Experience of the Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg in transferring collections to electroni...

Morozan, Oksana Igorevna
Experience of the Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg on the translation of collections into electronic format: [video presentation at] scientific-practical conference "Russian Archives and Presidential Library: 10 years of cooperation", March 26, 201, Presidential Library / Oksana I. Morozan, Director of the Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg. - St. Petersburg: Presidential Library, 2019. -Electronic data (1 video file). -
Title from the accompanying document.
Duration: 16 min. 27 s. Sound, color.
Oksana Morozan, Director of the Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg, speaks about the history of the archive and highlights the achievements of the archive in the field of digitizing documents .
I. "Russian Archives and Presidential Library", scientific-practical conference (St. Petersburg; 2019). Ii. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg) .1. Presidential Library (St. Petersburg, city) - Events - 2019 - Multimedia publications. 2. Central State Archive of Cinema and Photo Documents of St. Petersburg - Funds - Multimedia publications. 3. The people (collection). 4. Archival documents - Digitization - Multimedia publications.
BBK 78.347.1 (2Ros) ББЯ04
BBK 79.347.1я04
BBK 79.36.6я04
Source of electronic copy: PB
Original storage: PB
Publisher Президентская библиотека
Catalogue object