The aesthetic potential of the cultural space of the provincial city (on materials of Irkutsk XIX century.)

Tripuzov, Michael G.The aesthetic potential of the cultural space of the provincial city (on materials of Irkutsk XIX century.): The thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of cultural science: specialty 24.00.01 / Tripuzov Michael G.;[A protection Place: Vost.-Sib.state.Institute of Culture].- Ulan-Ude, 2017. -23 p.;21. -Bibliogr .: p.21-23 (14 references.) And in footnotes.Note..1. People (collection).2. The area (collection).3. Theory and History of Culture.4. History.Historical Sciences - Russia - Culture.Ideology.Life - Irkutsk Oblast - Irkutsk city.5. Irkutsk, the city - Culture - 19.- Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 63.3 (28-8Irk-2Irkutsk) 52ya031electronic copy Source: East Siberian State.Institute of Culture.Website
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