Cases of the Police Department of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1802

Identifier 61ae83b5-3a16-4a97-9a9d-47cd7be21f12
Title Cases of the Police Department of the Executive Ministry of Internal Affairs for 1802
Dates 1802
Text language Русский
Level Lists
Call number РГИА. 1286 / 1
Cataloguing source РГИА
Extent 253 единицы хранения
Fonds Department of Police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
Contents В описи 1. 1802-1810 гг., раздел 1802 г. содержатся дела, начатые в 1802 г.: о положении крестьян и о волнениях их в разных губерниях; об управлении и состоянии экономики отдельных областей и городов России; об утверждении гербов и планов городов, ремонте зданий, строительстве мостов, каналов, очистке рек; об утверждении штатов полиции в разных городах и населенных местах, о казачьих войсках, о рекрутских повинностях, о формировании ополчения; о пожарах и выдаче ссуд пострадавшему населению; о службе губернаторов, городничих, полицейских и других чиновников МВД; об утверждении мундиров служащих по губерниям; об отводе земель монастырям; о раскольниках
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 1. The case of mail according to the provinces of Belarusian, Slobodsko-Ukrainian and Ekaterinoslavskaya, as well as the malfunction of the paths of Liflyand and Estland
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 100. The case is the question of the supervisor of Mogilenevsky, about accepting it to the service
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 101. The case of the distance from the position of Nolinsky Faucknability of Laskina and on the definition of another other, in relation to the Vyatka civilian governor.Immediately delivered from the office General of the prosecutor's former about production
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 102. The case of the College Assestor Miller and the Titular Counselor of the Shestakov
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 103. Case on the definition of Captain Suulimov to look at the structure of stoves
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 104. The case at the request of the fleet of Captain-Lieutenant Rosset, about determining it in Odessa by the Quarantine Head, and the Stat Counselor of the Efimovich in Feodosia
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 105. The case at the request of Calaphatha, on the definition of its quarantine career in Black Sea ports.Immediately the case delivered from the Office of the Prosecutor General
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 106. The case on the presentation of the governors on the dismissal of various officials at all
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 107. The case on the petitions of various officials, on the definition of them in the Department of the Ministry of the Interior
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 108. The case on the presentation of the Novorossiysk Vice-Governor about the resettlement of Chinchev's gentry from the Kiev and Podolsk province to the empty ground, in the Novorossiysk province lying
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 109. Case on the presentation of the Kiev provincial rule on Ossetskaya Shhalch
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 110. The case on the representation of the Kiev Marshal Kozlovsky, about the continuation of the term of the chinese gentry on the presentation of evidence to the shine
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 111. The case of issuing the Count Siversorrow for a complained estate
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 112. The case is the right of Russian in Riga of the merchants, about providing them with the right to enter into different positions on a par with the local merchandise
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 113. The case at the request of the Burgomaster of the city of Civilian Peretrukhina, about the listing of this city from the spent again to the county
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 114. The case of restoring the cities of Atkarsk and Balashev and the establishment of their regular and county
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 115. The case at the request of the Novorossiysk landowner of the college assessor of Fursov, about the permission of the nobles produce foreign wholesale trade
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 116. The case of the owner of St. Andrei Kirilov, who was owned by the landlord, called the Swedish native
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 117. The case on the all-known request of the peasant Frolov, about allowing him to sign up for merchants
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 118. The case in relation to Lansky with the transfers of the request of the peasant Frolov on the recording of it in the local merchants
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 119. The case is the question of the centurion of Prince Romodanovsky, to exclude it from the pillow
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 120. The case at the request of the Sorny Smolensk Chamber of the College Registrar Nemtsov, about the wrong position in the salary of the landowner Homyakov his father and other relatives
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 121. Case at the request of the survival adviser Rudenka, about the adoption of his pupils
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 122. Case on a complaint calling himself illegitimate Ustigny Ivanova with her daughter, about the wrong assignment to their military adviser Tarutin in the fortress
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 123. The case on the letter of the Minister of Justice Derzhavin, about the Libavian Meshchansky Guard
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 124. The case of the city of Boguslavl Kiev province, whose land was assigned to Branitsky
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 125. The case of the letter of the secret adviser Muravyov, with the transmitting the petition of the Greek Cefalonist, about the return of him the former surname sage
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 126. The case at the request of the tailor Krebs, about the confirmation of the former privileges and the command, so that no one, besides the highest will, burdened them with new and arbitrary taxes and works
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 127. The case of the letter of the secret adviser Muravyova, with the transmitting request of the Mostrovnina Petrova, on the release of his father and his brother
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 128. The case on the letter of Count Vorontsov, which followed the request of the priest of Smirnov in London, about the claims of his noble dignity
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 129. The point of comment on the announcement made by the St. Petersburg magistrate, on the occasion of the challenge of foreigners in the local merchants
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 130. The case of the establishment of the Committee to consider the Constitution of the city of Riga
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 130. The case of the establishment of the Committee to consider the Constitution of the city of Riga
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 131. The case of the burden of the Crimean residents to serve and on the inclusion of orders of the Greek battalion in them, contrary to their privileges
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 132. The case at the request of the meshness of the city of Lenberg, under confirmation of him and Privieties, and more about the assignment of the city situation.
