village of the Old Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1600. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants M.I.and S.I.Goli settlements Zor, Holoblin, Ohory and Komarovichi Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1601. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Gorbatsky village of Pork Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1602. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-based peasants K.M.Genzylkovsky villages Berezuyki and Slobodki Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1603. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.I.Gusakovskaya village Vorodkov, Verkhovtsy and Bayevka Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1604. The case of redemption of land plots of temporary-based peasants M.M., V.I., V.I., A.I., G.I., K.I., N.I., M.I.and A.I.German Selenia Zolokova Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1605. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants D.V.Dzerzhinsky village of Malkhovka Cherykovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1606. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.G.Dobzoselsky village Lykinki Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1607. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants D.D.Bladjan village of Zenikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1608. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants Yu.F., K.I.Drobyshevsky villages of the Monad of Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1609. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants A.V.Ezer's estate Yushkovichi Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 161. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Xianozhenets village of Khalcha Gomel county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1610. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants K.F.Zhukhov estate of the Veremina Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1611. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. and Maria Zakrzhevskih village Hominka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1612. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.T. Zalesskaya village, Dalenshchyna, Cherikiv district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1613. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Zirsky-Kasho settlement of Turovka Pyakkovichi of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1614. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.И. Згерского-Кашо имения Железницы Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1615. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.П. Зеньковичевой селения Сорочино Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1616. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Tooth of the village of Prudka in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1617. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Izbitsi village of Volchas of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1618. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Ilinich village of Bolvanovka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1619. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Kamensky village of the High Buda of the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 162. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами О.И. Сяноженецкого слободы Папсуевки Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1620. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Kamensky settlements: Khodosov, Kozlovka, Gorodok and Belynets of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1621. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Mary Kamenskoye village of Lukinichi in the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1622. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Е. Kasho village Boyars Cherikivsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1623. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Kasho-Zger village of Mostitskaya Sloboda Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1624. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.M.Kmitta of the village of Botvinovka of the Cherykovsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1625. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VF, MF and S.F. Kovalik of the village of Kostyushkovichi in the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1626. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Kozli village of Bakunovichi of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1627. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Kozlin village Bastonovich and Volschino Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1628. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FE, L.A. Kozlovsky villages of Bayevka and Turovka of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1629. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NI, AI, OI Kozlovsky villages Cells of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 163. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Trishata village of Krugovets Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1630. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.А. Колонтая селений Холмов и прочих Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1631. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Korkozovich of the village of Sechikhi of the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1632. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Korolka of the village of Turovka of the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1633. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NG. The village of Shelekhovka in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1634. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MM, KN. Kostrovitsky villages of Kosara, Kamenka and Veremeyk of Cherikovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1635. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Koshuro village Volkovka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1636. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Makovetsky estate Gnilitsy Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1637. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants GI. Makovets village of Tours and Klyasino of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1638. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Makovets' villages of Novaya Yelnya and Osova Cherikovsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1639. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Makovets village of Busayi of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 164. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. Trishatnoy village of Serovka of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1640. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Makovets' villages of Kozelya and others of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1641. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Malinovsky village Budy and Klyapin Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1642. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. Mosalsky-Kashuro settlements of Skalina and Sosnovitsa of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1643. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Mosalskogo-Kashuro villages of Kiselevki Cherikivsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1644. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yakov Matusevich of the Lyakhov estate of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1645. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to the peasants of Sofia Matskevichevo village Ploschino and part of Lopatino Cherikivsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1646. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Matskevich of the Myshkovichi estate of the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1647. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Menzhinskaya village of Tereni, Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1648. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Menzhinsky villages of Andron and other Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1649. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Mikhail Menzhinsky to the estate of Mszynska Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 165. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Umanza of the Wislovka estate of the Gomel county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1650. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Misevich of the village of Rudodchim of the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1651. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Misevich of the village of Glupik of the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1652. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS, MS. and S.S. Misevich of the village of Glupiki in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1653. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Moskevich villages of Botvinovka and Mostitskaya Sloboda Cherikivsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1654. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Naryshkin villages of Asinovka, Azarovka, Rebyatka, Karnovizina, Berezovka, etc. Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1655. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Nedzwiec villages Dubrovki and Galuz Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1656. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Vladimir Nepokoychitsky village Ratny Cherikiv Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1657. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Olehnovicheva estate Novoselki Cherikivsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1658. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.П. Оржешко-Острейковой селений Осов и Савиничи Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1659. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. The Ostankovichi village of Gryazivets in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 166. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Facade of the Manor of Dyatlovichi of Gomel County, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1660. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Ostankovichi village of Little Myshkovichi in Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1661. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Parchevo village of Sharaevka, Turya and Verbizhi of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1662. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Parchevskoye settlements of Alexandrovka Cherikivsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1663. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. and M.A. Parchevskih village Lobanovka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1664. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.А. Пересвет-Солтан селений Пажхинки, Борисовичи, Борисовической Гуты, Ганновки и Жаров Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1665. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Peresvet-Soltan of the village of Goresna in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1666. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Peresvet-Soltan settlements Monasteries of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1667. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Peresvet-Soltan of Artekhov and Sverbilovka villages of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1668. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Peresvet-Soltan of the villages of Zhalizya and Gorna of Cherikiv Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1669. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Peresvet-Soltana of Baevka's estate of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 167. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.Ф. Фаща селений Улуковы и Головинеци Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1670. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.А. Пересвет-Солтан деревней Прибовино, Журавы и Готовца Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1671. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PG. Petrovskaya village of Pokladovo, Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1672. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF. Petrozhitsky village Podkozelia Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1673. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF and N.O. Petrozhitsky settlements Petrici and Gribalovo Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1674. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants PD. Pechkovo village of Petrich of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1675. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants of Rosa Pechkovsky village of Krotka Cherikivsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1676. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants PD. and I.A. Pechkovo villages of Grabolovo and others of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1677. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Ya., II, RI, FI, KI and F.I. Poderevskih village of Norkino, Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1678. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Podberesky village of Vorodkov, Baevki and Janovki Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1679. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Polleisky-Shchipillo village of the village of Turovka of the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 168. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants EV, F.Kh. and O.K. Fascia of the village of Macovia and the town of Nosovichi, Gomel county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1680. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Polonsky villages Verkhovets and Vorodkov Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1681. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. and I.M. Polonsky villages of Vorodkov and the village of Kostyukovka in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1682. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, II, AN, EI. and E.I. Polonsky villages of Rudopoly of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1683. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Poniatowski settlements of Rechits and others of the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1684. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Poniatowska village of Aleksandrovo (Tolkachevka) of the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1685. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.S. and I.S. Poniatowski villages Volovniki Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1686. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Przemytsi village of Glushnevo and Bel Cherikovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1687. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Przheradiv village Volovniki Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1688. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.R. Prus-Zhukovsky village of Malyushin in the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1689. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF The village of Novoselok in the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 169. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EV, F.K. and O.K. Facade of the village Grabovki Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1690. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Pucillo of the settlement of the Good Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1691. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GR. Radziwillovich of Borovoe and Dubrovitsy villages of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1692. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Ratomsky-Kmitto village of Krivoi Niva in Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1693. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.С. Ракусо-Сущевской деревень Шам-Осова и Старой Буды Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1694. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Rone of the village of Glyn of Cherikiv Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1695. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.И. Рошковской деревень Бирюль, Дерновой, Стаск, Яновки, Козельской Буды и села Гор Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1696. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants ML. and I.Ya., P.Ya. Sakovichi estate of Obytoko Cherikovsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1697. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Svadkovsky village of Nenno of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1698. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Selyavo of Zabolotye and Ratykinka villages of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1699. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Selyanko of the village of Zheleznitsa in the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 17. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants of Lucia The war of the village of Kulnitsa Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 170. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Khoroshunova settlements of Radusha and Besiadi Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1700. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BI. Sestrentsevicha-Bogusha settlement of the Good Cherikovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1701. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GA. Sestrentsevich-Kuchuk settlement of Zalesye of Cherikovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1702. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Sestrentsevich-Kochuk settlement Sinyakov Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1703. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Sergentsentsevich village Volkovka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1704. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Silinich village Malkovki Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1705. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Silinich villages Udot and Glini Cherikovsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1706. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Stakhovsky village Shirki of the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1707. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants N.T. Stoshi Seloi Settlement, Berezyak and Rovnishche Cherikivsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1708. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants N.T. Stoshi village Volnitsa Cherikivsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1709. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.N. Strizhevsky village Volovniki Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 171. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Khotsyanovskoy village Mihalki Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1710. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants of Adam and Anna Stříževskih villages Volovniki Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1711. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. and S.L. Strizhevsky villages Volovniki Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1712. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Sudzilovskaya village of Khristoforovka (Good) of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1713. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.П. Сумарокова селений Мирогощи, Горки и Журавля Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1714. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.П. Сумарокова имения Езерское Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1715. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Sumarokova settlements Rogalin and Jezery Cherikiv Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1716. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Sumarokov Estate of the Jezery of Cherikiv Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1717. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Onufriya Surina of the village of Golynshchina in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1718. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Surin of the village Zaitseva-Slobodka Cherikovsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1719. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. and K.K. Surin village of Krotok, Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 172. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Khotsyanovskoy village of Dubki-Marimanova Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1720. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants ND and PD. Surazhi estate Voronkov Cherikovsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1721. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Syanozhenskoye village Sorochino Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1722. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Anna Tomashevskaya estate Zolochevo Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1723. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Troupinskoye settlements Volysher and Kuzki Cherikivsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1724. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Ussakovsky village Bratskovich Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1725. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA, SA, DA, IA, Yu.A. and AA. Filipovichi villages of Dalenshchyna and Bayevki Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1726. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.E. Fitingof of Krasovichi and other Cherikiv Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1727. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants T.F. The village of Khotimsk in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1728. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. and I.I. Khodkevichi of the villages of Uspolya and the Isles of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1729. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Ciechanowiec village Kostyukovichi Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 173. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Shatsillo settlements of Leontiev Gomel district of Mogilev province.
