Memory Collection of Anna Pavlovna Filosofova.T. 2. Articles and materials

Collection in memory of Anna Pavlovna Filosofova: T. 1-2.- Petrograd: T in R. Golike and EAVilborg, 1915 m -2.;28. -Zagli.Memory region .: APFilosofova.1837-1912.Zagli.each volume in the Dep.tit.l..I. Filosofova, Anna Pavlovna (1837-1912).electronic copy Source: PBT. 2: Articles and materials.- T in R. E. and GolikeVilborg, 1915. -V, [4], 93, 181 p., [1] L.tracings, 23 l.PORTRAIT., yl., fax.: Il .. -Part of the text on the text..1. People (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSU
Publisher Т-во Р. Голике и Е.А. Вильборг