Department of People's Enlightenment of the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917).Foundation Department of Folk Enlightenme...

FundRGIA F 733.Department of People's Enlightenment Ministry of Folk Enlightenment (1803-1917) 1784-1918IdentifierA74412A3-3CC5-4D21-8F0A-DFE2FBD9E72D.Text languagerusDates1784-1918Volume109356 Edchr.Organization210 OPLevelFundannotationEstablished on January 7, 1803, as the Department of Minister of Folk Education, October 24, 1817, was renamed the Department of People's Enlightenment as part of the Ministry of Spiritual Affairs and Folk Enlightenment, he managed with educational institutions and scientists with the institutions subordinated to the Ministry of National Education until April 19, 1904 was the only department as part of the MinistryInitially, the Department consisted of three branches: the economic, administrative and countable case in the future in the Department of Folk Enlightenment was distributed under an administrative and territorial basis: on educational districts, each academic district corresponded to a separate office work from June 18, 1863, the Department began to share on the discharge: inspector, pension,Scientists of institutions, higher educational institutions, technical educational institutions, secondary schools, teacher seminaries and primary schools, teacher institutions and urban schools, women's and private educational institutions,The brazing of the Jews, the General Affairs from 1867 to 1873, also existed a special discharge of the Warsaw Course since February 8, 1893 in connection with the creation of the department of industrial schools, the corresponding discharge was abolished (transformed into this department) discharges were divided into office work from April 19, 1904From the conduct of the Department, cases of personnel and pensions of the faculty and employees of all educational institutions, subordinate to the Ministry of People's Enlightenment, were excluded in connection with this, inspection and pension discharges were excluded from the Department in connection with the Department of General Affairs at the DepartmentThe discharge of public education was abolished by the discharge of the discharge of teacher institutes and urban schools and the discharge of the teacher's seminaries and urban schools at the same time were combined into the category of teacher institutions, seminaries and lower educational institutions since 1907, as part of the Department, there was a discharge on introductionLearning Department was abolished on June 9, 1917Reports on the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment and Annexes to them, common cases of scientific institutions, higher, middle and lower educational institutions;about inventions;on the procedure for appropriating scientists by degrees;About the personnel of the Department and TP, Materials I, II and III branches (cases of special government events in connection with the revolution of 1848 in Europe; On scientific institutions, higher, middle and lower educational institutions; about donation by various persons of money, houses, libraries, collections and other in favor of educational institutions; on the opening of observatories in Kazan, Tiflis and Astrakhan; about the activities of the Special Committee established to revise orders under the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment; on the activities of scientists (MV Ostrogradsky, nor Pirogov, NN Zinin, I Kittara and others), the activities of scientific educational societies, including about the society institution of school of mutual learning, with the participation of the Decembrists; about inventors (IP Kulibin, etc.), participants in the world travel; reports of scientific institutions and educational institutions, statutes, schedules of educational institutions,Cases of compiling reports under the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment and Training District), Cases on the collection of a collectionDecisions under the Ministry of Folk Enlightenment, Court of Tensum, Cases of Unrest in Educational Institutions, Materials of Secret Development, Cases on Separate Training District, and DROrganization-creator recordingRGIAStorage cipherRGIA 733.The case of a change in the teaching system in the gymnasium by separating the gymnasic course into classes of general and special and adaptations to prepare for the continuation of education at Moscow University and to the service of military or civil, about the introduction of teaching laws, on the revision of the states of teachers of the gymnasiums [Case]: May 191849 - May 31, 1852 - 1849-1852 -107 l;36,5х26 cm - (Foundation Department of Folk Education Opass No. 34) -Orig Title Affairs: The opinion of the State Council approved on March 21, 1849, the opinion of the State Council on the change in paragraphs 145 and 235 of the charter of the gymnasiums and county and parish schools immediately: on the introduction as a result of determining the teaching of training subjects in the Gymnasiums of the Moscow Curriculum;On the definition of law management teachers;on the dismissal of some of the state;On the definition of some of the last again to the service on May 19, 1849 - May 31, 1852I Russia Ministry of Folk Enlightenment Department of Folk EducationElectronic Source: PBOriginal Storage Place: RGIA F 733 OP34 d 93.

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