Experience the history of the development of the strategy and tactics of wage and standing armies of the new states.Vol.1. The R...

Agapeev AlexanderExperience the history of the development of the strategy and tactics of wage and standing armies of the new states.- St. Petersburg: [B.and] 1902.. -.1. Power (collection).2. The people (set).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: TSVMBVol.1: Renaissance Arts and Sciences.- "Capital Skoropechatnya" SHZolotukhin, 1902. - [347] s.Sec.pag. 11 l.yl.: Silt, Table .. -.Bibliography.in the text and footnotes.Note .. - Copy .: no region, with darstva..inscription Grigory Hristani..I. Hristani Gregory Grigorevich.1.Power (collection).2. The people (set).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: TSVMB
Publisher "Столичная скоропечатня" С.Х. Золотухина