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1730. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Chernyavsky village Botvinovka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1731. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Chudovo villages of Polotitsa, Komarovka and other Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1732. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Chudovskoy estate Red Cherikivsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1733. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MF, FF, AF Chudovsky villages of the Cherry Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1734. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.M. The village of Verkhovets and the village of Osovets in the Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1735. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Shemiota villages of Yurkovka and Trusin of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1736. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Shepelevich-Lazarevich, villages of Lyakhi, Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1737. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Agafia Shpakovichova, Julian Boreit, Anna Ivitskaya part of the village Grabolova Cherikovsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1738. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Shpilevskoye settlements Belitsa, Neshkovka, Slobodka, Black Pine and Doloschiny Cherikivsky uyezd of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1739. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. and Yu.K. The storm of the villages Poluzhi, Yasenok and Bryulov of the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 174. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IM, AM, SM. and E.M. Shandbikovo villages of Luben, Gomel county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1740. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Shchurovich of the village of Rivensk in the Cherikov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1741. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Yakutovichi village of Trusin, Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1742. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AM, I.M. and Yu.M. Yakutovichi village Beskovka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1743. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NN. Yakutovich village of Lykinka Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1744. The case of the redemption of land plots of the temporal peasants Antushevichi and Ludwigs Dulevich Selenia Osovo and the Verkhovets Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1745. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants F. F.Vishnevskaya, A.P.Butkovsky and V.F.Surinovaya villages of Batvnikov and the skewer of the Cheryikovsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1746. The case of redemption of land put on the temporary-bound peasants M.I.Dernovich and V.I.Malinovskaya village Mountain of the Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1747. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IK, V.M. and V.M. Korkozovich and OM. Viskovsky villages of Gubin region and other Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1748. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Vladimir and Valerian Korkozovich and Olga Viskovskaya settlements Gorodok and Janovskaya Slobodka Cherikivsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1749. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MI, SI, II, FI Ostankovich, K.I. Ilinich and AA Germanovich of the villages of the Good and Staborshchyna Cherikiv Uyezd in the Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 175. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA, DA. and VA. Engemgardt villages Old Yurkovich Gomel county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1750. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.F. Podobedova and M.F. Dubeykovo village Sosnovitsy Cherikivsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1751. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Przhesmitskaya and I.I. Ilinich village Gorbatki Cherikovsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1752. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants AO, Zh. T. Pushkin, E.I. Zubovsky and Vikentiy Surozha settlements of Zalesye, Rudodzim and Baevki of Cherikov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1753. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Ribson and O.S. Khodorovich of Trubinino village of Cherikiv district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1754. The case on the repurchase of land plots by temporary peasants N.P.Waikova Sellia Requires Mogilev County, the village of Zarshansky County and the village of Lower Ponds of the Goretsky County of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1755. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants A.S.Goli Village Ralsi, Ivanovska Klimovitsky County and Sychevki villages and Slobodci Cheryikovsky County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1756. The case of the redemption of land plots by temporary peasants S.V.Goli Village Kislischi Mstislavsky County, Selion Mikheevichi Klimovitsky County and villages Khotovich, Voronev, Zheyev, Festivation and town of Krinikev Cheryikovsky County Mogilevsk
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1757. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.О., А.О., И.О. Каменских деревень Есьманова и Суши Климовицкого уезда и деревни Зимонина Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1758. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.И. Комара деревень Дубейцы и Горбович, Гибам, Голачевки, Мяловки, Ветухин, Деражны, Красницы и Забычины Чериковского уезда и местечка Забычанье и деревни Крутип Климовицкого уезда Могилевско
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1759. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Н. Комар деревень Липовый Ручей, Мельниковки и Колодлива Климовицкого уезда и Красной Слободки, Жадуни, Боровки, Кубраковки и местечка Стоденца Чериковского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 176. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.С. Андриевского, Е.С. Герштенцвейн и других Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1760. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.И. Комар селений Дубейца, Красницы и Ветухны Чериковского уезда и селения Подлутья Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1761. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SE, VE, EE and others. The Lubomir villages of Demyankovo, Parfenkovo, Mikhalinovo, Petki, Irvishchi, Karmanovo, etc. Goretsky uyezd and villages Podknyazhenya, Upper, Bolotovich, Syshchina, Lenkovich,
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1762. The case of redemption of land plots by temporal peasants V.E., E.V.and I.-F.E.Lubomirsky villages of the Shestakov, Slobodki, Kirovichi and Zhivagi Chausovsky County and Villages of Consonants, Alekseki, Radushkov, Latvishche, Kotovshchina, Alexandria, and others. Goretko
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1763. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Slavinsky villages of Old Tolochny, Talonnovshchina, Bolshaya and Malaya Surnovka, etc. Seninsky district and villages Bezdelici, Novoe, villages of Slobodka and the village of Old Tolochny of Orsha county Mogi
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1764. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.И. Паскевича селений Составки и Красного Гомельского уезда и селений Шашцы, Блевки и Фащевки Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 1765. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.М. Позняка селений Любнища, Кривска, Бобровичи, Никитиничи, Низкой Улицы и Малой Княжицы Могилевского и Рогачевского уездов Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 177. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.O., N.G. and O.G. Klimovich and S.Ya. Sulivan settlement of Bukhalovka Gomel county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 178. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Валериана Ржеуского, В.Ф. Янковского и прочих селений Серафимовки и Терешковичи Гомельского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 179. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Foynitskaya and FI, DF Head of Popovki village of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 18. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Voynich-Sianozhents village of Isakova Bugi of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 180. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Adamovich Villages Fears, Outskirts and Krotiki Goretsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 181. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Adamovich of the estate of Zheleznik Orel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 182. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Bezobrazovoy village Sidorovka Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 183. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SG. Belevsky village Lyubizh and other Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 184. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Bibikov villages of Staiki, Sapronki, Rzhavtsa and Kucharina Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 185. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Bogdanovich villages Lavkam, Rusanova and Rostkov Goretsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 186. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Bogdanovich village of Guraki Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 187. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PE. Borzov village of the Black Gorki district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 188. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.E. Borzov village of Stepkov Garetsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 189. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Vatatsi villages Anikovichi and Strikili Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 19. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vykovskaya village Good Oak (Polyany estate) Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 190. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Vatatsi villages Kushevki, Budishcha and Puglyaeva Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 191. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Н.П. Воейкова селения Малого Заречья Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 192. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Voynilovich of the estate of Alexandrovka of Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 193. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Б. Гельтцля селения Новоселки Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 194. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.В. Голынского селений Политина и других Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 195. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable to peasants of Tekla and Michalina of Gorbat villages of the Church and Rudny of Goretsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 196. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Gorbatovskoye settlements Small Slyzhi and the Crossroads of Goretsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 197. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Н. Денисова селений Жабыки, Михеевки и др. Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 198. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Denisov settlement of Belyama and other Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 199. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.М. Дондукова-Корсакова деревень Логовины, Староселья и др. Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 2. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SM. Artsimovicha village Canvases of the Bykhov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 20. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Vykovsky village of Bolshoy-Zimnitsk, Bykhov Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 200. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. Zhukovsky settlement of the Wheel of Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 201. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Zarembo estate of Viljanov Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 202. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Zvegintsev village of Timochovka, Goretskiy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 203. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Kimbar of Putyatin village of Goretskiy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 204. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Kovsharovoy village Yakovlevichi Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 205. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants TA. Kozlovskaya village Ladyzhina Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 206. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Kossovo village Zaimitsa Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 207. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Lepkovsky estate of Seletsky, the village of Old Seltz and other Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 208. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Lepkovo settlements of Old Selets, Pamanca and other Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 209. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Lubomir village Zagvozdino, Eremeevshchina and other Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 21. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Vykovsky village of the Great Zimnica of the Bykhov uyezd of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 210. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.К. Любомирского местечка Дубрович Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 211. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.Е. Любомирского селений Барсуки, Неготино, Бески и др. Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 212. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Lubomir village of Fimok, Baradulino, Zyurdi and Syaglova Gorki district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 213. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.К. Любомирского селения Борыстеновского Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 214. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Mauro villages of Slavania and Zapolye Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 215. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Menzhinsky village Levki Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 216. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Mikosha village of the Greater Slidnev Gorki district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 217. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.И. Миткевича селения Литвинова и других Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 218. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.F.Pazdeeva of the village of Yakovlevichi Goretsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 219. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.С. Пересвет-Салтан деревни Маковни и др. Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 22. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Vykovsky village of Palok Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 220. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Pechkov village of Morozov Goretskiy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 221. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Pechkovsky settlements of Kharkiv and others Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 222. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Pora-Leonovich village of Zemtsev, Goretskiy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 223. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Stankevich of the village of Varkovo of Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 224. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Taneyev village Okunevki Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 225.
The main redemption institution of the Ministry of Finance.
Russia. Ministry of Finance. The main redemption institution. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Count VA. Branitskoy village Voinavrov Tarashchansky district of the Kiev province. 1894.
