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Seals, Constantine A. (1937).Childhood.War.Blockade.The road of life.Win: dedicated to the 75 anniversary Leningrad blockade: [memory] / Konstantin Sal'nikov.- St. Petersburg, 2019. -199, [1] s.: Yl, col..yl .. -Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.users copying is not allowed.Salnikov Konstantin (1937) - a resident of besieged Leningrad.In August 1942 he was evacuated with his family in the Tyumen region.After the war he returned to Leningrad, in 1945, I went to school.Since 1955, he worked on the license plant n / I 518, where he specialized collector of aircraft instruments.Military service on the ships of the Baltic Fleet cryptographer.In 1975 he graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Aviation Instrument Engineering, worked at the factory lead designer.In 1989 he was appointed deputy director of the Pushkin House Russian Academy of Sciences, where he worked until 2005.Author of the books: "The memories of our family life," "Childhood War Siege Road of Life Victory....."-ISBN 978-5-7320-1325-2.1. Memory of the Great Victory (collection).2. The people (set).3. The Siege of Leningrad - Fiction - 1941 - 1944 - Collections.4. Hudozhetsvennaya Literature - Russian Federation - Collections.BBK 63.3 (2-2SPb) 622,11ya43BBK 84 (2 = 411.2) 6ya43an electronic copy of the source: from private collectionThe storage location of the original: From the private collection
ISBN | 978-5-7320-1325-2 |
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