Letter colleagues Alexander Alexandrovich Salnikov his wife Claudia Mihajlovne

Letter colleagues Alexander Alexandrovich Salnikov his wife Claudia Mikhailovna.- Treptow, 4 August 1945. -1 sheet (paper).-Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Handwritten, ink, writing the text on both sides.Electronic version (2 files, JPEG: 9 MB).users copying is not allowed.Letter colleagues Alexander Alexandrovich Salnikov his wife Claudia Mihajlovne on the occasion of wires home from the front.Text of letter begins: "Dear Claudia M. Today, August 4 we're friends and comrades in the service and combat cases your husband Alexander Alexandrovich bid farewell to his home to you M. Claudius in his favorite family ..." (author's spelling preserved).Signature: "... on behalf of a number of friends Alexei Pozdeev".At the end of the text of the date and place: Aug. 4, 1945.Mountains.Treptow - Germany.The letter was written on a piece of tetrad in a cage.- Salnikov, Alexander Alexandrovich (1905-1977) - the sergeant, a platoon commander supply 2 Rifle Battalion 132 Infantry Regiment, 27th Infantry Division of the Red Gdynia.RVC aims to Kuibyshev Leningrad 07.14.1941, he was awarded the Order of the Red Star (1945).The Great Patriotic War on the territory of Mecklenburg, Germany.Internet portal "Memory of Nation" used materials (https://pamyat-naroda.ru/).I. Salnikov, Claudia Mihaylovna.1.Salnikov, Claudia M. - Correspondence.2. The memory of the Great Victory (collection).3. The people (set).4. Russia in the people of (the collection).5. The Great Patriotic War - Letters from the Front - 1941 - 1945.BBK 63.3 (2) 622yu14electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: From the private collection
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