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 226. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Ungern-Sternberg of the village of Zvolignichi, Goretskiy district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 227. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Ungern-Sternberg of Letovki village of Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 228. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Ungern-Sternberg of the villages of Priguzki, Goryachi and others Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 229. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants D.E. Zekert of the villages of Holby, Burners and Galki of Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 23. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Ganiprovsky village Zbitina Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 230. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.Ф. Цекерта селений Комаровщины, Волевки, Будища, Зазерья Горецкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 231. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.M. Tsukatto villages Maslakov Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 232. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NG. Tsukatto villages of Yakovlevichi Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 233. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants G.M. Tsukatto of Shepelevka village of Goretskiy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 234. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NG. Tsukatto of Slavnik village, Goretskiy district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 235. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Bibikova and L.V. Loshkareva village of Zabrodja Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 236. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. and F.G. Voynilovichovyh and S.P. Pusdeyevoy village Churilov and Zastenok Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 237. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LG, LA, EG and E.G. Gebel, S.L. Markovich and LI, V.I. and V.I. de Sainte-Laurent villages of Ordati Goretsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 238. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NL The Azanchev village of Strokajly, Klimovichi county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 239. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Alexandrovich's estate Krasnopoly Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 24. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Derzhanska-Dekterevoy village of the Church Osovitsa of the Bykhov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 240. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants N.K. Alexandrovich village of Zemnitsa Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 241. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants N.K. Alexandrovich village of Glushkov Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 242. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Artsimovich villages Zelenets, Staraya Buda and Michalovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 243. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Artsimovich village of Terpilovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 244. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Artsimovich of the village of Zhukovka of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 245. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Artsimovich village of Gorodok Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 246. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Д.Д. Балашова селений Озерцы и прочее Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 247. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants VO. Bartoshevichi village of Belynkovichi Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 248. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Bartoshevich village of Sharik Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 249. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Belikovich village of Mukhovka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 25. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Esman villages of Dubov and Grushi Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 250. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Belikovich village of Zharki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 251. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Belikovich village of Moshevoi and others Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 252. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Belikovich village Kropivinka Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 253. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.M. Bishevsky settlement of Tikhani Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 254. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants DM, LD, DL and other Bishevsky villages of Evtukhovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 255. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM, AA, DA and other Bishevsky villages Klovo Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 256. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Blazevichevo village of the New Stan Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 257. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Bobrika settlement of the New Stan Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 258. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Bogushevsky village of Nizki Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 259. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Bonch-Osmolovsky village Fedotovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 26. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.I. Esman of the village of Ludchits of the Bykhov uyezd of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 260. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Bonch-Osmolovsky village of Antonovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 261. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Bonch-Osmolovsky village Vyazovtsi Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 262. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.А., Ф.А. и А.А. Бонч-Осмоловских селения Болешино Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 263. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants EF Bonch-Osmolovskoy manor Osmolovichi Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 264. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.A. Baranovskaya Bylynkovich town of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 265. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Borisovicheva estate Rozalmovo Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 266. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PI, II. and E.I. Bulgarinov settlements of Tikhany and Zabelshin Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 267. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants OO, PO. and E.O. Bulgariny settlements Prudka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 268. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KM. Vazhinskoye settlements Dnesino and Ozhegi Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 269. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.М. Важинской селения Пожоги Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 27. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Zhabko-Potapovich village of Milivki Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 270. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Valukevich village of Zhidovoi Buda of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 271. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Valyuzhinich village Osmolovichi with the villages of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 272. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IG, MI, I.N. and other Valozhinichi estates Fedotovka Klimavitsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 273. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants T.F. Vatsurovo village of Zimonin Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 274. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.N. and E.N. Vlasenkovy villages Yaroshevko Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 275. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Volk-Levanovich village of Slobodka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 276. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Volk-Levanovich of the estate of Gryazevets of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 277. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants IO, I.O. and A.O. Volkov-Levanovichi of the village of Griazevets of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 278. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. and S.I. Wolf-Levanovichi village of Gryazevets, Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 279. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Vollovitch villages Pogulyaevka, Stakhovshchina, Shabel and Medvedkovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 28. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Zhabko-Potapovicha village Slobodka Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 280. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.И., П.А., А.М. и др. Волловичей деревни Шабель и других Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 281. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Volovich of the village of Petrovich Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 282. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Voynich-Syanozhentsi settlements of Budy and Frolovka of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 283. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Voynich-Syazhentsy village Zhurbin Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 284. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Voynich-Syanozhentsia village Zemenina Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 285. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Voynich-Syanozhentsky village Hills of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 286. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Golkovsky village Kovalevki Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 287. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Golyn village Sovki Klimavitsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 288. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.М. и Е.А. Голынских деревень Стецкого, Крапивки и др. Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 289. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.M. Grinevich estate of Grinevshchyna Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 29. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Zhukovsky settlements of Staiki, Lithuanians of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 290. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Grodsky village Evulina Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 291. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.E. Gubarevich village of the mouth of the Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 292. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants and Anna Dobroselsky Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 293. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PK, AK. and O.K. Dobelselsky villages of Sudzil Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 294. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Zhukovsky village Korovitsa Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 295. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Zhukovsky village Muzhichka Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 296. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Zhukovsky estate Yekaterinopol Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 297. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA, IA. and L.A. Ivashkevich villages Shumovka and Zaivka Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 298. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Ilinich village of the Myslev region of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 299. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SG. Ilinich village Budy Klimovitsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 3. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Bankovsky village of Bakotovka and Kamsiki of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 30. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Mary Zabarovskaya village Kononovka Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 300. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants O.O. Ilinich village of Slobodka and Myslov district of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 301. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Zakolinsky village Kasperkam Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 302. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Zakalinsk village Kasperk Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 303. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. and K.I. Zakolinsky villages Kasperki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 304. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.E. Zakolinskaya village of Buzovka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 305. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Zaleski villages Shumovka Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 306. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Zapolsky village Titovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 307. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.Ya. Zelenetsky-Kabat settlement of Kasperki of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 308. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Deoniziya Zenkovich village Suzdim Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 309. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Валерия, С.И., Х.И. и Л.К. Зубовичей селений Яновка, Дорожино и Высокое Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 31. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Zelinsky village Shmaki Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 310. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Kamenskoye settlements Gniewkova and Yanovo Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 311. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. and L.D. Kamensky settlements of Pushkov Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 312. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. and E.F. Kamensky settlements Kukuevka and Jadushki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 313. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Kepen settlement Sobolevki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 314. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Barbara, Maria and Sofia Kovalikov villages Korablevka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 315. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Komar settlement of Kolmov Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 316. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Komar villages of Almost, Orlovka and Nymph of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 317. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Konosevich village of Lyadichi Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 318. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kraevsky village Kovalevka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 319. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Krajevskogo of the village of Sklimin of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 32. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Zenkovich village of the Island of Bykhov Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 320. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Krajevska Miloslavia and the settlements of Chistopol Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 321. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. The fist of the village of Sobolevka, Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 322. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Kulyabko-Koretsky village of Sichevki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 323. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Kulyabko-Koretsky I.N. settlements of Zhukovka, Gavrilenka and other Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 324. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and A.V. Kurek settlement of Korozhevka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 325. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Lypyn village of Zhovapik and Autukhovka of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 326. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants S.I.Makovetsky village Tupiki Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 327. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Malinovsky village of Tihiny Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 328. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Masalskogo-Koshuro village Podgorodok Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 329. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ш.О. Мартыновой деревни Готовки, села Березок и др. Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 33. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Valerian and Anton Kamionkov settlements of the Empty and Small Osovitsa Bykhov uyezd of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 330. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and G.M. Martsinkeviches of Titovka village of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 331. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. Meshchersky village Pavlovich, etc. Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 332. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Menzhinskaya village Nikitich Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 333. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Minkevich village of Makivich Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 334. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Myshkovo village Shiterovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 335. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA, AA. Medzvets villages of Kozusevki of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 336. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Medvets village Sobolevki Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 337. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Osmalovsky village Sudoki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 338. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Osmolovsky village Girevich Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 339. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. and Yu.F. Osmolovsky villages Osmolovich Klimovitsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 34. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Л., Н.Л., В.Я., И.Я, К.О., Ф.Я. и Ю.Я. Калионко селения Никонович и др. Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 340. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FM, IM. and E.M. Osmolovsky village Shitevka Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 341. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Osmolovsky village of Shumovka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 342. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Osmolovo village Osmolovichi and Lubyati Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 343. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Osmolovskoy estate Bogdanovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 344. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Ostrovsky village Zaprudya Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 345. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. and K.L. Orlice villages Tserkovitsa and Slobodka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 346. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.М., И.М. и С.М. Патковских деревень Леополье, Глинчино и др. Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 347. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. and P.I. Panischev of the village of Yelno Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 348. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.F. Pashitsa estate Artyukhovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 349. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO Pashits of the village of Yelno Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 35. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Constantine and Maria Kvyatkovsky village of Duzhev district of the Bykhov uyezd of Mogilev gubernia
