Egorov Leonid Anatolyevich - First Secretary of the Kirishkiv City Committee of the IGCM since 1971 to 1973

Egorov Leonid Anatolyevich - First Secretary of the Kirishkiv City Committee of the IGCM since 1971 to 1973 [sound recording].- Electronic data (1 audio file: 98.2 MB).- 2018. - (Memories of the Kirishsky City Order of the Labor Red Banner Organization of the WRCKM).-Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title from the accompanying document.Duration: 42 min 54 p..I. Egorov, Leonid Anatolyevich.II.Wpsm.Cyrish City Organization.1.Wpsm.Leningrad organization - History - sound recording.2. People (collection).3. The territory of Russia: Leningrad Region (Collection).4. Kirishi and Kirishi district of the Leningrad Region (Collection).5. Russia in persons (collection).6. Kirishiysky district (Leningrad Region) - History - Fatails - sound recording.BBK 63.3 (2rd-4le) 63Я04Electronic source: Administration MO Kirishi municipal district of the Leningrad region
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