Secret agent information from the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff “Hitler's secret proposals to the British govern...

Title Secret agent information from the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff “Hitler's secret proposals to the British government”. Cover letter from the Head of the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff A. Nikonov to Soviet Deputy People's Commissar of Military and Naval Affairs M. Y. Berzin and the Head of the 3rd Department of the 4th Directorate of the Red Army General Staff Tukhachevsky of 4 July 1933 with attached secret agent information. Secret agent information - copy, cover letter - original.
Dates Before 4 July 1933
Notes Agent material - copy, cover letter - original. Sheet Numbering
Call number РГВА. Ф. 33988. Оп. 3а. Д. 327. Л. 51-47
Original location Russian State Military Archives
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