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 350. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI, S.I. and M.I. Peslyakovs on the village of Peslyakov Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 351. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SP Peslyak of the village of Peslyakov, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 352. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Piragovsky village Orlovki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 353. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and E.K. Pirogov settlements I will be Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 354. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Pirogovo village Klepovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 355. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Pirogovskaya (on the 2nd marriage of Frantskevich), the estate of Orlovka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 356. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. The settlement of Maksimovka settlement in the Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 357. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. The settlement of Artyukhovka settlement of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 358. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants D.M. The fortune of the estate of Yelnya Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 359. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II, II, VI. and others. The wretchedness of the village of Sokolovka of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 36. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Т.П., А.П. и Л.П. Колянковских селения Лопатичь Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 360. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II, II, VI. and others. The wretchedness of the Polomov village of the Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 361. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II, II, VI. and others. The wretchedness of the village of Maloshkovichi of the Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 362. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. The wake of the village of Valkovka in the Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 363. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. The settlement of the village of Yelnya in the Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 364. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KO The Siege of the Village of Selishche in Klimovitsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 365. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Pozharitsa village of Staek Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 366. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. Quarter of the village Stoyanichy Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 367. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Polonsky estate of Grishino Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 368. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Popeyko villages of Ivanovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 369. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Popeyko villages of Ivanovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 37. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Т.А., О.А. и М.А. Коморских селения Апрочунска Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 370. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Of the village of Hoteni, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 371. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Rytikovo village Drishcheva Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 372. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Ф. и Ф.Ф. Россетер селений Прутно-Будо и Федоровка Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 373. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. and F.F. Roseter of the village Prutna of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 374. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LI. Sabansky village of Gusarki, etc. Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 375. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Soković village of Grinevshchyna, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 376. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Sakovich village Titovki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 377. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Sakovich village of Koromyoshok and Strekalov Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 378. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PM. Sakovich village Novo-Dedkino Klimavitsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 379. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Samutsevicha village Semenovki Klimavitsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 38. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. and E.K. Comorian villages of Jerola Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 380. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IF, IF, F.L. and others. The Sakovichi of the village of Zimonin of the Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 381. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Sakovich Settlements Zasyh Klimavitsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 382. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Sakovichi village of Peshkovka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 383. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Skovichevo village of Khotovichi, Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 384. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Sakovichi village Korolyov and others Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 385. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Svadkovsky village of Voloskovei Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 386. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SM. Svadkovsky villages of the Old and New Mosin, etc. Klimavitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 387. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.П. Свадковского селения Церковицы Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 388. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants FP, AP. and other villages of Svadkovo Haldeevka and Tochni Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 389. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. and S.S. Spiller of the village of Zaroi Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 39. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.А., Н.А., А.А. и И.А. Коморских имения Плесно Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 390. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Stakhovsky settlements of the Kholodivka and Dryagilovka of the Klimovitsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 391. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.И. Стаховского селений Родни, Савенки и др. Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 392. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Stakhovsky Estate Krivoy Klimovitsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 393. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.Ya. Sudzilovsky village Kasperki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 394. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FM, SM, AM and others Surinov settlements Stoyanichi Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 395. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants VS, VS, I.S. and other Surinovichi villages of Gutki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 396. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Surinovichi village of Gutki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 397. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MG. Surozh settlement of Vishenki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 398. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. and M.A. Sutocki villages Zverinec Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 399. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.К. Сяноженцкой деревни Боровой и др. Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 4. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Bankovsky village Zapotochya Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 40. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.K. and Ya.K. Krukovsky villages of Kulshits of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 400. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Trzhaskovo village of the Island of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 401. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Tour of Yaroshovki village of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 402. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants VN, NS. and P.S. Turovichi settlement of Zaroy Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 403. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Ussakovskaya village Rysni Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 404. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Ussakovski village of Torchapki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 405. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.E. Fitingof of the village of Krasovici in Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 406. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. and V.N. Frantsesson of the village of Murin Bor of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 407. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. The village of the village of Voloskovka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 408. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. The funnel of the town of Negin Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 409. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Helkovsky villages Osova and Glushkov Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 41. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.F. Leonovich of Kumtav village of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 410. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Khmyzovsky village Perevolochni Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 411. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AA, AV, RV and other Khlyudzin villages of Khrolovka, Angelovka and Pechor of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 412. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Khodorovich village Budy Klimovitsky district Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 413. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KL. and S.L. Tselitsov villages Drishchevo and Egorovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 414. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.И. Цехановецкого селений Карабанова, Витуня, Муховки и др. Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 415. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Ciechanowiec village Kostyukovich Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 416. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Ciechanowiecki village Ignatovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 417. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Ciechanowiec village of Volinezh Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 418. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Ciechanowiec village of Koshelevka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 419. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Ciechanowiec village of Scheglovka, Klimovitsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 42. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.А. Лесновскoго деревни Чернявки и Славки Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 420. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.И. Цехановецкого селений Вишеньки, Демидовичи и Беседовки Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 421. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Ciechanowiec village Zagorje, Martynovka and other Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 422. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Ф. Цехановецкого селений Чернявки, Раскопи, Клипа, Загарги и Мартыновки Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 423. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.И. Цехановецкой села Красовки Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 424. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. and M.P. Shebeko of the village of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 425. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Shiray villages Zimnits Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 426. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Youth-Gzovski Klimavitsky Uyezd Mogilev province of the village of Artemovki
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 427. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.Ya. Yasenchik-Kamionko settlements of Zavidovka of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 428. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.Я. Ясеньчик-Камионка селений Галичь, Дударевка и Федотова-Буда Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 429. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. and S.E. Yasenchik-Kalionka in the villages of the New and Old Pesoljatin of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 43. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PP, VP. and E.P. Lesnevsky villages of Kulshitsy of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 430. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Andrzeykovich and OO, PO. Bulgariny villages of Teklevki Klimavitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 431. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.К. и С.О. Гуминских и И.И. Лаппо селений Тростина и др. Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 432. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF, P.F. and N.I. Zubov and V.I. Ovsyadovskaya village Vishenkam Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 433. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Agafia Osmolovskaya and N.G. Shvabovych settlement Fedotovka-Slobodka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 434. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Parchevskago and P.S. The poor settlement of Borisovka village of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 435. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Przhesmitskaya and I.I. Nlinichev village of Doroshkovka of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 436. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PB, PB. and I.B. Surin and M.B. Shishkovic settlement of Stoyanich of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 437. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.Ф., И.М., М.М. и К.М. Телпыго и С.Л. Монвиж-Мотвида селения Гумницкого Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 438. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tomashevskaya and Rosalia Ponyatovskaya settlements Poniatovki Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 439. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.И. Хелковского, П.И. Блажевичевой и И.М. Бобрика селения Пожари Климовицкого уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 44. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. and I.M. Lorintsevichi villages Shalomy, Podery and Uruchi of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 440. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PP, MP, MP. Chernyshevich and A.P. Yatsyn of the villages of Peslyakovka, Vaskovka and Gannovka of Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 441. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. and E.S. Chugalinsky and P.S. Bishovskoy manor Yanovka Klimovitsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 442. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. Abakamovich village of Raevka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 443. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.P. and K.V. Abakanovichi village of Klyukin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 444. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.F. Alexandrovich village Shiblavin Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 445. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Alexandrovich village Parfenov Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 446. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Andreevskaya settlement of Zheretin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 447. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Artsimovich Estate Fastavo Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 448. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.О. Бартошевича селений Вороновки и Печинця Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 449. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Bartoshevich village Popovshchiny and Bazilevky Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 45. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Makovets village of Trilesina and other Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 450. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.А. и И.А. Беляцких селения Шумякина Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 451. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Bobrikova village of Glukhovki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 452. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Boreisho villages Nesterova, Buda, Krutoy and Sokolov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 453. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants PB. Boreish villages of Mochi and the village of Shipy and Futora of the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 454. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PK. Buchinsky Manor Ryski Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 455. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.М. Валюжинича селений Залесье и Большая Слободка Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 456. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Valyuzhinich village Maksaevo Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 457. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. and M.P. Valyuzhinich villages of Starishovki and Roszavki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 458. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.И. Вельгорской имения Воинино Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 459. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Venkevich-Tooth of the villages of Yesenovok and Klyukino of the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 46. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.А. Маковецкой деревни Драготелень Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 460. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Viskovsky village of Lizarovo Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 461. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Viskovsky estate of Varnavin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 462. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Volovich of the village of Shchodrovka, Mstislavsky Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 463. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants M.E. Voynich-Syanozhentsky village Veprov and Baranovka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 464. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Gavrilovicha village Volkovtsev, etc. Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 465. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Gavrilovicha village of Kotelniki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 466. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants Matvey and his wife Mary Galinovsky villages Rozovka and Starishovka Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 467. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Hankevich villages of Klyukin and Yesianovka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 468. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Gedeon settlement of Mitkov region of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 469. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Geybovich of the villages of Velnya and Starikovka of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 47. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.А., А.А., П.А. и А.А. Маркияновичей деревни Искапи Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 470. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AA, AA, FA and Margarita Gabibichi village Velny Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 471. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Gleb-Koshan village of Bezgachevo Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 472. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PS. Glinka settlements of Danilovsk Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 473. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Golyn village Bagretsov and Lyz Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 474. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Golyn village of Gogolevka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 475. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Golyn village of Molyavitsy Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 476. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Golyn village Monastyrshchyna Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 477. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.С. Голынского селений Коробчино и Шумянич Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 478. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Golyn village of Novye Stan, Greater Soin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 479. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.Д. Голынского местечка Кадина Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 48. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. and L.A. Markianovich village of Obigovichi Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 480. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Golyn village of Vertsub Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 481. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Golyn village of Bolobovshchina and Krasnoselie Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 482. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Golyn village of Banskov district of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 483. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.В. Голынского селений Бохоть, Кривели и других Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 484. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. and AA. Golyn village of Lupischits Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 485. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.В. Голынской селений Свирковец и Полевичева-Буда Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 486. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Gorbatskaya villages I will be, Lyubinka and Futor Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 487. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants U.K. Gorbatskaya village of Nesterov, Buda and other Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 488. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants U.K. Gorbatskaya estate Belitsa Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 489. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants U.K. Gorbatskaya village Budogoshcha Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 49. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Monkevich of the village of Komorichi of the Bykhov uyezd of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 490. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants U.K. Gorbatskaya village Budyaku Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 491. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. and I.K. Dederkov of the village Pisarevshchyna of the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 492. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.I. Dederko village Pisarevshchina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 493. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Dobrovolsky village of Konyukhov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 494. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Domoratsky settlement of Kolenov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 495. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Dubeykovo village Bysyukov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 496. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Dlugokansky Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province of the village of Old Selo
