Documents of the Trophy Commission from the funds of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, engineering troops and communi...

Uspenskaya, Svetlana Vasilyevna (Candidate of Cultural Studies).
Documents of the Trophy Commission from the funds of the Military History Museum of Artillery, engineering troops and communications troops: the availability of museum collections in a new format: [video recording at the scientific-practical conference "Russian archives and Presidential Library: 10 years of cooperation", 26.03.2019, Presidential Library / Svetlana V. Uspenskaya, Deputy Director of the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Communications. - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2019. -Electronic data (1 video file). -
Title from accompanying document.
Duration: 25 minutes 37 seconds. Sound, color.
In the speech of the Deputy Director of the Military History Museum of Artillery, Engineering and Communication Troops Svetlana V. Uspenskaya, a joint project of the museum and the Presidential Library on digitization of materials of the Trophy Commission is told .
I. "Russian Archives and Presidential Library", scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg; 2019). Ii. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg) .1. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg, city) - Events - 2019 - Multimedia publications. 2. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg, city) - Cooperation - Museums - Multimedia publications. 3. Military History Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Communications (St. Petersburg, city) - Trophy collections - Multimedia publications. 4. The people (collection). 5. Presidential Library: yesterday, today, tomorrow (collection). 6. Archival documents - Digitization - Multimedia publications.
BBK 78.347.1 (2Ros) ББЯ04
BBK 79.16.6я04
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: PB
Publisher Президентская библиотека
Catalogue object