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 133. The case on the complaints of Kiev citizens to burden their insights, as a result of which the committee is established there
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 134. The case of considerations of the Kiev Committee for the account of the former urban revenues and the arrangement of the wine sputter there
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 135. The case of buying for the guard of the Kiev garrison of Tulupov and Keneg from urban revenues
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 136. The case on the presentation of the Riga Military Governor, about the establishment of a military school instead of Derpte in Verre, about the burden of Courneda cities payments for the missing and about the establishment of a new audit there, also about cleaning the Perrov Forder and,
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 137. The case at the requests of the attorneeers of the city of Mitava and the town of Tukkuum Burgomistrov Rusta and Gintera, about the auxiliary of these cities, in the reasoning of the poverty of the inhabitants, and about the right of the last city privileges, about the release of it and about the magistrate
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 138. Case on the Committee established in Moscow for the equation of urban duties
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 139. Case of return in Moscow in the content of the gerbers and trading baths, in relation to the Moscow military governor
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 140. Case, on the representation of the Moscow Military Governor, about notaries
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 141. The case of riots in Voronezh by the police studied by the Volgel-adjutant Shepelev and the Committee for the city's duties equation, also on the state of the local police
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 142. The investigation, produced by the Flegene-Adjutant Shepelev about the unrest, former in Voronezh, delivered by the Minister of Justice, why the Committee was established there
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 142. The consequence of the loosely produced by the flue-adjutant Shepelev about the unrest, former in Voronezh, delivered by the Minister of Justice, why the Committee was established there
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 142. The consequence of the loosely produced by the flue-adjutant Shepelev about the unrest, former in Voronezh, delivered by the Minister of Justice, why the Committee was established there
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 142. The case of the establishment in Riga Committee to consider urban income and obligations with the assumptions of it, Koi is granted to the consideration of the military governor
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 143. The case of the apartments to general in Riga, as approved by the position of the local military governor
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 144. The case of the conclusion from Riga Rowing Flotilla and the Fleet Artillery of 1803
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 145. The case of moving from Riga artillery, a pontoon team and pioneer company 1804
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 146. The case at the request of Armenians and the Greeks of the Novorossiysk province, about the approval of their privileges and on relief in obliges
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 147. The case of the city's Novgorod Magistrate Ratman Piskulin, about unfair, allegedly, his interrogation in the parts of the city under the oath, in pronunciation, as if, the colonel Ivanov did not belong to them
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 148. The case in relation to the Moscow military governor of Count Saltykov, about the reports of the city Duma, sending to the Casual Chamber of the provincial government banned
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 149. The case on the representations of the governors, about the resolution of them: whether the power of the registered decree is distributed, in the 14th day of July, which took place, on the ban on the use of apartments from ordinary people without hiring and police officers
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 150. The case at the request of the Vilensky merchant of Paisakhovich, about undemanding from the Vilen Jews no monetary fold
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 151. The case at the request of the inhabitants of the city of Jacobstat, about the restoration of the previous privileges, about the discharge of the city of some property or on extradition, it is 20 years old, 25 thousand rubles
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 152. The case at the requests of the Chuguev and Doloman Kalmyk resident in the Mariupol district, about the transfer of nomads to the land of the troops of the Don and about the correspondence of them to
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 153. The case on the report of the Narva Commandant of Marcles, on the costs of the city of Narva for the apartment in Odov
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 154. The case on the representation of the Ostrogozhsky city magistrate, regarding the prescriptions of the Voronezh provincial rule, on the issuance of stables for the shepherds built for regiments from a spooky wine amount of money
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 155. The case on the ideas of marshals of the Podolsk province, about the burden of residents of the province of the head of firewood for troops.There is also an extract for the bonding of troops, in general, in many provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 156. The case of the mantles in the lifland of the apartment for the troops
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 157. The case on the representation of the Minsk Gubernsky Marshal, about the debt lying on the execution of the forage and, on the assumption of the governor, about the appeal of the following local nobility, in the account of that debt, from the exponent office of 50 thousand rubles for the contents of the barracks of that provinus
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 158. Case in relation to the Minister of Finance, the correction of the barracks in the Mitavsky Castle
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 159. The case of a fire in Sloboda Balakleee, in relation to the Slobodsko-Ukrainian civilian governor
