[Statistical data of villages Belozorovo and Kovalev] // Annals of settlements of the Belgorod region. 31th of December

[Statistical data of villages Belozorovo and Kovalev]: [news]. - -. -
December 31, 1996. As of December 31, 1996, 540 inhabitants live in 180 yards in the villages of Belozorovo and Kovalevo. In the autumn, the sheep farm was eliminated, with a population of 1,500 sheep. The drought of 1996 produced the following results: grain yield - 15 centners per hectare, sugar beet - 80 centners per hectare. / / Chronicle of settlements in the Belgorod region: the Bondar Tamara Mikhailovna, head of the Belozorovo rural library, chronicles / chronicles. - 31th of December. - 1996 .
I. Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. Belgorod region: pages of history (collection).
BBK 60.7
Source of electronic copy: Belgorod GUNB
Original storage: Belgorod GUNB
Catalogue object