The administration of the Kalitvyansky rural district held a meeting of the local assembly // Annals of the settlements of the B...

A meeting of the Zemstvo Assembly was held in the administration of the Kalitvyansk rural district: [news]. - -. -
December 24, 1996. The administration of the Kalitvyansky rural district held a meeting of the district assembly, which addressed the following issues: on the implementation of the program of development of peasant farms in the territory of the rural district, the distribution of responsibilities between members of the district assembly of the Kalitvyansky rural district. // The Chronicle of the settlements of the Belgorod region: the chronicle / chronicle is Babich Tatyana Alekseevna, head of the Nikolaev rural library yoy - December 24th. - 1996 .
I. Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. Belgorod region: pages of history (collection).
BBK 66.79
Source of electronic copy: Belgorod GUNB
Original storage: Belgorod GUNB
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