Topical and eternal in the theme of the works of AK Tolstoy

Fedorov, Alexey Vladimirovich (Candidate of Philological Sciences; 1971-).
Topical and eternal in the subject of the works of A. K. Tolstoy: [video lecture] / lecturer: A. V. Fedorov, Candidate of Philology, head of the philological center of the Russian Word publishing house; Presidential Library. - Electronic data (1 video file). -St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2018. - (Video lecture "Knowledge of Russia. A noble music fan: to the 200th anniversary of the birth of A. Tolstoy"). -
Systems. Requirements: 1 GHz PC or higher; RAM 512 MB or higher; Windows OS; Windows Media Player; video adapter; sound card.
Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.
Screen title.
The video lecture is presented in the framework of the educational project of the Presidential Library "Video Leadership Knowledge of Russia".
Duration: 33 min 28 s
Multimedia electronic edition.
Copying by users is not allowed.
I. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg). Project "Video lecture" Knowledge of Russia ". II. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg) .1. Tolstoy, Alexey Konstantinovich (1817 - 1875) - Themes of works - Multimedia publications. 2. Tolstoy, Alexey Konstantinovich (1817 - 1875) - Biography - Multimedia publications 3. Russian (collection) 4. Russia in persons (collection) 5. People (collection) 6. Video lectures.
BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 52-8 Tolstoy A.K.04
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: PB
Publisher Президентская библиотека
Catalogue object