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 497. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. The deacon village of Bolshoy and Malaya Rubanovka and Berezeni Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 498. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.Е. Zhirkevich town of Tatarsk Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 499. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Э. Жиркевича селений Соколово, Падерти и Слободы Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 5. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. and E.A. Benckendorf of the settlements of Proponka and others Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 50. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF. Mankevich village of Komarich of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 500. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants K.Yu. Zhirkevich village of Yushok and High Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 501. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MG. Zapolsky village Shitkova Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 502. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.D. Zapolsky village Moseevka Mstislavsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 503. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants D.Yu. and A.Yu. Zapolsky villages Golovachey Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 504. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Zapol village Prizet Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 505. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Zenkovich IF settlements Kopotovki Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 506. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами О.Я. Иванской селений Большой и Малый Лацков, Каменки Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 507. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.Ya. Ivanskoy village Remstva Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 508. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SG. Ilinich village of Kovshov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 509. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants DA. Iozefovich village of Slivin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 51. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. and A.O. Monkevičy village Borka Bykhov Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 510. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Iozefovich village of Slivin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 511. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EO, VO, AO and F.O. Kamensky villages Galeevki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 512. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants О.P. Karachevsky-Wolf settlement of Kosmytch Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 513. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Kasho-Zger village Ksendzshchina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 514. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed by peasants O.O. and M.O. Kasho-Zger villages of Zgerski Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 515. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Anton Kirkor of the Svetozery settlement of the Mstislavsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 516. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.Н., А.С. и И.С. Комаровых селений Кукуевки и Поповки Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 517. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. and M.I. Korzun of Kopochi village of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 518. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Korsak village of Rodionovka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 519. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.F. Korsak village of Koltova Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 52. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.Ф. и Ф.К. Манкевичей селений Вети, Котовки, Закупления, Ядриней, Слободки, Новой Слободки и др. Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 520. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MI, Ye.G. and I.M. Koshan villages of Sochop Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 521. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Krasovskogo village Kozschino Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 522. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. and A.K. Krasovsky villages Despokit Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 523. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Krasovskogo village Kurovichi Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 524. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Krogera villages Bashkovshchina and Tukhli Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 525. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. The fist of the village of Kurovichi of the Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 526. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. The fist of the village of Koparshchina Mstislavsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 527. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants N.O. The fist of the village of Pislyakivshchyna of the Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 528. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Kulakovo village of Slivin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 529. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants GV. Kurek settlement of Yurkovshchyna of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 53. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Onoshko of the village of Nizovki and the village Poplavschyna of the Bykhov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 530. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Kurek settlement of Orcovshchina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 531. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PP. and D.P. Kurekov village Yurkovshchina Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 532. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Lashkevich settlements of Beli, Bulino, Luzhok and the Mstislav district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 533. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants D.I. Lesnevsky villages of Slivin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 534. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. and K.A. Lesnevsky villages of Timashkovo Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 535. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants PD. Lechitsa village of Tatarstan Mstislav district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 536. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants P.Ya. and Yu.I. Lugojskie village Bezgachevki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 537. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Ya. Makarevich village of Makarovka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 538. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Markiyanovicha villages Folvarka and Milut Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 539. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SG, LS, GS, AS, KS, MS and R.S. Matskeviches of the village of Chernitsa, Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 54. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.А. Оссовской селения Замах Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 540. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Matskevich village of Radkovka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 541. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Matzneva settlement of Gershanov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 542. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Menzhinsky Estate Bystritsa Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 543. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Moguchago-Evcichevich village of Selishche Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 544. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Moguchey-Evcichevich village of Maksaev Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 545. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Moskevich village of Staraya Bucha Mstislavsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 546. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Moskevich village of Poloma of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 547. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Moskevich village Knyazishchev Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 548. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Moskovich village of Poloma of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 549. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.С. Москевич селений Пепелевки и Старой Буды Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 55. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.И. Пересвет-Салтана села Сидоровичь и деревень Прибережье и Беково Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 550. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SN. Moskevich village Zheleznikov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 551. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.И. и А.А. Москевичей селения Большой Слободки и др. Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 552. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Mostovski village Retkovichi Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 553. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. Mochunsky estate of Agnopolye Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 554. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Obolensky villages Bolshikh and Malykh Koznukhovich, etc. Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 555. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants S.O. Near-Kulak settlement of Pislyakivshchyna of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 556. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. and N.P. Parchevsky estates To grieve Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 557. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NG. and I.G. Parchevskih settlement Irtishcheva Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 558. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants E.L. Parchevskoy village Selishche Mstislavsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 559. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. and M.A. Pesolak village Osmolovichi Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 56. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Григория Печковского деревни Олаж и Твердова Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 560. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Petkuna settlement Germonov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 561. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IG, SI, AI, AI, Sh.I., and AI. Pechkovo villages of the Klin Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 562. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Pechkovskaya settlements of Bolshaya and Malaya Leschinki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 563. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants PA, MA, AA. Polubinsky villages Jurkovshchina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 564. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Pucillo of the village of Rotaevo, Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 565. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KA. Radkevich of the Malaya Zetishche estate of the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 566. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Radus-Zenkovich village of Khlyshchev Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 567. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AG. and M.G. Razderishiny village of Pechersk of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 568. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IG, VG, NV, FV, AV and V.V. Raevskoye estates Bozdapovka of the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 569. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NV, FV, VV, FV and A.V. Raevskoye estates Bogatovka-Pikkovka Mstislavsky Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 57. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Perebbsky township Geishin Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 570. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Rakusy-Suschevsky settlements of Platkovo, Gurkovo, etc. Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 571. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.И. Руцинского селений Ожоговщины и др. Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 572. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Sakovichi villages Shamovo, Nesterovo and Budy Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 573. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Sapeshko estate Ftor Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 574. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Sapeshko village Shtykova Mstislavsky county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 575. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants U.N. Saprinovskoy village Ksendzevshchina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 576. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants RI. and M.R. Svetlitsky villages of Vaski Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 577. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Svekhovsky village of Steep Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 578. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Svekhovsky village of Ostrovka and Borovets Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 579. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Svekhovsky village of Rozpaevo Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 58. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA, AI. and E.I. Perebbsky villages of Staiki, the village of Terekhovka and others Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 580. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants RS. Svintsitskoy Estate Myshkin Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 581. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SI, MI, IA. Svekhov Settlements of Kozip and Krasnozruchya Mstislavsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 582. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.Ф. Селляево селений Шаток и Луковца Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 583. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Serdyukova Village, Kudrych Mstislavsky Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 584. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants H.I. Serdyukov settlement of Antonovka Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 585. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants BI. Sestrzhentsevich village of Laryapov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 586. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.N. and Yu.N. Simonovichi village of Rakhivtsi Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 587. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.B. and N.A. Sipailo of Kozinsk Estate of Mstislavsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 588. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GP. Sokolla of Gimbatovka village of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 589. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.Д. и Е.С. Сомовых селений Корниловки, Утопи и Яновки Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 59. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IL. Rabtsevich village of Komarichi of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 590. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.D. and E.S. Somov villages of Rudny Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 591. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Somovoy village of Kolotovin Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 592. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Stakhovsky settlements of Alexandrovka and Antonovka of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 593. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Stakhovsky village of Klyukino Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 594. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Stakhovsky Settlement Matskov Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 595. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Stakhovsky village Petushki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 596. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Stakhovsky Settlement Gorodets Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 597. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.А. Стаховского селений Старого Села, 1 и 2 участка Митковской Слободы Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 598. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Stakhovsky settlement of Ermakovka of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 599. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Stakhovsky settlements of White Moha, etc. Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 6. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.М. Бибиковой деревни Болотова Сельца Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 60. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Roshkovo village of Chechevichi Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 600. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Stakhovsky settlement of Bykovych Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 601. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Stakhovsky village of the High Buda of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 602. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Stakhovsky village of Saprinovichi of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 603. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.Н., А.Н., Н.Н. Стаховских селений Большой Запицы, Жигалова и Пшеничек Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 604. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KN, AN, NN Stakhov settlements of Shashek Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 605. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К. Н., А. Н., Н. Н. Стаховских селений Пиряны, Иозефовки и Ларьковки Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 606. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К. Н., А. Н., Н. Н. Стаховских селений Плицицы, Третьяки и др. Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 607. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.М. Стаховской селений Суздалевки, Городища и др. Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 608. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LM. Stakhovsky Settlements Khoroshkovo and Budyakovo Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 609. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PI. Stakhovsky village Petushkov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 61. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Roshkovskaya village Gribova Slobodka Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 610. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Sudzilovsky village of Pirogovo and other Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 611. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Sudnik of the village of Tochny in the Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 612. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.Ya. Surin villages Paderni and Taran Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 613. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Surin of the village Shmatovshchina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 614. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Surin village of Pozharshishino Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 615. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. and E.I. Surin settlement of Shishkov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 616. