Features forecasting gross regional product (in the case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))

Okhlopkov, Gavril NikolayevichFeatures forecasting gross regional product (in the case of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)): the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Okhlopkov Gavril Nikolayevich;[Scientific.hands.Dan.EI Efremov;North-Eastern.Feder.Univ them.Ammosov].- Yakutsk, 2018. -26 p.: Yl.;21. -Bibliogr .: p.23-26 (26 references.)..-100 copies..I. Efremov, Edward I. (Dr. Econ. Sciences) .1.The area (collection).2. Power (collection).3. Economics and management of national economy (regional economy).BBK 65.012.3 (2Ros.Yaku) ya031electronic copy Source: NEFU.Site
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