The head of the Repensky rural administration L. G. Belova issued a resolution "On the compilation of the chronicle of settlemen...

L. G. Belova, the head of the Repensky rural administration, issued a resolution "On the compilation of a chronicle of settlements of the rural administration" " : [news]. - -. -
August 5, 1996. The head of the Repenskaya rural administration, L. G. Belova, issued a decree "On the compilation of a chronicle of settlements in the rural administration" . " In this regard, under the Repensky administration, a commission has been created to compile the chronicles of the native land in the following composition: the chairman is I. Ya. Alexandrov, a history teacher; Secretary - O. A. Pomogalova, head of the rural library. Commission members: T. I. Bibikova, chief accountant of the kolkhoz im. Kuybysheva, A. G. Korobelnikov, head of the club in the village of Studenny Well; T. A. Kurdyaeva, director of Repensky High School; L. G. Belova, head of administration; A. L. Korotaeva, teacher of Russian language and literature; E. N. Golubyatnikov, Director of Repensky DK; E. P. Shcherbakov, T. F. Ostryakova - pensioners. / / Chronicle of the settlements of the Belgorod region: the chronicle / chronicle is conducted by Pomogalova Olga Anatolievna, head of the Repinskaya Model Library. - 5th of August. - 1996 .
I. Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. Belgorod region: pages of history (collection).
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