Korkina Sloboda. Issue. 7th

Korkina Sloboda: local lore almanac / Administration of Ishim; Ishim Museum of Local History; Ishim State Pedagogical Institute named after PE Ershov; [Editor-in-Chief, T. P. Savchenkova] - Ishim: IGPI Publishing House named after P. Ershov, 1999-2016 -
Subtitle Vp 1-3 - Local History Almanac
Publisher: Вып 11-12 - Cultural Center П П Ершова, Вып 13 - Ishim History and Art Museum
Editors: Вып 1-8 - Savchenkova T P, vyp 9-13 - Kramor GA
I Savchenkova, Tatyana Pavlovna (candidate of philological sciences, 1953) II Kramor, Gennady Andreevich (1977) III Ishim Administration IV Ishim Museum of Local Lore V Literary Museum of P Ershov (with Ershovo, Ishim district) 1 People (collection) 2 Territory (collection) 3 Territory of Russia: Tyumen region (collection) 4 Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection) 5 Ishim, city (Tyumen region) - History - Collections 6 Ishim district (Tyumen region) - History - Collections
ББК 633 (2Рос-4Тюм) я43
Source of electronic copy: Ishim city centralized library system
Original location: Ishimsky Museum Complex named after П П Ершова
Вып 7 - 2005 -159, [1] с, 2 incl. Photo: ил -
Contains articles: Fortress walls of Korkina settlement / G P Kuzurmanov, AG Kutyrev Description Tobolsk governorship: about the city of Ishim and Ishim district Starovery of Kargapolovo and their surroundings: from the history of the Ishim Old Believers / T S Mamsik Praprababushkin album / K V Artyukhov The last fairy tale: the chapter from the book "At sunset solonchaks crimson" / N V Denisov Byl of the blessed Gennady / GA Kramor Monuments of Victory / LA Sarafannikova Escape from Ishim : populist Sophia Bardina / NL Proskuryakova Our fellow countryman with "Kore Tsar: Pavel Dmitrievich Glazunov / NS Lam "Here I grew up, I was husband and clever": life and work of EI Popova / O N Samsonova Sergei Pesotsky: a remembrance of Ishim / I And Markeyev Tobolsk olden time: from the archives of Borovsky volost government / GA Varlakov Mystery of the Berdyuga steppe / OA Ozhgibessova Ishim religious school in 1901 - 1907 / AI Skosyrev - Bibliography at the end of the articles
-999 copies -ISBN 5-900142-61-2
1 Domestic serials and continuing editions (collection) 2 Territory (collection) 3 Territory of Russia: Tyumen region (collection) 4 People (collection) 5Ishim, city (Tyumen region) - History - Collections 6 Ishim district (Tyumen region) - History - Collections
ББК 633 (2Рос-4Тюм) я43
Source of electronic copy: Ishim city centralized library system
Original location: Ishimsky Museum Complex named after П П Ершова
ISBN 5-900142-61-2
Publisher Издательство ИГПИ имени П. П. Ершова
Catalogue object