History of the war in 1814 in France and the deposition of Napoleon I, according to reliable sources.T. 2. encompasses applicati...

Bogdanovic, M.History of the war in 1814 in France and the deposition of Napoleon I, according to reliable sources / Vol.Lieutenant-General M. Bogdanovich.- St. Petersburg: Type.V. Spiridonov, 1865. -.Napoleon I. I.1.Power (collection).2. The area (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: TSVMBT. 2: encompasses applications, maps and plans.- A type.K. Wolf, 1865. - [4], 234 [2] with 4 l..plan.: Table .. -Part of the text on the French.and it.lang.Bibliography.in the text..1. Power (collection).2. The area (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: TSVMB
Publisher Тип. К. Вульфа