The situation and needs of the agricultural industry on the basis of all-known reports of general governors, governors and super...

The situation and needs of the agricultural industry on the basis of all-known reports of general-governors, governors and heads of regions ... / MH and Gi off.rural economy and S.-H.statistics.- St. Petersburg, 1897-1904.- 28 cm. -.I. Russia.Ministry of Agriculture and Public Protection.Department of rural economy and agricultural statistics.1.Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGOFor 1902.- Type of.V.F.Kirschbauma, 1904. - [4], VI, 172, [5] p.: Tab .. -.1. Power (collection).Electronic Source: PBPlace of Storage Original: RGO
Publisher Тип. В.Ф. Киршбаума

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