Zemstvo assembly was held // Annals of settlements of the Belgorod region. December 17th

Zemsky meeting took place: [news]. - -. -
December 17, 1996. Zemstvo meeting took place. On the agenda was the issue of the distribution of responsibilities among members of the Zemsky Assembly. Resolved: Ya. F. Pogibelny - chairman; N. A. Boryskin - responsible for the implementation of the prodnalog; V. G. Zaika - responsible for the upbringing of children in educational institutions; MM Shkuropat - responsible for the sanitary-ecological state in the Matreno-Gezovsky rural district; I.P. Slyusar - secretary of the Zemsky Assembly; V.E. Rybalko - responsible for social issues; V. I. Shevchenko is responsible for enforcing law and order in the Matreno-Gezovsky rural district with youth. - December 17th. - 1996 .
I. Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. Belgorod region: pages of history (collection).
BBK 66.79
Source of electronic copy: Belgorod GUNB
Original storage: Belgorod GUNB
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