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 160. The case of born freaks whom the highest is commanded to deliver here to the Imperial Academy of Sciences.In the Oryol and Symbirian provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 161. The case towards the Lithuanian military governor of Benigson, about the unfair, as if, capturing the Grodno customs imported to Russia forbidden goods
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 162. The case on the report of General from Infanteria Prince Golitsyn, with a project about the establishment of pretty places in Kurlyandia
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 163. The case for projects submitted by different people: the unknown about wine buyback; Shidlovsky on orders for recruitment; on the procedure for rewarding inventors; dismissed from the deacons Lebedev; about the new design of the fire escape; on the repair of the Kremlin
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 164. Case on the letter of the Irkutsk Military Governor Lebedev, about the Majesty's brought by the Majesty,
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 165. The case of the monument, erected by Kiev citizens in case of coronuation of his imperial Majesty Alexander I
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 166. The case of the calculation of the expedition of the former cameral department in the amounts of its disposal
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 167. The case of awarding revenues from Starostere Mendzitsky and Zoselsky in favor of Sisters of Mercy, in Wilna existing
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 168. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance, about the return of the Pochaev monastery of 23250 rubles by silver, recovered from Castellan Brzhostovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 169. The case of the definition of a special gear to the hospital established from the Nizhny Novgorod Order of Public Charity
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 17. The case of the award of various officials orders
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 170. The case of apartment money for obesivative grandmothers
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 171. The case of summoning nuns from Vilna to Gatchina, known as sisters of mercy, for entrusting them there with a hospital
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 172. The case of changes in the arrangement of the barracks on the St. Petersburg side and about the houses of Gornovsky, Countess Lithta and the old Lombard
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 173. The case of the replacement of residues from the buildings produced by the Committee of Building a barracks in the St. Petersburg side, construction residues for 1804
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 173. The case of building a barracks
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 174. The case of the car, invented by artillery by captain Schwanbah for recess from the water of the Earth
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 175. The case of vacation 400 rubles to make a large model of the machine invented by Captain Schwanbach
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 176. Case of vacation from urban revenues 3000 rubles for the arrangement of the machine of Schwanbach
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 177. The case of an increase in heating and coverage of the local urban barns total from urban revenues
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 178. The case of illumination of the local capital with lanterns of the special invention
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 179. The case on the report of the Committee, on the returns to the department of the city of emptywood places in the shelves of the Life Guard and other officials of consisting
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 18. The case, in relation to the Minister of Finance of Count Vasilyeva, with registers of the ranks, which should be distributed by silver medals for the day of the sacred coronation
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 180. The case of adding amounts on the helmets of the St. Petersburg police team from urban revenues
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 181. Warm booth in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 182. The case of the increase to the number appointed before the lighting of St. Petersburg has another 500 lanterns
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 183. Дело о сломке старых каменных лавок по Невскому проспекту с уплатой владельцам 40950 рублей из городских доходов
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 184. The case of the allocation of 9866 rubles 40 kopecks on the end in Ekateringofa of public walking places
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 185. The case of building a new bridge at the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 186. The case of an increase for the maintenance of the local order Gawa and the guard from urban revenues of 1618 rubles 32 1/2 penny annually
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 187. The case on the correction of the sidewalk on the fountain from the Neva to the seaside from urban revenues
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 188. Case on the report of the local committee, about collecting the sixth of the apartment money from the residents who received the right to freedom
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 189. Case at the request of the Committee on the equation of the Zemkoy Mantivities, the number of committees for urban mantals and which are over
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 19. The case on the ideas of the governors, about awarding those who provided their excellence
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 190. The case of taverns and Herbergs in St. Petersburg
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 191. Case on the order of distribution in Kiev urban areas
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 192. The case on the representation of the Riga Commandant, about the lack of money for the heating of troops in the Tsitel
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 193. Case on the establishment of the Committee for the equation of the obligations of the Lifelard province in the city of Aeresburg
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 194. Case on the establishment of the Committee for the equation of duties in Kamenets-Podolsk
