Long live our brave men and women guerillas!

Aladzhalov Semen I. (1902 - 1987).Long live our brave men and women guerillas![Izomaterial: electronic resource]: [poster] / artists Bro.S. and Art.Aladjalova;Editor V. Bespalov.- Electronic data (2 files: 23.6 MB).- (St. Petersburg Presidential Library, 2020).-Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Title screen.Under the image - the text on combating partisans against the Nazi invaders.Electronic Poster: Long live our brave men and women guerillas![Izomaterial] / artists Bro.S. and Art.Aladjalova;Editor V. Bespalov.Moscow;Leningrad: Art 1944 (Type "red printer.").Sheet 1: chromolithograph;53h43 cm. L 23415, 1 p.50 in. 25,000 copies.Location: Military-Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps Defense Ministry.users copying is not allowed..I. Aladzhalov, Stepan Ivanovich (1903 - 1969).II.Bespalov, V..1.People (collection).2. The memory of the Great Victory (collection).3. The Great Patriotic War - Soviet agitation and propaganda - 1941 - 1945 - Posters.4. The Great Patriotic War - guerrilla movement - 1941 - 1945 - Posters.5. Posters - USSR - 1941 - 1945.BBK 63.3 (2) 622ya61electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps of Defense of the Russian Federation
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