Archival certificate about the death of Viktor Aleksandrovich Radzeevsky

Central archive of the Navy of the USSR (Leningrad).
Archival certificate about the death of Viktor Aleksandrovich Radzeevsky / Central Naval Archive. - Gatchina, 1974. -1 sheet, paper. -
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Help from the Central Naval Archive about the death of Viktor Aleksandrovich Radzeevsky. The certificate was compiled on July 19, 1974. On the front side, the text of the certificate: "M. Radzeevskaya. Dear Comrade. Radzeevskaya! According to archival documents, it was established that your husband is Lieutenant-Commander Viktor Aleksandrovich Radzeevsky, being the flagship navigator of the 1st trawling brigade of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, died on the minesweeper "MT-353" on September 8, 1944, together with the ship, as a result of a mine exploding on a mine in the Gulf of Narva ... ". At the end of the text of the certificate - the handwritten signature of the chief of the Central Naval Archive Tarasov. - Radzeevsky Viktor Alexandrovich (1910-1944) - Arctic captain-researcher and hydrograph, Honorary polar explorer of the USSR. In 1940, for services to the development of the Northern Sea Route, he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. At the beginning of World War II he volunteered for the front, served in the Baltic Fleet in the minesweeper division - drove convoys and individual ships between Kronstadt and Lavensari. In 1943, the team of V. A. Radzeevsky conducted 18 convoys and 11 separate ships. For courage and dedication awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree (1944). Captain-Lieutenant V. A. Radzeevsky died while performing a combat mission in the flagship cobrable of the minesweeper division on September 8, 1944 .
I. Radzeevsky, Victor Alexandrovich (1910-1944) .1. Radzeevsky, Viktor Alexandrovich (1910-1944) - Documents and materials. 2. The memory of the Great Victory (collection). 3. The people (collection). 4. Russia in the faces (collection). 5. Great Patriotic War - casualties - 1941 - 1945 - Documents and materials.
BBK 63.3 (2) 622-8ю1
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: From a private collection
Catalogue object