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 195. The case of the return of trading baths in Moscow, according to the assumption of the Committee on the equation of urban duties, on the deposit and circulation of income
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 196. The case at the request of the actual secret adviser to Prince Alexander Kurakina, about the hospital established in Moscow for the content of the wounded retired soldiers
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 197. The case of excise money, paying peasants in Moscow for bargaining edible supplies
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 198. Case on the continuation and completion of considerations of the Moscow Committee on the equation of urban duties
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 199. Case on the representation of the Moscow Military Governor Bekleshyev, about the orders of the country's urban land of the palace
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 20. The case of the Akhmetsky noble notary leader
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 200. The case of the doubt on the occasion of non-appearance against the passport on the ship of two people who arrived to the Kozlovsky port and the return of Quarantine at home
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 201. The case of the initial institution of the Interior Minister of the Minister of Internal Affairs with the supervisors of the provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 202. Case on the presentation of the Riga Military Governor, about vacation from the treasury of firewood Estland Governor and Vice-Governor
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 203. The case of awarding the employees in the Department of Minister of Internal Affairs of officials
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 204. Case, in relation to Count Vorontsov, with a book about the affairs of the Kyrgyz
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 205. The case in relation to the Kiev military governor, about the presentation made from him to the Governing Senate: Greeting or the Politzmaster should be in Kiev
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 206. The case at the request of the Ludwig Chantiry exes in Nerchinsk, about different, as if, the abuse of officials of the Tarskaya County Court
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 207. The case of the uncommon and abuses found in the Astrakhan province and about moving on this occasion of advisers to the provincial Astrakhansky administration
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 208. Connecting the Moscow Ober-Politzmeister Kaverin, about the entry and departure from Moscow Prince Wilhelm Frederich
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 209. The case on the presentation of the Kiev Civil Governor with comments on the current state of the Kiev province and inhabiting residents, as well as about the cities in general and about Jews
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 21. The case in relation to General Lezzano, about awarding the ranks of the Bratssky Tisch of the Chamber of Chariters: Balagansky Khubayev, Idinsky Chechurin and Thai Khalayava
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 210. Case in relation to the Astrakhan civilian governor, about the Dukhoborets found in the Stavropol district
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 211. The case of preserving in the Stone Theater of the Lodge for the Tsaritz and Tsarevichi Georgian, here are staying here
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 212. Case in relation to the Riga Military Governor, about what happened in Derpete, when choosing a club of students, austhest
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 213. Case of content in the local capital of Masquerade
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 214. The case of a study of the state of the German theater of the world and about the permission of Schitberg to give the performances
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 215. Case on the restoration of cities of spent on different provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 216. Case in relation to Akhtira Comnetant, concerning the supply of food and clothing sent to the settlement of criminals
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 217. The case on the presentation of General from the cavalry of Michelson, about the permission of the Chernomorsky troops located in captive Circassians
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 218. The case of Polish prisoners
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 219. Case about the device of the Bug Troops
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 22. The case of the Armenian of the city of Nakhichevan Polivanova, about awarding for the long-term service of him - he
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 220. The case of Chuguevsky fork, delivered from the Minister of Justice
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 221. Case on the troops of Chuguevsky
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 222. The case of the troops of the Don, delivered from the Minister of Justice
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 223. The case of the troops of Don
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 224. Case about the Ural army
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 225. Case about the Black Sea Trok
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 226. Assumptions of the actual State Counselor of Selofontov, on the arrangement of the Siberian provinces on the division of local counties in part or commissaria.Here is the general situation for the dispensation in the Siberian provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 227. The case of the device of Siberian provinces related
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 228. Vedomosti about affairs, wells and success in recovery of arrears in Siberian provinces, from governors delivered
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 229. The case on the All-Advantageous Past of the Yakutsky district of Kangalinsky ulus of the Manzhaginsky volost of the princess Ilya Shadrin, about confirming him in princely dignity
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 23. The case on the permanent state of the State Counselor of Romanovsky, about awarding him for long-term service
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 230. Case at the request of Tomsk citizens who complained about the burden of their postal gone
