World Cup 2018. Fans of the national team of Belgium (St. Petersburg). [3]

Kassirova, Anastasia Alexeevna (1991-).
World Cup 2018. Fans of the national team of Belgium (St. Petersburg). [3]: [photo] / photo by AA Kassirova. - Electronic graphic data (1 file, JPEG: 3.3 MB). -Saint Petersburg, July 10, 2018. -
Access mode: the Internet portal of the Presidential Library.
Photo info is provided by the author. Date and place: St. Petersburg, Krestovsky Island, July 10, 2018
In the photo: a fan of the Belgian national team in the Obelix suit on the day of the match France - Belgium
Copying by users is not allowed.
1. World Cup football (21; 2018) - Photos. 2. The people (the collection). 3. Territory (collection). 4. Territory of Russia: St. Petersburg, city (collection). 5. Sports in Russia (collection). 6. Football fans - Belgium - Photos. 7. Krestovsky Island (St. Petersburg, city) - Photographs. 8. Documentary photographs.
BBK 75.578,491.1y611
BBK 75.4 (2-2Pb) i611
Source of electronic copy: From private collection
Location of original: From private collection
Catalogue object