Volunteers of the Regional Center for Medical Prevention organized recreational gymnastics in the House of Veterans as part of t...

Danilov, Evgeny Viktorovich (1991-).
Volunteers of the Territorial Center for Medical Prevention organized recreational gymnastics in the House of Veterans as part of the action of the World Day Against Diabetes Mellitus (Chita): [photo] / photo E. V. Danilova. - Electronic data (1 file, JPEG: 1.2 MB). -Chita, November 14, 2017. -
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Photo information provided by the Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Trans-Baikal Territory).
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On November 14, 2017, within World Health Center for Diabetes Mellitus, Open Doors Days were organized in all Health Centers, polyclinics, central district hospitals of Chita, during which classes were held in Diabetes Schools andodstvennikov. Everyone who wanted was measured blood pressure, blood sugar by an express method, body mass index, and behavioral risk factors for the development of diabetes were identified. Specialists in the offices and departments of medical prevention conducted in-depth advice on the prevention of diabetes. All visitors received themed leaflets and booklets. Volunteers of the Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Trans-Baikal Territory) organized recreational gymnastics in the House of Veterans .
I. Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Transbaikal Territory) .1. The people (collection). 2. Territory (collection). 3. Year of the volunteer (volunteer) in Russia (collection). 4. The territory of Russia: Trans-Baikal Territory (collection). 5. Youth - Volunteer activities - Trans-Baikal Territory - Photos. 6. Documentary photographs.
BBK 63.3 (2Рос-4Чит) 64-7я611
BBK 60.561.7я611
BBK 60.542.15я611
Source of electronic copy: Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Trans-Baikal Territory)
Original Storage: Regional Center for Medical Prevention (Trans-Baikal Territory)
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