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 231. The case of Armenian Archbishop Gregory, scattered slander about the patriarch of the same Nation Danile
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 232. The case at the requests of Armenian archbishopov Gregory and Efrema, asking: the first - about the instructions of the management of Armenian affairs in the Novorossiysk province, the second - about the argument of Archbishop Gregory to give a report to the amounts entrusted to him and the amounts
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 233. The case on subordination to the Tsizianov of all the attachments of the nomadic peoples;On the complaints of the Kalmyk people on their governor;On the claims of Major General Mengly-Gurya Sultan;about Trukhmen messengers;On dissatisfaction with the border authorities and on endowing the worst Kalmykov
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 234. The case of multiplication by Persian in the Caspian Sea of ​​Courts, Khizapiy Flotilla, about the supply of merchant vessels with skilled navigursors, about the establishment of the Astrakhan of the North School and the abductions of the fish industrialists
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 235. The case of military rates in the Caucasian line and the combination of chairmanship in the Mozdska border court with the title of local commandant
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 236. The case of buildings for premises in Georgievsk Caucasian premises and purchases for them in the city of Moscow furniture
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 237. The case of the division of the Astrakhan province into two parts, on the opening of the Caucasian Province and its states
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 238. The case of the Makaryevsky Gostiny Dvor of the Nizhny Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 239. The case at the request of the Vitebian Archpriest Syroukhnev, about the establishment of the cathedral there
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 24. The case in relation to the secret adviser Lashkarev, about the awarding of Prince Turkistanov and the two Georgian nobles by the Chimes: Kumsiyev and National
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 240. Business Plans to the city of Kirsanov, Swan, Spa and Borisoglebsk
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 241. Reports of the governors with Vedomosti on prisoners and wells
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 242. The case of the captain-lieutenant fleet Akimov
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 243. Case on the ideas of governors, about their departures for the inspection of the provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 244. The case at the request of the parishioners of the Roman Catholic Church in Riga, about the change of their priests and the appointment of four spiritual from the Jesuit Order for this
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 245. The case is the question of Lieutenant Varlamov, about determining it in the Novorossiysk province during quarantines
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 246. The case on the representation of the Malorossiy Governor-General Prince Kurakina, the peasants of the village of Vyskov and Bobovichi, who faced them to obedience
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 247. The case of the liberation of the city of Riga from the heating of troops in the Tower of the Citadel and about the imposition of this statement on the treasury
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 248. Vedomosti for the construction part delivered from the Governing Senate of the Astrakhan province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 249. Vedomosti for the construction part delivered from the Governing Senate of the Lithuanian-Grodno province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 25. The case at the request of Skarhinsky, about the remuneration of his service and for the selected in the treasury, a granted father his
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 250. Vedomosti for the construction part delivered from the Governing Senate of the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 250. Vedomosti for the construction part delivered from the Governing Senate of the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 251. Vedomosti for the construction part delivered from the Governing Senate of the Oryol province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 252. Vedomosti for the construction part delivered to the Government Senate from St. Petersburg province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 253. Vedomosti for the construction part delivered from the Government of the Senate of the Kurneda province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 254. The case at the request of the Bezanina Adamson, about the resolution of the pastor for Estlands, living in the local capital and on the assignment of the place for the Church
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 255. The case on the note of the manager of the Belarusian provinces of the Military Governor of Rimsky-Korsakov, on a postponement for 8 years a complained city of Vitebsk cash loan for houses
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 256. The case of the arrangement of Novorossiysk province on the report of the Committee established on the occasion
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 257. Cord books: first parish
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 258. Cord books: second consumables
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 259. Papers sent to the ratio of Count Vorontsov from the Foreign Collegium, to Liflandia relating to German
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 26. Case on the presentation of the Belarusian Military Governor, about the award of the Vitebsky Governor Shishkina Rental, and about issuing a dismissed Stat adviser to Lari instead of a pension, it is generally, 12 thousand rubles without interest
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 261. The case on plans and estimates delivered to Mr. Minister from Prince Kurakina, to build in Chernihiv Kaznaya Houses
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 27. The case of a production by the College Advisor Okhlopkovo, the former secretary at the military order and the remaining without a place, for determining this post from the cavaliers of that order for the complain of them before determining to the place
