Cipher telegram from advisor of Soviet Embassy in Italy L. B. Gelfand to the NKID (the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs...

Title Cipher telegram from advisor of Soviet Embassy in Italy L. B. Gelfand to the NKID (the People's Commissariat for Foreign Affairs) of the USSR about a conversation with Foreign Minister for Foreign Affair of Italy G. Ciano on the political capitulation of France, the Anglo-German negotiation in Munich and the time of the entry into force of the Anglo-Italian agreement of April 16, 1938.
Dates October 2, 1938.
Notes Certified copy
Text language Russian
Call number АВП РФ. Ф. 059. Оп. 1. П. 282. Д. 1960. Л. 125-126
Original location Archives of Foreign Policy of the Russian Federation
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