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Simonovich village of Zelentsa Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 617. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.N. and Yu.N. Simeonovichi village of Yanovo Sloboda Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 618. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tolpy settlements Big Paradise, Lesser Paradise, etc. Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 619. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Tomashevskoy village of Pirogovo Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 62. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Roshkovskaya village of Chechevits of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 620. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. The crowded village of Griv of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 621. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. The crowded village of Bazylevki, Mstislavsky Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 622. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. The Tolpy settlement of Maksimovka of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 623. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. The crowded settlements of Kuchukovshchina and Beskakov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 624. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. The crowded village Myshkin Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 625. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. The crowded estate of Konarshchyna Mstislavsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 626. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.И. Толпыго имения Гимбатовки Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 627. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.И. Толпыго селения Колкам и других Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 628. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. The crowded village of Maksaevo, Mstislavsky Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 629. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.И. и А.А. Толпыгов имения Лиcовой Буды и других Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 63. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.А. Савицкого селения Махова Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 630. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.И., Г.М., М.М., М.М., О.М. и Э.О. Толпыгов Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 631. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tolpyvoy village of Sorovets Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 632. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. The crowded village Desnokity Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 633. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Tomkovich village Nashkovich Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 634. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Uvarov on the estate Ftor and Chariots Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 635. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ulazovsky village Pirogov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 636. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM. Khlyudzin's estate Rakhovets Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 637. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.I.Khlyudzinsky village Yanova Sloboda Mstislavsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 638. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Khlyudzin village Rohovets Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 639. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Khlyudzin villages of the New Village, Pirogovo and Dubrovka Mstislavsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 64. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.Ф. Свенцкого селения Свенцкополь Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 640. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.А., А.В., Р.В., Е.В., З.В., М.В. и Л.В. Хлюдзинских селений Раскошевки и Яновой Слободы Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 641. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Khodkevich village of Belishina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 642. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Khodkevich village of Pechersk Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 643. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Khodkevich village of Pechersk Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 644. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. and A.N. Khodkevichi village of Pechersk Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 645. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Khrapovitsky village of Kislovichi of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 646. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.И. Цехановского селения Песочки и др. Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 647. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Tsetsersky village Lyubovych Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 648. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.П., Е.М., И.Л. и Л.Л. Чарнушевичей селений Скоблянка, Ольховец и Точна Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 649. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Chernevo village of Germanov Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 65. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Svensky Estate Sorochino Bykhov Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 650. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants T.I. Chernopyatovo village of Kokotova Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 651. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Shastkevich village of Bolobovshchina Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 652. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Shastkevich village of Kislovichi Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 653. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. The village of Pisarevshchyna of Mstislavsky Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 654. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.А. и А.П. Энгельгардтов селений Печерской Буды и Выдрицы Мстиславского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 655. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants M.I., A.M. and E.M. Volovich and PM. Aleksandrovich of Shkundzino villages, Gorovatki, Budy and Kosochovka of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 656. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IN, KI, I.V. Golynskikh, M.V. Kharkevich and M.I. Kolkovsky village Janovki Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 657. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.I. Golynska and M.I. Svekhov Settlement Mileikova and Chertova Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 658. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Krasovskaya and M.K. and K.K. Gurko villages of Yurkovshchina, Galeevka and Shkundin of Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 659. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, VI, AI. Moskeviches, B.I. Tolpygo and EI. Kmito of the village of Gorjana, Mstislavsky district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 66. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Sellyava villages of the Sutki and Yutkovichi of Bykhov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 660. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. and the sons of Zdislav, Joseph, Norvert and Felix Moskeviches and Camilia Surina of the village of Pavlova Sloboda Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 661. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Parchinskaya and Adam Golynskogo settlements of the Red Hill Mstislavsky Uyezd Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 662. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tolpygin and AI Glinka's villages Codrina and other Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 663. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Tolpygo and AI. Glinka settlements Verevni Mstislavsky district Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 664. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Ulinskaya, G.I. Frei village Olhovets Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 665. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Shilnikov and IE. Zhirkevich villages of Bohufalova and Kurovshchyna Mstislavsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 666. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.Yu. Albrichovich village Dubinki Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 667. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Barqa village of the Dark Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 668. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Bartolomew of the village of Lubuzh with the villages of Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 669. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Bartoshevich village of Ilyany Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 67. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants LF Selyav village Usokhi Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 670. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LA. Bartoshevich of the village of Maly Pashkov in the Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 671. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants U.E. Bachmanovoy village Vendorogi Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 672. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Beklemishev village of Vasilka, Mogilev county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 673. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Bogushevskoy village Kaskevichi small Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 674. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Bogushevskoy village Skurat Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 675. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. Bogushevskoy village Oravi Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 676. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Bonch-Bogdanov village of Gribachi Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 677. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. Brzhostovsky Estate Trails of Mogilev Uyezd in Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 678. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.O. Brzhezinskaya villages Korchemki, Mikhaleva and Vorotynshchina Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 679. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Varavkovoy village of Litovsk, Mogilev district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 68. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Semkovsky village Lazarevichi Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 680. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Venslavovich villages Sipayla, Kamenets and Novoselok Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 681. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Ventslavovicha village Slobodki Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 682. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Vilyamovsky village of Lotva Vodva of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 683. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Voynich-Syanozhensky village of Drutsk Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 684. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Voynich-Syanozhensky village of Knyazevka of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 685. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP. Voyeikov village of Dobreiki of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 686. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Voyeikova village of Dankovichi and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 687. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Gartz villages of Budishcha and Kuta of Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 688. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF. Glazhevskoye village Stone Lavas of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 689. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Ganiprov village Popovtsi of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 69. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Semkovsky village Lazarevichi Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 690. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Ganiprovsky village of Bolshoy Pashkov Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 691. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Goniprovsky village Sivan Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 692. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Gordzyolkovo village Sumarokova Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 693. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Gordzyolkovo village of Novoselki Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 694. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Gordzyolkovo village of Staro Polissya of Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 695. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Gordzyolkovo estate Skurat of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 696. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Gorsky-Shpykovo village of Svetilovichi of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 697. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Gotovsky village of Mezhgorye Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 698. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.V. Grebnitsky estate Sklyapovo Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 699. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Н. Гриневича селения Голынца Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 7. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Zakhariy Bishevsky village Bolshie Volkovichi Bykhov Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 70. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Р.Ф. и В.Ф. Сипайпо селений Городищи, Каличенки и Пильницы Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 700. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Grinevich village Novoselok Mogilevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 701. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. and M.O. Grodzin villages of Kamentsyn Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 702. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FB Gyusa settlements of the Big village and Slobodka and Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 703. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants KE Dvorzhetskogo settlement Zylly of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 704. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.S. and G.S. The village of Stjudenok in the village of Mogilev, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 705. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. and VA. Dzichkantsev estate of Brakov Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 706. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.А., В.А. и А.Н. Дзичканцев селения Лохвица Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 707. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.О. Домбровского селения Савастьянович Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 708. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NP, M.P. and A.P. Doroshkevichi of the Kozybrodya manor of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 709. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Zalusky village Trukhanovka Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 71. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AF, AK, IK and M.K. Slavinsky Manor Non-Floods Bykhov Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 710. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Zalusky village Ugljan Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 711. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Zelinskaya village Zarudeika of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 712. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Zenkovich village of Taranov Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 713. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI, II, FI, II. Zmicherov villages of Slobodka of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 714. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Zlebov village of Malaya Dobreika Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 715. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants David Zubovich of the village of Berezki Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 716. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants N.O. Zubovich manor of the Krolishchev Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 717. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.G. Kazanovich village of the Greater and Lesser Kudin of the Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 718. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. and CG. Casanovichi village Golynets Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 719. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants N.G.Kalliopina of the village of Zhukova Mogilevsky district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 72. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Stanovsky village of Glouz of the Bykhov district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 720. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Stanislaw and Anna Karnitsky village of Bolshie Lozits Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 721. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Kvetsinsky village of Tralni Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 722. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants FV. Kęstovich of the village of the Old Polesye of the Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 723. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Kiselevsky village Burovshchyna Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 724. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Kovalevsky village Bashlyki Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 725. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Kozhukhovsky village Bialynicham, etc. Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 726. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Kozhukhovsky village Zhuravets Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 727. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AI, SA, AA Kozhukhov villages Sekerki, Gorovatki, Rogach and others Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 728. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VF Korolko villages Trukhova and Kupelov Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 729. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants NG. A small number of villages Tolpechitsy, Selepitsa and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 73. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. The village of Dzyevshchyna, the Bytovo village of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 730. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PN. Korsak villages of Small Cuskavichy of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 731. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants MA, VA. Korsakov of the village of Rubezha of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 732. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PN. Korsak of the town of Kruche Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 733. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. and VA. Korsakov of the village of Selets, Mogilev district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 734. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянам Ф.Ф. Кранца деревни Павлович Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 735. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF, VF, SF Krzhevkovych-Poznyakov of the estate of Frapulina of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 736. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами князей Н.С. и А.С. Кропоткиных селения Бутовки Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 737. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. and A.S. Kropotkin villages of Bankov Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 738. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. and A.S. Kropotkin villages of the Round Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 739. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Н.С. и А.С. Кропоткиных селения Ильковичи Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 74. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами П.А. Толстого деревни Кузьковичи Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 740. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. and A.S. Kropotkin villages of Prigani and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 741. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NS. and A.S. Kropotkinye villages of the district and Chigiri of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 742. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants DA. v. Kruche village of Krasnopolya, Mogilev district, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 743. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Krucha villages of Merchi of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 744. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ladomirsky N.V. Mogilev county of Mogilev province, villages Polykovych, Mostka, Sofiyivka and others
