Trip of V. G. Rasputin, S. V. Yamshchikov and M. D. Shostakovich to Athos, Greece (March 3-8, 2004).V. G. Rasputin and S. V. Yam...

Panteleev, Anatoly Viktorovich (1949-).Trip of V. G. Rasputin, S. V. Yamshchikov and M. D. Shostakovich to Athos, Greece (March 3-8, 2004).V. G. Rasputin and S. V. Yamshchikov in the monastery of St. Panteleimon.[1]: [photo] / phot.A.V. Panteleev.- Athos, March 2004. - Digital printing, color.-Access mode: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title from the accompanying document.Photo information provided by the author.Electronic reproduction (1 file, JPEG: 0.4 MB).Copying by users is not permitted..1. Rasputin, Valentin G. (1937 - 2015) - Photos.2. Yamshchikov, Savely Vasilievich (1938 - 2009) - Photos.3. Athos Russian Panteleimon Monastery - Photos.4. The people (collection).5. Russia in persons (collection).6. Russia and the countries of the world (collection).7. Russia - Greece: from the history of relations (collection).8. Documentary photographs.BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) 6-8a611BBK 63.3 (4Gre) 64ya611BBK 63.3 (2) 64-8y611Source of electronic copy: From a private collectionOriginal storage: From a private collection
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