On the introduction of amendments to certain sanitary and epidemiological rules in terms of bringing the terminology used therei...

Russian Federation.Chief Medical Officer.On the introduction of amendments to certain sanitary and epidemiological rules in terms of bringing the terminology used therein in accordance with the federal laws of 21.11.2011 number 323-FZ "On the basis of public health protection in the Russian Federation" and of 12.04.2010 number 61-FZ "Oncirculation of medicines ": Resolution of the Chief state sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2016 № 76. - Electronic text data (10 files).- (Moscow: GlavNIVTs UDP RF, 2018).-Access: Internet portal of the Presidential Library.Zagli.from the title page.Electronic version: Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 10.06.2016 number 76 "On Amendments to Certain sanitary-epidemiological rules in terms of bringing the terminology used therein in accordance with the federal laws of 21.11.2011 number 323-FZ" On the basis of protectionhealth of citizens in the Russian Federation "and of 12.04.2010 number 61-FZ" on circulation of medicines "..1. Prevention and control of epidemics in Russia (the collection).electronic copy Source: PB