Ancient metallurgy of Western Siberia. Lecture 6. Rental of the Altai Mining District by the Ministry of Finance (1830-1855)

Vedernikov, Vitaly Valerievich (Doctor of Historical Sciences; 1975-).
Ancient metallurgy of Western Siberia. Lecture 6. Rental of the Altai Mining District by the Ministry of Finance (1830-1855): video lecture / Vader Valedernich Vedernikov, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Altai Institute of Economics; worked on the video lectures: V. Vedernikov, N. Popova, A. Yesaulov. - Electronic data (1 video file). - Barnaul: AKUNB, 2017. - (We comprehend Altai: cultural and educational project). -
Systems. Requirements: 1 GHz PC or higher; RAM 512 MB or higher; Windows OS; Windows Media Player; video adapter; sound card.
Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.
Screen title.
On the title frames: Regional State Institution "Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library named after V.Ya. Shishkov", Altai Institute of economics, the St. Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics presents the "Old Metallurgy of Western Siberia". Vedernikov Vitaly Valerievich, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Altai Institute of Economics. Theme 6. Rental of the Altai Mining District by the Ministry of Finance (1830-1855).
The video lecture is presented in the framework of the cultural and educational project "Comprehending Altai".
Duration: 36 min 52 s. Color,
Multimedia electronic edition.
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I. Popova, Natalia Vladimirovna. Ii. Esaulov, Andrei Vladimirovich (1974-). Iii. Altai Institute of Economics (Barnaul). Iv. St. Petersburg University of Management and Economics. V. Altai Regional Universal Scientific Library. V. Ya. Shishkov (Barnaul) .1. Territory (collection). 2. Territory of Russia: Altai Republic (collection). 3. The territory of Russia: Altai Krai (collection). 4. The territory of Russia: Novosibirsk region (collection). 5. Territory of Russia: Tomsk region (collection). 6. The territory of Russia: Kemerovo region (collection). 7. The territory of Russia: the Republic of Khakassia (collection). 8. Industry - History - Altai - Multimedia publications. 9. Altai - History - Multimedia publications. 10. Video lectures.
BBK 63.3 (253.37) 52J04
BBK 65.03 (253.37) 52J04
Source of electronic copy: Altai KUNB
Original storage: Altai KUNB
Publisher АКУНБ
Catalogue object