Features of formation and evaluation of economic policy for the modernization of fixed assets in the northern region

Krapivin, DmitryFeatures of formation and evaluation of economic policy for the modernization of fixed assets in the northern region: the thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences: specialty 08.00.05 / Dmitry Krapivin;[Inst ehkon.Problems.GPLuzin.Qty.scientific.center.Russian Academy of Sciences].- Apatity, 2015. -22 p.: Il .. -Protection Location: Moorman.state.tehn.Univ.- List of works with authors .:.20-22 (13 references.)..1. The area (collection).2. Development of the Arctic (collection).3. Economics and management of national economy.4. The economic policy of regional - Russian Federation - Abstracts of dissertations.5. Regional Economy - Russian Federation - North - Abstracts of dissertations.BBK 65.9 (21) ya031electronic copy Source: Murmansk State Technical University.Website
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