Summer trip naturalist

Nikolsky AMSummer trip naturalist: 155 the text: the plant;animals, scenes from the life of animals, types of terrain, types of residents.24 Dep.Table./ AMNikolsky, Dr. zoology, priv.-Assoc.St. Petersburg.Univ ml.zoologist Zool.Acad museum.Sciences.- St. Petersburg: Publishing House.T-wa "Knowledge", 1900. -VI, [1], 240, [1] p. 23 l.yl.: Yl .. - (Illustrated library "Natural history and geography" Red KP Pyatnitskiy; № 1.).-On the region .: Third thousand.On the region.aut .: AMNikolsky, Dr. zoology.Contains .: 1. In Turkestan.2. On the Arctic Ocean.3. Northern Persia.4. On Sakhalin.- Copy .: a Manuscript.litter., def .: yl.№ X is absent..1. The area (collection).electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: LSU
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