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 28. The case at the request of Struve, about the satisfaction of him by him in the foreign collegium a salary
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 29. The case of the elabuzky district of Amermer Bulance, who wished to move from Vyatka to the Smolensk province, with the production of him, to his recovery, a salary
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 30. The case on the report of the Irkutsk Military Governor Lebedev, about the reptile by the Beijing dvor of the permission to Chinese officials to adopt the adoption of the glorified awards for their awards for helping in Kyakhte Fire
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 31. The case of the proceedings in Sofia is a caretaker at the hospital in Sofia, in the cemetery church and guard
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 32. The case of Badensky 19 horses sent as a gift, also on the issuance of awarding and passports transmitted horses delivered from Constantinople with different people from Constantinople
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 33. The case of the satisfaction of the Alien Schraibera will complain for the exception of his accountant at a copper factory, formerly in Mustula
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 34. Case about the all-consumption of some people of one-time monetary award
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 35. Case about the plan of the city of Ustyug
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 36. The case of restructuring a church in Slonim for school
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 37. Case in relation to the Kazan Military Governor, about building in the city of Kazan Wooden Theater
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 38. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance of Count Vasilyeva, regarding the construction of the Libava and Window Hawaii in the Kurland province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 39. The case on the permanent report of the Riga Military Governor of Prince Golitsin, about vacation from the treasury Amounts to the final building in the city of Valka Church
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 40. The case at the request of the Lifelard Nobleman Wece, about allowing him to build a church in the city Veden
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 41. The case on the letter of the Malorosiysk state venue of the brave Archpriest Diglovsky, about the construction of stone churches
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 42. Cause by the Minister of Finance, on the return of the Vice-Director of Gildebulantt Yaroslavl Ontivary in Moscow
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 43. The case is the case of the Kazan famous citizen of the Jewinov about the oppression, by him from the Nizhny Novgorod Governor of Runovsky in accepting from him to the statement department harvested on the structure in the Makarev Fair of the living room of materials.Immediately I.
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 44. Case Approval by the city of Olontsu Plan
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 45. The case on the decree of the Governing Senate for sale in the Orel of the Governor General
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 46. The case of Plan and the coat of arms of the cities of Zmiev and Starobelsky and the coat of arms of these cities
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 47. The case of vacation of the amounts to build the Kazan Church and the permission to conclude the Commissions of this building contracts over 10 thousand rubles
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 48. The case in relation to the Ober-Prosecutor of the Holy Synod, about the allocation of the amount of fortunate in the branch of the hull occupied by the Synod
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 49. The case in relation to the Minister of Finance, on the return in the city of Sofia Poshene House by the Blind of Ralph
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 50. Case by decree of the Governing Senate, about the repair of the roof on the Petropavlovsky Cathedral
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 51. The case in relation to the Minister of Commerce, about the lack of St. Petersburg State University in the Commerce-Collegium of the Birch Hall
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 52. The case at the request of the middle class and Razumov Frolova about giving their land for the construction of empty homes, which is run by smallpox home
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 53. The case of the revolving grief from strong winds
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 54. The case at the request of the English merchants Ames and Baron Cheerlee, on the returns by them in the city of Odessa of idle barracks under the warehouse of goods
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 55. The case at the request of the retired Major Pajio, about satisfying him for the contract in Odessa, Pozzolas, to build a port
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 56. The case of insufficient allocations to the extraordinary costs in the Lifeland and Moscow provinces
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 57. The case of the disobedience of peasants in the Novgorod province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 58. The case on the report of the Lithuanian military governor, about the disobedience of the Baisagol peasants, the landowner to his Marshal Puslovsky
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 59. The case of the perturbation of the Riga peasants
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 60. The case in relation to the Ryazan civilian governor, about the disobedience of the stable department of the Skopinsky district of the peasants
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 61. The case on the presentation of the Ryazan civilian governor, about the disobeying of the Skopinsky parish of the village of Veskens of the peasants in the scenario of pasture shrubs
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 62. The case of rumors about the dissolved, allegedly, from the troops of the Black Sea people for indignation in the Kiev province of peasants against their landowners
