Volunteer Lyudmila Dmitrievna Hareva is the oldest city volunteer in Kaliningrad. Assistance in the work of the "Tourist Informa...

Bulantseva, Daria
Volunteer Lyudmila Dmitrievna Hareva is the oldest city volunteer in Kaliningrad. Assistance in the work of the "Tourist Information Service" (Kaliningrad, Fish Village): [photo] / photo by Daria Bulantseva. - Electronic data (1 file, JPEG: 0.2 MB). -Kaliningrad, 2018. -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Presidential Library.
The title from the accompanying document.
Photo information is provided by the Youth Center of the Kaliningrad Region.
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I. "Youth Center", the state budget institution of the Kaliningrad region.1. Territory (collection). 2. Year volunteer (volunteer) in Russia (collection). 3. Volunteers - Professional activities - Kaliningrad, city - Photographs. 4. Documentary photographs.
BKK 63.3 (2Ros-4Kag) 64-4y611

Source of the electronic copy: GBU "Youth Center" (Kaliningrad region)
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