Scenography of the Tatar theater: the main stages and patterns of development

Sultanova, Rauza Rifkatovna
Scenography of the Tatar theater: the main stages and patterns of development: (XX-XXI centuries): dissertation author's abstract for the degree of Doctor of Art History: specialty 17.00.04 / Sultanova Rauza Rifkatovna; St. Petersburg humanitarian un-t trade unions. - St. Petersburg, 2008. -26 p. ; 21 cm. -
Place of protection: St. Petersburg. humanitarian un-t trade unions. - Authors list of works: p. 25-26 (10 titles.). - Bibliogr. in a word space note.
. -100 copies .
1. Territory of Russia: Tatarstan, Republic (collection). 2. Year of theater in Russia (collection). 3. The Arctic, art history. 4. Theory and history of art. 5. Theater performances - Design - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations. 6. Theater productions - Design - USSR - Abstracts of dissertations. 7. Tatar Theater - 20 - 21 centuries. - Abstracts of dissertations.
BBK 85.330,77я031
BBK 85.334 / 338 (2 = 632.3) i031
Source of electronic copy: MGHPA them. S.G. Stroganov. Site
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