The meeting of the closed joint-stock company "Verny Put" was held in the House of Culture of the village of Tyutyunikovo // An...

In the House of Culture of the village Tyutyunikovo, a meeting of the True Joint-Stock Company was held: [news]. - -. -
March 6, 1996. In the House of Culture in the village of Tyutyunikovo, a meeting of the closed joint-stock company Verny Put was held. The agenda addressed the issue: the election of the chairman of the economy. According to the results of the voting, Vladimir Ivanovich Duka, born in 1967, who had previously held the position of chief engineer of the economy, was elected chairman of the Faith Way Joint-Stock Company. - March, 6. - 1996 .
I. Belgorod State Universal Scientific Library. Belgorod region: pages of history (collection).
BBK 65.632.18
Source of electronic copy: Belgorod GUNB
Original storage: Belgorod GUNB
Catalogue object