Contracts with artists taken on the imperial scene: Sauerweid, Corbio, Lindenstein, Senkler and Evest. Here is also about hiring...

Identifier c3d379cb-b28c-4ae7-889b-7c236eb39c80
Title Contracts with artists taken on the imperial scene: Sauerweid, Corbio, Lindenstein, Senkler and Evest. Here is also about hiring a house for servants of the Directorate and contracts with the printing-house Plavilshchikov and the keeper of the buffet in the Kamenny Theater of Kazassi
Dates 1799

Рукописный текст. Чернила

Text language Русский
Level Case
Call number РГИА. 497 / 1 / 21
Cataloguing source РГИА
Series 1746-1850.
Extent 18 листов
Creator Россия. Дирекция императорских театров
Fonds Directorate of Imperial Theaters MFA
Display format