Physical cultural educator, as an essential factor of its professionalism // Teacher professionalism: the nature, content and pr...

Zagoruiko, Vitali Ivanovich (1943-2019).Physical cultural educator, as an essential factor of its professional / VI Zagoruiko.- -.-The electronic fund of the Presidential Library contains materials relatives Zagoruiko VI .: Natalia Novikova Yefimovna (mother), Zagoruiko Ivan (father), Novikova Agrippina Petrovna (grandmother), Novikov Peter Yefimovich (uncle).Zagoruiko Vitaly Ivanovich (1943-2019) was born in the besieged Leningrad.He graduated from Leningrad Mechanical Institute, worked as an engineer at the Leningrad Electro-Mechanical Plant.He received a second degree at the Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture.PFLesgaft, at the end worked as a teacher of physical culture and LITMO LEMT, co-author of a textbook on physical training // Teacher professionalism: the nature, content and prospects: materials of the International scientific-practical konferentsiiMoskva, 2016 - Part 2. - S. 261-263, 25-26 (Appendix).1. People (collection).2. Physical education and sport - Teaching - Quality.BBK 74.200.55electronic copy Source: PBThe storage location of the original: From the private collection
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