Bulletin of Scientific and Technical Committee of the Navy NC.3 (8).Materials about the combat damage to Navy ships in the campa...

Scientific and Technical Committee of the Navy NC.Bulletin of Science and Technology Committee of the Tax Code of the Navy / People's Commissariat of the Navy of the USSR.- Leningrad: [B.and., 1940-1943].-.I. USSR.People's Commissariat for Naval flota.1.Power (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: TSVMB3 (8): Proceedings of the combat damage to Navy ships in the campaign of 1941 and their behavior under different conditions of service in wartime.Sec.1, the battleship.Vol.1. The battleship "October Revolution" of the Baltic Fleet.- Moscow;Leningrad: Gos.voen.-mor.publ NKVMF USSR 1942. -101 [1] s., 1 liter.yl..: Table, IL .. -Ind.№ 86.On the region.publ: Voenmorizdat.At Titus.l.Only private Zagli.volume.Ind .: p Manuscript.litter..1. Power (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: TSVMB
Publisher Гос. воен.-мор. изд-во НКВМФ СССР