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 745. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Lepkovo village Ozer Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 746. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Lipin village of Sekerny Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 747. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. de Lippe-Lipsky village of Lipsk Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 748. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Lippe-Lipsky village of Teterin Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 749. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MI, MI, AI, VI. and I.I. Lippe-Lipsky villages of Uluzhye and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 75. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Flivers of the village of Barkalabov, Bykhov Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 750. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary lodging by peasants MI, MI, AI, VI, II. Lippe-Lipsky villages of Glubokoe and Zelenkov Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 751. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MI, MI, AI, VI. and I.I. Lippe-Lipsky villages Kostyukovichi Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 752. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants FS. Mantsevich village Senkova Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 753. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Mitkevich-Zholtka village of Lezhnev Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 754. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Olekhovsky village Ryzhiki Mogilevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 755. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.V. Olekhovsky settlements of Gribin and Lyskovschyna of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 756. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Onoshko of the village of Belyavshchina in the Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 757. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SN. and R.S. Pichallo settlements of Bakhan, Wasteland and Gupi of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 758. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KI, V.V. Podashevsky villages Novoselok of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 759. Deed on the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Poznyak village Shupen Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 76. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants ZA, A.Z. and N.Z. Hodoroviches of the village Yazva Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 760. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Э.М. Позняка селений Ольшаников и Васильков Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 761. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Potulitsky-Voizbun of Golovchyna town of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 762. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Lev and Alexander Potulitsky -Voisbunch village Rudnya Mogilevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 763. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Rakuzo villages of Peschanka of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 764. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants N.K. Rakuzo village of Rechek Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 765. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Rakuso village of Pavlovka of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 766. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Ф.К. Ракуссы селения Казимировки Могилевского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 767. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Matvey, Anna, Rosalia, Sofia, Vitolda, Antonina Rogovskih village Ponizovya Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 768. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Ts.V. Rudnitsky-Sipaylo villages Zaprudya and Petushki Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 769. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. and A.F. Rudnicki-Sipailo villages: Ragozny, Klimovichi and Kurbatovka of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 77. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. The settlement of Kononovka of the Bykhov uyezd of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 770. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants A.Yu. Savitsky estate Bogdanovka with the villages Borisovich, Novoselya, Gapcevichi and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 771. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Savitsky I.O. villages of Mostyscha and Lamnitsy of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 772. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Nikolai Savitsky villages of the Greater and Lesser Nezhkov and Gnezdin Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 773. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Sarger of the village of Vasylki of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 774. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Sipaylo settlement of Achimkovich Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 775. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.O. Spiridovich of the village of Sonniki of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 776. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA. Stankevich of the settlements of Zagaranok and Yelkovshchina of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 777. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.L. Stakhovsky village of Tubyrev and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 778. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants. and E.M. The high-mountain villages of Antonova Buda and Lebedyanka in Mogilev county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 779. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PP, EI. and O.I. Stoshoshi of Gorjany estate of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 78. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Khmyzovsky village of Zhuravichi of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 780. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SF. Khomentovsky village of Reuchya of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 781. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.F. Khomentovsky village Senchukov Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 782. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Ciechanowiec village of Proxenichi, Mogilev county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 783. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Charkovsky village Chernoruchya and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 784. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Chernihiv village Krukova Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 785. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Chernihiv village Vishova Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 786. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Chernyayeva village Ramshin Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 787. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Paul and Sofia Shablyovichey village Prihab Mogilevsky district Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 788. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants D.N. Shamshina village of the Red Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 789. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Shanyavsky estate Shepeeliovichi Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 79. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Клеотильды Цехановецкой селений Иванищевичи и др. Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 790. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Shanyavsky settlements Stoy, Bovavichy, Zalesye and other Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 791. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.I. Shanyavsky settlements Shepelevichi with Zarechye and Smogilevki Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 792. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants of Ekaterina Shanyavskaya of the settlement Shipyale of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 793. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VP. Shebeko of Maly Zavolotya village of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 794. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Shemiet villages of the Forest Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 795. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Yanchevskaya village of Borovka of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 796. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PE. Yasenetsky-War village of Svetlovichi, Mogilev county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 797. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. and V.I. Yaroshevsky villages of Sipin Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 798. The case of the redemption of land allotments for peasants temporarily obligated by Eva Kozlovskaya and D.I. Zubovich village Timokhovki Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 799. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants MA, VA, VA, VA, OA, KA, AA Korsakov and M.A. and PA. Kovalevskih villages of the Kaskovichi and other Mogilev district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 8. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.M. Bishevskogo village Kunina Bykhov Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 80. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants LP. Cehanovets village of Batugi, Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 800. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.P. Myretsky and E.-K. P. Katsyucevich of the village of Novopolesye of Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 801. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Rakuzo and K.I. Merzhievsky village of Golubovki Mogilev district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 802. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants Victoria Rodzevich and A.D. Potulitsky-Voizbuna estate Golovchin Mogilev county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 803. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Victoria Rodzevich and Alexander Potulitsky-Voizbun of the village of Gut Mogilevsky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 804. The case on the repurchase of land plots by temporary-bound peasants P.P., E.I.Sticks and O.I.Rubanovskaya village River Mogilev County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 805. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. I am. Aleksandrovichy villages Malye Orlovitchi Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 806. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Birul estate Morozovka Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 807. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Biruli-Byalynitsky AS settlements of Bruce, Ambrosenok and Stvoliny of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 808. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Biruli of Soboli estate of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 809. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Birule village Nevzuchya Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 81. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Л.П. Цехановецкой селений Бовтово и др. Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 810. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants S.V. Biruli of the estate of Filipovschina and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 811. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Biruly village of Podsosny and Chushai of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 812. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Biruli-Byalynitskoy estate Zaborye of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 813. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Bobrov Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province of the village of Tharin
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 814. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VR Bogomolets villages Bolshoy Vydrei, Bubolev, Kartashev and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 815. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Theophilus and Theresia Bogushe village of Selets of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 816. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants DV. Bogushevsky settlements Skos, Janovki and others Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 817. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. and E.V. Bogushevsky manors Vorontsevsha Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 818. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.I. Březovsky estate of Aleksandrov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 819. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants MD Brzhezovsky on the estate Yushkovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 82. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Р.И. и И.А. Чикунских-Анципов деревни Большой Болевичь Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 820. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Brzhozov villages Korban and Volkovo of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 821. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants IF. Brzhozov estate of Brzhozovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 822. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Brzozovsky Estate Ostropol Orsha County Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 823. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PF. Brzhozovsky village Sloboda and Volchkovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 824. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Brzhozov villages Kautkov and Ksendzov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 825. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants FA. Brzhozov villages Grakovo and Kizyam Orsha district of the Mogilev province FA.
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 826. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Alexander, Constantine, Casimir, Alexandra and Mary Brzhozovsky villages Pushaeva and Zarechya Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 827. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants EA. Brzhozov village of Kopti, Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 828. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Brzhozovsky village of Lyndino of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 829. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.K. Brzhozov villages Burakov, Minchonka and Yakovtsov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 83. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Shanyavsky settlements Kulikovka and Bakhan Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 830. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.К. Бржозовской селений Голубовщина, Шарки и других Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 831. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants O.S. Brzhostovo village Ulanova and Lotva Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 832. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Brzhostovo village Belyaev Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 833. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Brzhostovo village Staburam Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 834. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Brinka village of Zastuzhye, Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 835. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Ivan and Mary Bursky villages Neronok Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 836. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.A. Bukhartovsky village of the New village of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 837. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Butevichevoi village of Yurtsevich of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 838. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants AG Vakar villages of Borisenkov and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 839. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Vankovich village Kozlova Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 84. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants FG. Shanyavsky village Kulikovka Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 840. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VI. Vasilevsky village of Nemirovo and Krinichnaya of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 841. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Vasilevsky village of Chikovschina of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 842. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Vasilevsky village Polyudov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 843. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants I.O. Vasilevsky village Turovich Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 844. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.О. Василевского селения Елино Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 845. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants AD and AD. Vasilevsky estate Litvinovo and the village Grads Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 846. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Vasilevskaya estate Moshkovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 847. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants F.O. Velyamovich villages Vavilok, Borisovki and Tubeltsov Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 848. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Felix Veljamovich village Rzhev Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 849. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants U.I. Veljamovich villages Ozerkov and Pronsky Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 85. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Shanyavsky estate Aunatki Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 850. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.M. Veselovsky village of Sternikonki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 851. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants RS. Verigo settlements Shatky and Kolpino Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 852. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Verzhbitsk estate Krzhevin Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 853. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.P. Verzhbitsa villages of Akhrimovo, Lysikty and others of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 854. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.E. Voevodsky villages of Voronino and Leszno of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 855. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Voytsehovsky village of Serebryanka, Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 856. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Gayevsky village of Tuminichi of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 857. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Vikenty Garnovsky village Mytkova Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 858. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Garnovo village Borovoi and Zamoshchany Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 859. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. and M.S. Gerasimov town of Alexandria of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 86. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Shelist of Khomyankov village of Bykhov Uyezd of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 860. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants L.V. Gineiko settlement of Pavlyshkovo of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 861. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.K. Gozdzy village of Mikhailovschina, Drozdov and Zadnya of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 862. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Gozdzic village Ozerets and others Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 863. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Goniprovsky village of Bolshoy Bogdanovka of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 864. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Goniprovsky village of Malaya Bogdanovka of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 865. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.P. and P.P. Goniprovsky villages of Kohanovo of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 866. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NF Goniprovsky village Shpachino of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 867. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA, MV. and A.V. Gordzyolkovsky village of Parechya, Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 868. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.V. Grebnitskoy village Perevolochno Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 869. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Gumovsky village Krivoy Aleksandrov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 87. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.И. Ярошевской селений Хапово и Уголья Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 870. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.Л. Гурко деревни Браткова Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 871. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Gurko villages of Chikovschina, Orsha county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 872. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Gurko villages of Vysokogo and Bulchin of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 873. