Composition, structure and function of lexical semantic group "dendronimy" in the art text beginning XX century

Isakov, Anastasia AndreevnaThe composition, structure and function of the lexical-semantic group "dendronimy" in a literary text the beginning of XX century (based on the poetry of the Silver Age): thesis abstract on competition of a scientific degree of Candidate of Philology: Specialty 10.02.01 "Russian language> / Isakov Anastasia Andreevna;[Brjan.state.Univ them.Petrovskii].- Voronezh, 2011. -23 p.;21 cm .. -Bibliogr .: p.21-22 (7 titles.)..-100 copies..1. Russian (collection).2. Russian language.BBK 81.411.2-315.5ya031BBK 81.411.2-55ya031BBK 83.3 (2 = 411.2) -45ya031electronic copy Source: KSU.Website
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