Tolstoy Dmitry Andreevich, Count (1823-1889), Minister of Folk Enlightenment, Minister of Internal Affairs and Chief Corps of th...

FundRGIA.F. 1664.Tolstoy Dmitry Andreevich, Count (1823-1889), Minister of Folk Enlightenment, Minister of Internal Affairs and Chief Corps of the Gendarmes, Member of the State Council.1730-1910Identifier8C4F0B3-03B4-49BD-987D-6ACE7EFC68A5Text languagerusDates1730-1910VolumeE.Khr.Organization1 op.LevelFundOrganization-creator recordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA 1664.Correspondence of the Assumption Protector with the Yerinsk Voted Office on economic issues [Case]: 1853 - 1855 - 1853-1855.-133 l.;36x22 cm. - (Foundation Tolstoy Dmitry Andreevich, Count (1823-1889). Inventory No. 1).-Orig.Case Title: Correspondence of the Assumption Primary Office with the Yerinsk Votched Office on Economic Issues.1853 - 1855.I. Tolstoy, Dmitry Andreevich (Count; 1823-1889).Electronic Source: PBOriginal storage place: RGIA.F. 1664. OP.1. D. 221.

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