Toilers of agriculture of the Land of Tyumen. Prince 11. Immortal rear

Agricultural workers of the Land of Tyumen: [information and biographical publication: in 10 books.]. - Tyumen: TGSHA, 2006-2015. -
Responsible Editors: Book. 1-5 D. Zavodovskaya; Prince 6-10 L. G. Krikunova.
I. Zavodovskaya, Dzhalinda Vladimirovna (1930-). Ii. Krikunova, L. G.1. Territory (collection). 2. The people (collection). 3. Territory of Russia: Tyumen region (collection). 4. Tyumen Region: pages of history (collection). 5. Agriculture - History - Siberia West - Biographies. 6. Agriculture - Tyumen Region - Biographies. 7. Tyumen Region - History - Figures - Biographies.
BBK 63.3 (2Ros-4Tum) d
Prince 11: Immortal rear. - 2017. -535, [1] p. : portr., fot .. -900 copies. -ISBN 978-5-98346-059-1 .
Source of electronic copy: Tyumen BSS
Original storage: Tyumen BSS
ISBN 978-5-98346-059-1
Publisher ТГСХА