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 63. The case on the report of the Vladimir civilian governor, about bringing to the obedience of Melenkovsky district of the village of Bogorodsky and other villages of the peasants of the landowner of their Lundyshev
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 64. The case of the Yaroslavl landowner Nechaev, convicted in the criminal chamber for cruel actions of him with peasants
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 65. The case on the report of the Novgorod civilian governor, about the decision was committed to the local criminal chamber over the Brigadier Barana Brigadier
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 66. The case at the request of the former Georgian Vizier and Mustafa Murza Rabiya, about the return of him of his possessions and on the definition of him a salaries from Georgia's income
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 67. The case in relation to the graph of Tolstoy, about the payment of money for the Lebanese Coffee written to the highest court
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 68. The case at the request of the peasant Monakov, complaining about the merchant of the Zemsky in the neverching of his money
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 69. The case at the request of the Commissioner from the Kornndsky nobility of the secret adviser to the Korf, about supplying a diploma of grenza and Irmello
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 70. The point of departure to Bukharia Lieutenant Gaverdovsky for the claim of the fake assemblegnostic assemblences of the Targery of Khalitov for the defendance of his caravan Kyrgyz Kizaisaki
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 71. The case of fake assignments made in Bukharia to the blackout Khalitov with other and released by Trinity Favorchnik Vysmitinov
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 72. The case of fake assignments brought with a caravan to the Orsk fortress by the Bukhar Nias-Babin
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 73. The case of a private nobility bank established the question of Estland
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 74. Case on the presentation of the Riga Military Governor of Count Bunsgeveden, about issuing 600 thousand rubles appointed by the Estland Bank in February
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 75. The case at the request of the attorney from the Estland Noborsky Bank Berg, about the award of an additional loan to the Estland nobility
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 76. The case of Matyushkina's Yaroslavl landowner, about granting his estate in favor of military schools
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 77. The case of issued is at least ten years in residents of Novogrudok 6000 rubles silver
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 78. The case at the request of Izmail Bey Atajukina, about the reduction of money to him on the payment of debts and about accepting it to the service
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 79. The case of donations to the institution in Kharkov University
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 80. The case towards the guardian of the Kharkiv district of Count Pototsky, about the benefit from the cities of the local for the premises of county schools
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 80. Paper of the Karazin College Advisor belonging to the University of Kharkiv
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 81. The case at the request of Senator Ushakov retired with the pension, on the start of the highest enactment to accept it again
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 82. Case at the request of Croat, about determining his governor
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 83. Case on the representation of the Riga Military Governor, about the movement of the Kurneda Civil Governor of Arsenyev to the Russian province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 84. The case of determining the Lieutenant General Kasparov to the Caucasian province by the governor
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 85. The case at the request of Count Sergei Petrovich Rumyantsev, about dismissing him from service
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 86. The case of taking a seat to the Minister of Justice Derzhavin in the committee for the Black Sea region of his predecessor, Prosecutor General Bekleshov
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 87. The case on the permanent state of the actual Stat adviser to Tolstoy about the innocent distance from his post
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 88. The case of the definition of an Advisor Anichkova St. Petersburg Politzmeister
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 89. The case of the dismissal of the Moscow Ober-Politzmeister Kaverin from office
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 90. The case of defining the lieutenant Umanza Gingerbread
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 91. Case at the request of the Grand head and magistrate of the city of Maloyaroslavets, about the definition of the city of Kaluga police of the Unter-Inspector Queen
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 92. The case of renunciation from the post of Tiraspol Gorodnikov Martynov for mismuneration by him by
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 93. Case on the definition of Lieutenant Buddan city
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 94. The case of the letter of Prince Kurakina, on the definition of the Sakhunovsky adviser of the Poltava provincial rule
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 95. The case at the request of the college assessor of the lambrosis, on determining his quarantine head of the Novorossiysk province in Karantine
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 96. The case at the request of the retired captain Shklarevich, about determining it to the place in the Malorossiysk province
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 97. The case in relation to the Astrakhan civilian governor, about the guarantor of Dergachev, who is attached to at the Slyansky village without a salary
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 98. The case at the request of the local Rotman Serebryakova, his dismissal from office
РГИА. 1286 / 1 / 99. The case of a letter of general from the Cavalry of Repin, about the submission of the Emperor's sovereign at the request of it to take
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