History of the USSR.Vol.10. The Great October Socialist Revolution and the Civil War

History of the USSR: Album of visual aids: [No. 14] / [prepared by researchers of the History and the party office of the Higher School of Party organizers of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) under the direction of ZA Zhdanova;executive editor of The Professor and the swan] - Moscow: OGIZ: State Publishing House of Political Literature, 1939 - 1952 - 73h109 cm -I Zhdanov, Zinaida Alexandrovna II Lebedev, Vladimir Ivanovich (historian; 1894-1966) III High school party organizers of the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) (Moscow) 1 History - Visual aids - Albums 2 Russia - History - AlbumsLBC 633 (2) ya61electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NLRNo. 10: The Great October Socialist Revolution and the Civil War / [managing editor Prof. AL Sidorov;EA was Lutsky;With the artists Zaitsev, Zaitsev H] - 1948 (at location 1949) -35 Dep l yl, Portree cards -On the year of publication location: 1949Contains: 1 Arrival VI Lenin in Russia;2 Struggle of the Bolshevik Party for the masses April-August 1917;3 policy of the Provisional Government;4 The growth of the revolutionary crisis in 1917, the Autumn;5 Tips on the eve of the October uprising;6 armed uprising in Petrograd, 24-25 October 1917;7 II All-Russia Congress of Soviets, 25-26 October 1917;8 The victory of the proletarian revolution in Moscow;9 Rout anti-Soviet rebellion Kerensky-Krasnov;10 The establishment of Soviet power in October 1917 - March 1918;11 The first steps of socialist construction;12 III All-Russian Congress of Soviets in January 10-18 1918;13 Creation of the Red Army;14 The socialist revolution in the countryside;15 Organization of Soviet power under the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1918;16 The German intervention in 1918;17 The beginning of the intervention in the Entente;18 The counter-revolution in the rear in 1918;19 intervention and civil war in the South Caucasus and Central Asia in 1918;20 The Soviet Union - a military camp;21 The defense of Tsaritsyn in 1918;22 Rout German invaders;23 offensive Kolchak;24 Kolchak Rout;25 The Defense of Petrograd in 1919;26 offensive Denikina;27 The defeat of Denikin;28 disruption of the country against intervention and blockade;29 The heroism of the workers in the rear;30 policy of the Soviet power in the countryside;31 The war against Polish gentry in 1920;32 Rout Wrangel;33 The release of the Caucasus and Central Asia;34 The defeat of the Japanese intervention in 1920-1922;35 generals of the Red Army - in the folderI Sidorov, A L II Lutsky, EA III Zaitsev, C (artist) IV Zaitsev, H (artist) 1 Power (collection) 2 people (collection) 3 area (collection) 4 Academic Publishing history (collection) 5 History -- Visual aids - Albums 6 Great October socialist revolution - 1917 - 7 Albums Civil war and military intervention in Russia - History - 1918 - 1920 - 8 Albums Russia - History - Albums 9 Russia - History -- 1917 - 1922 - AlbumsLBC 633 (2) ya61LBC 633 (2) 611ya61LBC 633 (2) 612ya61electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: NLR
Publisher ОГИЗ Государственное издательство политической литературы
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