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Gurko villages Boyar Creek, Zagulie and Grodjaki Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 874. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.V. Gurko villages Snitki, Kings and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 875. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. Gurko villages of Novoselki and Chernysh of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 876. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.M. Gurko of the Yulyanov estate of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 877. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants M.K. and Yu.M. Gurko village of Vodvin of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 878. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Denisov villages of Gerasimenka and Klimenka of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 879. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AN. Denisov villages of Orlovic and Ermakov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 88. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами А.А. и детей ее Добржанских и Л.А. Шабшиевой селения Акужевщино Быховского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 880. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants of Vladimir Kuzmich Derozhinsky villages Grebenevo, Bely Lug, Bortnikovo and others Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 881. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.Н. Денисова селения Буда Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 882. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EF Dobrzhanskoe village Novoselki Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 883. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Dovnarovichi village of Rechki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 884. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.M. Dombrovskaya village Odrino of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 885. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами М.Н. Дондуковой-Корсаковой деревень Шалухановки и др. Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 886. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Drozdovsky village Konashkov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 887. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.V. Drozdovskiy villages of Krasylka and Kholmochki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 888. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами С.В. Дроздовского селений Грищенк, Ольховка, Шехи и др. Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 889. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants GF Dunin's village Zamoshe Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 89. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to the peasants Klementi Mikhnevich and Zambbrzycki village Koponei Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 890. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.О. Дышлевского селений Рыжичи, Журавль и других Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 891. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PN. Dyakov village of Maloi-Golynsko Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 892. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Esipovich of the estate of Josefpol Orshansky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 893. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Tkchi Zhudra villages Rechki and Gorelysh
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 894. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants TN. Zhudry of the estate of Luchos of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 895. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants O.V. and E.K. Zhudrov of the settlements of Tsarobybyly of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 896. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Zablotsky Estate Solonets of Orsha County, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 897. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily lodged by the peasants Anna Zagarina of the villages of Guta and Kosyye of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 898. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Zagursky village of Rubolev Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 899. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants SA. Zaleski village Chevkovshchina of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 9. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants MS. Borisevich of the settlements of Guta and Zvontsi of Bykhov district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 90. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants TA. Schneiger and Fliverka of the village of Bohany, Bykhov Uyezd, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 900. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Zambrzytska Ts.L. settlements of Stepoviches and Zagaysky Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 901. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants PA. Zaranko estate of Dymanovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 902. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами О.М. Заржецкого селения Киселево Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 903. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Zubovich villages of Koromkovo and Yanovich of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 904. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Ya.A. Karachevsky-Volkov settlement of Muzyrevo of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 905. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Karnitsky village Kartoshovich of the Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 906. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Kimbar village Starinki Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 907. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Kimbara estate of the Soldiers of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 908. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants V.V. Kimbara estate of the Soldiers of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 909. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. Kimbara estate of the Soldiers of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 91. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants KI. Baikova village Gorduny Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 910. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.V. Kitaev village Hlusovo Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 911. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.I. Klishevsky estate Bel Bel Orshansky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 912. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Klyukovo village of Ryzhiki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 913. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants II. Kozlinsky estate Zaykovshchina Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 914. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.N. Kolovrat-Chervinsky villages Zhari, Golotovka and others Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 915. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants M.O. Komarovo village Artemov, Zhigutovo Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 916. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.I. Coral settlement Peklo, Beautovo, Beksovo and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 917. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AA, Yu.A., RA Kornilovichi village Bogdanovka Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 918. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Paul and Joseph Kokhovskih estates Tolstyka Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 919. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.Kh. Cruise estate Annino Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 92. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Betulinsky village of Pribytok and the village of Duyanovka in Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 920. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants PD. Krukovicha villages Large and small trunks of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 921. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Kurcha villages Revyatich Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 922. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Kurcha estates Yatskovshchina of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 923. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Kurcha estate Anemino Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 924. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily owed peasants OA. Kurcha villages Chervino (the estate of Chervinka) and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 925. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants N.K. Lanevsky-Volkov village Vorontsevich Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 926. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Lappo AA Settlement of the Orsha Municipality of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 927. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. Lashkevich villages Large and Small Zvinjagi, Rudny Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 928. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants SM. Lensky settlements Khlusova and Podgayshchyna of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 929. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VN. Lepkovo estate of the Russian village of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 93. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants М.М. Betulino village of Fedorovka of Gomel county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 930. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.I. Lepkovo village of Shakhovo, Korevo and Gadovichi of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 931. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.F. Lisovskoy village Surmilitsy Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 932. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants Yu.A. Lissovskoy village Makarinkum Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 933. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants OE Luskino of Zaborye village of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 934. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Е.А. Лыщинского имения Чурилово Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 935. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Lubomir village Chernoruchye, Estiporei and others Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 936. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily lent by the peasants of Alexander Lubomirsky villages Novotukhino and Ivanovshchino of the Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 937. The case of redemption of land plots by temporary peasants AKLubomirsky estate Julitovo, Shcherbino and Kolovy Orsha County of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 938. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.Е. Любомирского имения Голошевки Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 939. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. Lubomir village Bolovic and Ponizovia Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 94. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Brodsky village Krugovki Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 940. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами В.Е. Любомирского селений Новосойщино, Асиковичи, Верховье и Зубревичи и др. Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 941. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.К. Любомирского селения Краснобель и др. Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 942. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Lubomir village Korobishche Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 943. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants V.E. Lubomir village of Zvolin and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 944. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Lubomir village of Solovyevo, Orsha county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 945. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Lubomir village of Yakubovo and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 946. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.К. Любомирского селения Бабина Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 947. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами К.К. Любомирского селения Борестинок Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 948. The princes' matter of the redemption of land allotments for the temporarily obligated peasants SE, VE, and FE Lubomir village of Gushno, Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 949. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SE, VE, EE and F.E. Lubomirskie villages Shilovo and Lavrentyets of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 95. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VA. Bronjushets-Arasimovich of the village Petrova Candles of Gomel county of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 950. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SE, VE, EE and F.E. Lubomir villages Vyshkovo and Mezhniki Bolshiy Orshansky district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 951. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants SE, VE, EE and I.E. Lubomir villages of Berezino, Orsha county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 952. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Lyassotovich of Gashkov's estate of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 953. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants Kasper Lyassotovich of the Boborik estate of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 954. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.K. Mevsky estate Makarovka of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 955. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NM. Mevsky estate Borystenovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 956. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.S. Margevich Estate Yaskovshchina Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 957. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants EP, AP and M.P. Marcons of the villages of the New Village and Leutin of Orsha County, Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 958. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Matushevichevo villages of Bukarevo and Rtishchevo of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 959. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants GP. Matyunina village of Iosefov Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 96. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants VS. Wenceslasowich village of Lebotovich Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 960. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.D. Menzhinsky village Ozerki Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 961. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.D. Menzhinsky village Zabolotya of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 962. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.D. Menzhinsky settlements Barani, Zaitsevo and Verovoynik of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 963. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AA. Mizgerova village of Rechki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 964. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants KF. Mordvin-Shchodro of the estate of Mordvinovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 965. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants IA. Novitsky Rukli Manor of the Orsha County of Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 966. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Okshevsky village Orlovschiny Orsha county Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 967. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants AM. and A.O. Orlovsky villages Kobylyaki Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 968. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.D. Pashinsky settlement of Komarov and the village of Stari of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 969. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. and F.G. Perotov villages of Samonovo and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 97. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants F.L. Verzhbitsky village of Kantakuzovka of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 970. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anton Piontkovsky Borovoi village of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 971. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Anton Piontkovsky village Zalitia Orsha Uyezd Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 972. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Pioro of the estate of the Monastery of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 973. The case of redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants AO. Pioro Estate Otskovo Orsha County Mogilev Province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 974. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Pioro of Tikhonovo, Zaozerye and other Orsha districts of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 975. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Piora villages Pohoschischa and Osinovka, etc. Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 976. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants A.S. Pioro of the settlements of Peremont, Kosachi, Staiki, etc. Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 977. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Helena Poczobut estates Bridge and Garkovo Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 978. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Elena Pochobut villages Pudiagi Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 979. The case of redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants Elena Pochobut villages of the Tyalot Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 98. The case of redemption of land allotments temporarily liable to peasants F.M. and M.M. Verzhbitsky villages of Busuni of Gomel district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 980. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами И.Р. Прус-Жуковского селений Чухнов и других Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 981. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable by the peasants SS. and K.A. Ravich-Shcherbo villages of Ukrainians and Murashkas of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 982. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NV. Radushkevich village of Kashino, Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 983. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants Klementia Radushkevich of the village of Oslets of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 984. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants OK, Ts. and Ya.K. Radushkevichi village of Cherkalovo, Orsha county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 985. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants B.E. and A.E. Ratomi villages of the Podsevaki of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 986. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants I.K. Rivotsky village of Sukhachevo, Orsha county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 987. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants PV. Rimkevich village of Kurakovo, Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 988. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants I.N. Roginsky estate New Stan of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 989. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.E. Rogozo villages Klemyatina Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 99. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants NA. Vlasyev village of Sipichin, Gomel county, Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 990. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.E. Rogozo of Shilovo estate of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 991. The case of the redemption of land plots temporarily liable peasants NN. Rogozo villages Winches, Tubok and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 992. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.E. Rogozo villages of Zubaki and Dunki of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 993. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.E. Rogozo villages of Kenovo and Novoselok of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 994. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporary peasants E.E. Rogozo villages Settlement and Arrows of Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 995. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Rogozo villages of Dubrovka, etc. Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 996. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily liable peasants K.K. Rogozo settlements of Sloboda and other Orsha district of Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 997. The case of the redemption of land allotments for temporarily obligated peasants Matvey and Natalia Rogozo of the estate Gorodets of the Orsha district of the Mogilev province
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 998. Дело о выкупе земельных наделов временнообязанными крестьянами Константина Рогозо селения Шумщины Оршанского уезда Могилевской губернии
РГИА. 577 / 19 / 999. The case of the redemption of land allotments temporarily liable peasants VM, MN. and V.N. Romanovichi village of Tatarsk, Orsha county, Mogilev province
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